3 research outputs found

    Contribution of the Therapeutic Education to the Reduction of the Viral Load with the People Living with HIV in Ivory Coast: Case of the General Hospital of Dabou

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    Our research explores the adoption of the new approach for managing the insertion of HIV patients in the public hospital of Dabou, Ivory Coast.  Our study of phenomenological type is in a context of the spread of the pandemic of the virus HIV forth 20th century (HIV/AIDS). With a big influence in sub-Saharan Africa, the complexity of the antiretroviral treatment, its side effects and especially risks of vial resistance. What justifies the use of therapeutic education throughout the whole process of recovery in France as well as in Ivory Coast? We used the public hospital of Dabou because of the strong group of people living with a high viral load of HIV in this town. Our aim is to show how therapeutic education can reduce the viral load among the people living with the HIV and treated at the public hospital of Dabou. Our sample is about 200 persons living with a high viral load which is over 5000 ml of blood; we have been having one individual session and two group sessions with each of them. Our results confirm the usefulness of the therapeutic education in the care of people living with HIV for the reducing of their viral load. Keywords: Therapeutic education, viral load, Detectable, Undetectable. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/90-08 Publication date:June 30th 2021


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    In this article, we study the influence of Agriculture Innovation ecosystem on food security through the contribution of Belt and Road Initiative. We identify strategy which foster agriculture mechanization adoption in developing countries.  The innovation ecosystem is the large and diverse range of resources and participants that are necessary and contribute to continuous innovation in an economy. These include investors, entrepreneurs, technical and business development service providers, and researchers amongst others. We engage with agriculture Innovation Ecosystems thinking to consider the ways in which it might enhance efforts to create multi-actor, cross-sectoral innovation that are capable of supporting transitions to sustainable agricultural systems across multiple scale, hence achieving food security (Pigford, Hickey, & Klerkx, 2018). According to the world health organization (WHO) in the state of food security and nutrition in the world 2018, new evidence this year corroborates the rise in world hunger observed in this report last year, sending a warning that more action is needed if we aspire to end world hunger and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. Through the “belt and road” initiative by the Chinese government, many international students got the opportunity to study in China, and act as a bridge between their respective countries and China (Yu, Qian, & Liu, 2019). In addition, as home country of great number of manufacturing companies, China promote agriculture mechanization and provide agricultural machinery to belt and road countries (de Soyres, Mulabdic, Murray, Rocha, & Ruta, 2019). These strategies have an impact in achieving food security worldwide (Zhang, Zhang, Tian, Liu, & Zhang, 2018). We speak of food security "when all people, at all times, have economic, social and physical access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that satisfies their nutritional needs and dietary preferences to enable them to live active and healthy lives" stated by Food and Agriculture organization. For this research, we attempted to show how “belt and road” initiative contribute to food security. Keywords: Agriculture Innovation ecosystem, Agricultural mechanization, China, belt and road, food security. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-4-03 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Website Dimensions And E-Trust, Disposition, Perceived Risk, And Online Self-Efficacy: Technology Acceptance Model in China and Ivory Coast Context

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    Recent technological advancement and easy access to internet led to great improvements in business performances, especially the banking sector. The internet enables efficient transactions on hand-held gadgets such as smart phones and personal computers. Though there are numerous benefits, fraud and cyber-crimes via online system created scepticism from people and lack of trust in such systems has caused relatively slow growth of technology acceptance. This study model aims to examine the disposition, perceived risks, website dimensions and e-trust, and online self-efficacy influence an individual’s perception of the digitalization of the economy. For the purpose of the study, questionnaires were issued in various social platforms like Facebook and twitter to collect data and a total of 3000 respondents were sampled out of a group of millions. There was a significant difference in the results obtained from educated and uneducated individuals. Also, the male gender had an upper hand in computer skills than females. The results of the data collection method would be used to explain the effects of e-trust and the risks perceived for further research. Keywords: websites dimensions and e-trust, disposition, perceived risks, and online self-efficacy. DOI: 10.7176/IKM/9-3-10 Publication date:March 31st 201