13 research outputs found


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    The economic crunch created a specific context for activity and profitability failing. The corruption is more and more common in our days. In the same time, the amount of money lost by businesses and the public sector to larger frauds increased last year to unthinkable limits. The shareholders expect the directors to take care to protect their company’s assets. This is why the financial controller has a very important role in each organization. The techniques to detect corruption or a fraud are developing every year. Thus, the introduction of computerized accounting has created the opportunities to conduct very comprehensive tests at relatively little cost. However, the fraudsters became more and more clever, and the controllers are responsible for the prevention and detection of fraud. The procedures that controllers should adopt with regard to fraud depend on the risk that fraud could occur and remain undetected and also the risk of that fraud impairing the truth and fairness of the statement.corruption; fraud; internal control; internal audit; business fraud


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    Companies can gain additional efficiency in designing and implementing or assessing internal control by focusing on only those financial reporting objectives directly applicable to the company’s activities and circumstances, taking a risk based approach to internal control. It is important for any organization to have reliable financial data for internal decision-making purpose. Financial information is often useful in many internal decisions such as product or service pricing. This is why the most important function of the controller is to create and maintain the corporate financial control system. Today’s corporation operates in an increasingly complex environment and the controller’s role is to advice the management of current or future problems of the business environment or to prevent the fraud.internal control; business risks; control framework; efficacy of internal control

    Fraud, corruption in the private sector and internal control quality

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    The global economic crunch had a big impact on the private sector all over the world. Media and controllers presented cases of corruption in business and identified special areas where companies, governments, investors, consumers and stakeholders can contribute to stop fraud and corruption. Controllers and auditors are rebuilding public trust in the accounting profession, in order to provide high-quality training, regulation, specialist knowledge and professional advice.Fraud and corruption are strongly connected in the private sector and the level of corruption in the last few years remains very high, despite the efforts of governments to reduce it. It is well known that local and multinational companies are paying bribes in order to win public contracts or benefits. The level of fraud became very high during the economic crunch, due to the globalization and expansion of computer systems. All the data is on-line on the computer systems and has became very vulnerable.  Thus, the governments are becoming more interested in securing the computer information and financial data. 

    Efficacy of internal control and controlling business risks

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    Companies can gain additional efficiency in designing and implementing or assessing internal control by focusing on only those financial reporting objectives directly applicable to the company’s activities and circumstances, taking a risk based approach to internal control. It is important for any organization to have reliable financial data for internal decision-making purpose. Financial information is often useful in many internal decisions such as product or service pricing. This is why the most important function of the controller is to create and maintain the corporate financial control system. Today’s corporation operates in an increasingly complex environment and the controller’s role is to advice the management of current or future problems of the business environment or to prevent the fraud. 

    Corruption and internal control weaknesses. Case study Romania

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    Corruption represents one of the major causes of poverty all over the world and European Union is fighting against it. In the last few years, the corruption phenomenon registered a high level in some European countries and became one of the most problematic factors for doing business, due to the evolution of the perceived top five global risks: interstate conflict and regional consequences, extreme weather events, failure of national governance, state collapse or crises, high structural unemployment or underemployment              (WEF-Global Risk Report 2015, p. 14).One of the modalities in combating corruption is implementing the internal control and most of the governments and organizations adopted strong control techniques. Most of the control weaknesses are related to the financial procedures and the number of controllers. Some of the controllers do not have enough financial expertise or do not understand the importance of informatics systems.

    The Fiscal and Financial Control Reform in Romania and Turkey: A Comparative Study

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     After Romania became a member of the European Union in 2007, acquis communautaire became part of the Romanian national legislation and although Turkey is not a member of the EU, the accession process as a candidate country covers many sectors, such as: taxation, statistic, environment, financial control, etc. Since 2007 Romania recorded a strong economic growth, making best use of EU structural funds to enhance investment, innovation, and employment. Turkey is a candidate country and a strategic partner for the European Union with a dynamic economy. Turkey applied to join the European Economic Community in 1987 and it was declared eligible to join the EU in 1997. Finally, the accession negotiations were opened with Turkey in October 2005 and in the last years many reforms have been implemented.The aim of this paper is to present a comparative study between fiscal and financial control reform in Romania and Turkey, the evolution of fiscal and financial reforms in Romania, and the major problems seen in the public fiscal system in Turkey.

    Internal control, corruption and money laundering

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    The global financial crises created a different context for the economic growth and globalization. In the last few years, five risks have been designated as “risks to watch”, as survey respondents assessed them with high levels of variance and low levels of confidence while experts[1] consider they may have severe, unexpected or underappreciated consequences: cyber-security, demographic challenges, resource security, retrenchment from globalization, weapons of mass destruction. Strongly connected to these risks others are important to analyze: corruption, illegal trade and money laundering. There is a strong relation between corruption and money laundering. During the economic crunch the level of corruption and fraud had scientifically increased.Internal control could be a good instrument to reduce corruption and to stop the illegal trade and money laundering. Internal control is a dynamic integral process that is continuously adapting to the changes an organization is facing[1] www.weforum.org – The Global Risks Report 2010-2011

    Corruption, fraud and internal control

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    The economic crunch created a specific context for activity and profitability failing. The corruption is more and more common in our days. In the same time, the amount of money lost by businesses and the public sector to larger frauds increased last year to unthinkable limits. The shareholders expect the directors to take care to protect their company’s assets. This is why the financial controller has a very important role in each organization. The techniques to detect corruption or a fraud are developing every year. Thus, the introduction of computerized accounting has created the opportunities to conduct very comprehensive tests at relatively little cost. However, the fraudsters became more and more clever, and the controllers are responsible for the prevention and detection of fraud. The procedures that controllers should adopt with regard to fraud depend on the risk that fraud could occur and remain undetected and also the risk of that fraud impairing the truth and fairness of the statement. 


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    The global economic crunch had a big impact on the private sector all over the world. Media and controllers presented cases of corruption in business and identified special areas where companies, governments, investors, consumers and stakeholders can contribute to stop fraud and corruption. Controllers and auditors are rebuilding public trust in the accounting profession, in order to provide high-quality training, regulation, specialist knowledge and professional advice.Fraud and corruption are strongly connected in the private sector and the level of corruption in the last few years remains very high, despite the efforts of governments to reduce it. It is well known that local and multinational companies are paying bribes in order to win public contracts or benefits. The level of fraud became very high during the economic crunch, due to the globalization and expansion of computer systems. All the data is on-line on the computer systems and has became very vulnerable. Thus, the governments are becoming more interested in securing the computer information and financial data.fraud; corruption; internal control; business risks; control framework

    Bureaucracy and Corruption in Public Sector Accounting

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    Bureaucracy and corruption represent major causes of fiscal crises, and structural unemployment all over the world. According to WEF 2014 Global Risk Report, the bureaucracy has a high level in European countries and appreciation is growing that high historical rates of economic progress, especially those experienced by emerging markets, may not be sustainable in the future.  Corruption is growing in a changing global environment and is considered one of the most important geopolitical risks. Most of the time, corruption is associated with fraud and money laundering. European growing cities and public administration have a strong influence over bureaucracy in public sector accounting and more time to process the accounting and fiscal information.