36 research outputs found

    Changes in Blood Pressure after the First Dose of Calcitonin (Elcatonin)

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    We had found previously that calcitonin treatment (elcatonin once a week for 10 weeks) results in significant decreases in blood pressure. The aim of the present study was to determine whether these effects were due to a cumulative effect of elcatonin or could be elicited by treatment with a single dose. To this end, we recruited 62 patients (eight men, 54 women; mean age 83 years; range 67-101 years) with a chief complaint of lower back pain to the present study and examined changes in blood pressure following administration of the first dose of elcatonin. All subjects in the study had been hospitalized either at our institution or an affiliated hospital. After acute phase symptoms had settled, subjects received 1 U (1mL), i.m., elcatonin S20. Blood pressure was measured the day before the first scheduled treatment and on the day of treatment. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased from 2 h after administration, and dropped significantly 4 and 6 h after administration. Therefore, elcatonin decreased blood pressure without first having to be accumulated in the body. There are several possible explanations for the results, including effects mediated by changes in concentrations of calcitonin gene-related peptide and calcium ions, as well as involvement of the parasympathetic nervous system. In conclusion, calcitonin inhibits bone resorption and pain, lowers blood pressure, and is easy to use in elderly patients who exhibit age-related increases in blood pressure

    Effects of 3 Years of Treatment with a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis on Markers of Bone Turnover and Bone Mineral Density

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    Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the changes in bone mineral density and bone turnover markers in long-term SERM. Methods: The study was performed on 25 female outpatients with primary osteoporosis treated at the Osteoporosis Department of Showa University School of Medicine. All patients had been on raloxifene (60mg/day) for ≥ 3 years. The mean patient age was 67.1 years and the women were, on average, 18.4 years postmenopausal. Levels of bone turnover markers (urinary naltrexone [NTX] and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase [BAP]) and bone mineral density (BMD; front lumbar vertebrae, three proximal femur sites, and two distal radius sites) were determined before and then annually after starting raloxifene for a period of 3 years. Results: Over the 3-year treatment period, significant decreases were seen in both urinary NTX and BAP levels. Although BMD of the lumbar vertebrae and distal radius was increased over the 3 years after initiation of raloxifene treatment, the difference failed to reach statistical significance. The BMD of the femoral neck decreased, whereas that of the femoral trochanter and femoral intertrochanter area increased. Conclusions: The selective estrogen receptor modulator raloxifene is suitable for the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal patients because it reduces bone turnover while maintaining adequate bone density

    The Relationship Between Serum Homocysteine Levels and Vertebral Fractures

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    Serum homocysteine and pentosidine levels have attracted attention as associated markers of bone quality, which affects bone strength. We examined the relationship of serum homocysteine levels with existing vertebral fractures and renal function. We evaluated 279 of 960 osteoporosis outpatients (12 men, 267 women; mean age, 72 years) whose serum homocysteine levels had been measured in our department. Using a glomerular filtration rate (GFR)-based chronic renal failure severity classification system, we divided patients into three groups: G1/G2, G3a/G3b/G4, and G5. We further divided the patients in the G1/G2 and G3a/G3b/G4 groups into two subgroups on the basis of the presence of fractures. Vertebral fractures were significantly more frequent when serum homocysteine levels were high in the G1/G2 group (P = 0.002). Serum homocysteine levels were lower in patients in the G1/G2 group than the G3a/G3b/G4 group despite the presence or absence of vertebral fractures (P < 0.001). Significant differences in serum homocysteine levels were also seen between patients with and without vertebral fractures in both the G1/G2 and G3a/G3b/G4 groups (P = 0.02). There were also significant correlations between GFR and serum homocysteine levels in both the G1/G2 and G3a/G3b/G4 groups (correlation coefficients, −0.43 and −0.65, respectively; P < 0.001). A negative correlation was observed between serum homocysteine levels and GFR in the G1/G2 and G3a/G3b/G4 groups, and we were able to reaffirm that serum homocysteine levels are affected by renal function. In the G1/G2 group, the prevalence of vertebral fractures was significantly higher in patients with high serum homocysteine levels. Even if renal function was poor, serum homocysteine levels were significantly higher in patients with vertebral fractures. Thus, serum homocysteine is a valid marker of bone quality

    Relationships between Markers of Bone Metabolism Used in the Treatment of Osteoporosis

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    Various markers of bone metabolism are used in the treatment of osteoporosis as they can help assess the condition of bony tissue/bone metabolism and can help predict the likelihood of fractures and bone loss in the near future. We investigated correlations between various bone metabolism markers to ascertain which could be used as a universal marker of bone metabolism and its associated care. Subjects comprised 144 female patients treated for osteoporosis at this facility between January and December 2009, in whom the following bone metabolism markers were measured on the same day: BAP, urine NTX, OC, ucOC, and TRACP-5b. The mean age of the subjects was 71.2 years. All subjects were analyzed as an entire group (total group), and subjects were also divided into 2 groups and analyzed based on whether they were using an osteoporosis drug or not. Subjects currently being treated were included in the treated group (n=113; mean age: 71.9 years). Subjects with no treatment experience were included in the untreated group (n=31; mean age: 68.6 years). In the total group and treated group, significant correlations were revealed between BAP, urine NTX, OC, ucOC, and TRACP-5b. In the untreated group, no correlation was observed between BAP and ucOC, but correlations between BAP, urine NTX, OC, ucOC, and TRACP-5b were observed. ucOC is a marker of bone metabolism, and is also an indicator of the state of vitamin K intake. Based on the correlations with both bone resorption markers and osteoplastic markers found in this study, ucOC was found to be the best universal marker to use in the clinical setting

    A ring laser gyroscope without lock-in phenomenon

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    We theoretically and numerically study the effect of backscattering on rotating ring lasers by employing the Maxwell-Bloch equations. We show that frequency shifts due to the Sagnac effect incorporating the effect of backscattering can be observed without lock-in phenomenon, if the strength of backscattering originating in the bumps of the refractive index is larger than a certain value. It is also shown that the experimental results corresponding to the theoretical ones can actually be obtained by using a semiconductor fiber-optic ring laser gyroscope.Comment: 9 pages, 6figure

    High-Speed and Uninterrupted Communication for High-Speed Trains by Ultrafast WDM Fiber–Wireless Backhaul System

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    We developed a high-speed and handover-free communication network for high-speed trains (HSTs) using an ultrafast and switchable wavelength-division multiplexing fiber–wireless backhaul system in the W band. We successfully transmitted approximately 20-Gb/s and 10-Gb/s signals over the switched fiber–wireless links in the downlink and uplink directions, respectively. An ultrafast radio-cell switching of less than 10 μs was experimentally demonstrated in both downlink and uplink directions. Moreover, the possibility of connecting a central station to many remote radio cells was evaluated, confirming that an uninterrupted communication network up to several tens of kilometers can be achieved for HSTs. The proposed system can overcome the current challenges in mobile networks and can provide a potential solution for the provision of advanced services to users on HSTs in future 5G and beyond networks