1,783 research outputs found

    Localized Asymmetric Atomic Matter Waves in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates Coupled with Two Photon Microwave Field

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    We investigate localized atomic matter waves in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates coupled by the two photon microwave field. Interestingly, the oscillations of localized atomic matter waves will gradually decay and finally become non-oscillating behavior even if existing coupling field. In particular, atom numbers occupied in two different hyperfine spin states will appear asymmetric occupations after some time evolution.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Experimental observation of the Bogoliubov transformation for a Bose-Einstein condensed gas

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    Phonons with wavevector q/â„Źq/\hbar were optically imprinted into a Bose-Einstein condensate. Their momentum distribution was analyzed using Bragg spectroscopy with a high momentum transfer. The wavefunction of the phonons was shown to be a superposition of +q and -q free particle momentum states, in agreement with the Bogoliubov quasiparticle picture.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, please take postscript version for the best version of Fig

    Sequential superradiant scattering from atomic Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We theoretically discuss several aspects of sequential superradiant scattering from atomic Bose-Einstein condensates. Our treatment is based on the semiclassical description of the process in terms of the Maxwell-Schroedinger equations for the coupled matter-wave and optical fields. First, we investigate sequential scattering in the weak-pulse regime and work out the essential mechanisms responsible for bringing about the characteristic fan-shaped side-mode distribution patterns. Second, we discuss the transition between the Kapitza-Dirac and Bragg regimes of sequential scattering in the strong-pulse regime. Finally, we consider the situation where superradiance is initiated by coherently populating an atomic side mode through Bragg diffraction, as in studies of matter-wave amplification, and describe the effect on the sequential scattering process.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Proceedings of LPHYS'06 worksho

    Suppression and enhancement of impurity scattering in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Impurity atoms propagating at variable velocities through a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate were produced using a stimulated Raman transition. The redistribution of momentum by collisions between the impurity atoms and the stationary condensate was observed in a time-of-flight analysis. The collisional cross section was dramatically reduced when the velocity of the impurities was reduced below the speed of sound of the condensate, in agreement with the Landau criterion for superfluidity. For large numbers of impurity atoms, we observed an enhancement of atomic collisions due to bosonic stimulation. This enhancement is analogous to optical superradiance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Strongly enhanced inelastic collisions in a Bose-Einstein condensate near Feshbach resonances

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    The properties of Bose-Einstein condensed gases can be strongly altered by tuning the external magnetic field near a Feshbach resonance. Feshbach resonances affect elastic collisions and lead to the observed modification of the scattering length. However, as we report here, this is accompanied by a strong increase in the rate of inelastic collisions. The observed three-body loss rate in a sodium Bose-Einstein condensation increased when the scattering length was tuned to both larger or smaller values than the off-resonant value. This observation and the maximum measured increase of the loss rate by several orders of magnitude are not accounted for by theoretical treatments. The strong losses impose severe limitations for using Feshbach resonances to tune the properties of Bose-Einstein condensates. A new Feshbach resonance in sodium at 1195 G was observed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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