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6 research outputs found
Fabrication and AE characteristics of TINI/A16061 shape memory alloy composite
B. G. Park
G. Smagin
+10Â more
INA Oguocha
J. R. Garcia
M. Enoki
M. Fregonese
M. Liu
N. Kashiwagura
S. H. Ahn
T. Shimoo
T. Yano
Yu. S. Emel’yanov
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Thermomechanical treatments effect on corrosion behaviour of aluminium-magnesium alloy AA5083-H321
A Aballe
A Aballe
+19Â more
A Aballe
A Aballe
A Gaber
E Carreño-Morelli
F Eckermann
G Svenningsen
GF Dirras
INA Oguocha
JS Vetrano
K Jafarzadeh
KA Yasakou
M Bethcourt
M Elboudjani
M Marciszko
M Marciszko
N Zazi
R Ambat
R Naranasamy
Publication venue
'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Calorimetric studies of 2024 Al–Cu–Mg and 2014 Al–Cu–Mg–Si alloys of various tempers
A Chirai
A Dhal
+39Â more
A Hayoune
A Hayounea
A Heinz
AP David
C Cayron
C Ravi
CR Brooks
CR Hutchuinson
D Kent
DG Eskin
DJ Chakrabarti
G Riotino
G Sha
GW Smith
GW Smith
H Lu
IJ Polmear
INA Oguocha
JC Williams
JH Perepezko
JM Papazian
K. S. Ghosh
KS Ghosh
KS Ghosh
MI Daoudi
MJ Starink
MJ Starink
N Dutta Chowdhury
O Novelo-Peralta
P Bassani
P Bassani
S Banerjee
S Pogatscher
SC Wang
SC Wang
SC Wang
SK Ghosh
SP Ringer
TS Parel
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Microstructure characterization in a sensitized Al–Mg–Mn–Zn alloy
A Abae
AH Jamshidi
+41Â more
AL Davenport
C Zhou
Chun-Yan Meng
CY Meng
Di Zhang
DL Chen
F Habiby
G Zhan
H Jiang
H Yukawa
HJ Roven
INA Oguocha
J Li
JA Lyndon
JD Robson
Ji-Shan Zhang
JL Searles
JS Vetrano
K Jafarzadeh
KA Yasakau
L Tan
Lin-Zhong Zhuang
LP Troeger
LP Troger
M Conserva
M Otsuka
M Popović
MC Carroll
N Birbilis
N Yamamoto
Ping-Ping Liu
R Arrabal
R Goswami
R Kaibyshev
R Kaibyshev
RL Goetz
S Gourdet
S Katsas
TA Bennett
Y Yuan
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Thermodynamic Description of the Al-Fe-Mg-Ni-Si and Al-Cu-Fe-Mg-Ni Quinary Systems and Its Application to Solidification Simulation
B Sundman
B Sundman
+72Â more
Biao Hu
C Servant
CA Coughanowr
D Hao
D Kevorkov
E Scheil
F Islam
F Wang
G Cacciamani
GH Gulliver
GV Raynor
H Feufel
HL Chen
HWL Phillips
I Ansara
I Ansara
IH Jung
INA Oguocha
IT Guldin
J Gröbner
J Keyzer De
J Lacaze
J Lacaze
J Miettinen
J Tibballs
JG Barlock
JH Wang
K Tang
KK Chang
L Backerud
L Eleno
L Lacaze
LA Dreval
LF Mondolfo
LJ Zhang
LJ Zhang
M Schick
M Seierstein
MA Turchanin
MHG Jacobs
MHG Jacobs
MHG Jacobs
N Dupin
N Saunders
NA Belov
NA Belov
NA Belov
NA Belov
P Liang
PS Wang
Qingping Wang
R Krendelsberger
S Mey
SH Zhou
Song Qin
T Buhler
T Tokunaga
VT Witusiewicz
W Xiong
W Xiong
X-Y Yan
XM Yuan
Y Du
Y Du
Y Du
Y Du
Y Tang
Y Zhong
Yong Du
Zhiyong Li
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Comparing mechanical and corrosion behaviour of TIG & FSW weldments of AA5083-H321
Atabaki MM Yazdian N, Kovacevic R.
Birbilis N Buchheit RG.
+22Â more
Choi DH Ahn BW, Quesnel DJ, Jung SB.
Corro- E.
Dobrzanski LA Brytan Z, Grande MA, Rosso M.
Gupta R Zhang R, Davies C, Birbilis N.
Heidersbach RH Dexter SC, Griffin RB, Montemarano J.
Hirata T Oguri T, Hagino H, Tanaka T, Wook S, Takigawa Y, et al.
Hossain KMA Easa SM, Lachemi M.
Liu Y Wang W, Xie J, Sun S, Wang L, Qian Y, et al.
Lombard H Hattingh DG, Steuwer A, James MN.
Lombard H Hattingh DG, Steuwer A, James MN.
Lomolino S Tovo R, Santos J Dos.
Magudeeswaran G Balasubramanian V, Madhusudhan Reddy G, S Balasubramanian T.
Miladinov M.
Moldovan P Stanica CN, Ciobanu G, Ungureanu I, Iorga GM, Butu M.
N SS Murugan N, Suresh S.
Oguocha INA Adigun OJ, Yannacopoulos S.
Palanivel R Mathews PK.
Romhanji E Popovic M.
Sanchez-Amaya JM Delgado T, De Damborenea JJ, Lopez V, Botana FJ.
Subbaiah K Geetha M, Shanmugarajan B.
Vilaca P Pepe N, Quintino L.
Zucchi F Trabanelli G, Grassi V.
Publication venue
'Indian Society for Education and Environment'
Publication date
Field of study
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