8 research outputs found
Liquidity, Leverage, and Regulation 10 Years After the Global Financial Crisis
- Author
- Adrian T
- Adrian T
- BCBS (Basel Comm. Bank. Superv.).
- BCBS (Basel Comm. Bank. Superv.).
- BCBS (Basel Comm. Bank. Superv.).
- BCBS (Basel Comm. Bank. Superv.).
- BCBS (Basel Comm. Bank. Superv.).
- BCBS (Basel Comm. Bank. Superv.).
- BCBS (Basel Comm. Bank. Superv.).
- BCBS (Basel Comm. Bank. Superv.).
- BIS (Bank Int. Settl.).
- Bogdanova B
- Boyarchenko N
- CGFS (Comm. Glob. Financ. Syst.).
- CGFS (Comm. Glob. Financ. Syst.).
- Choi J
- Dudley W
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
- Fender I
- Fender I
- FSB (Financ. Stab. Board).
- FSB (Financ. Stab. Board).
- FSB (Financ. Stab. Board).
- FSB (Financ. Stab. Board).
- Goel T
- Hyun Song Shin
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund) FSB (Financ. Stab. Board), BIS (Bank Int. Settl.).
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund).
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund).
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund).
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund).
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund).
- John Kiff
- Keeley MC
- Liquidnet.
- McPartland K
- Meli J
- Mizrach B
- Ong LL
- Shin HS
- Tobias Adrian
- Wenying J
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Adoption of Transparency Policies in Global Governance Institutions: Justifications, Effects, and Implications
- Author
- Ackerman JM
- Benedict Kingsbury
- Birkinshaw P
- Boisson de Chazournes L
- Burkert H
- Cassese S
- Cassese S
- CoE (Counc. Europe)
- Hale TN
- IFAD (Int. Fund Agric. Dev.)
- IFC (Int. Financ. Corp.)
- ILO (Int. Labor Organ.)
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund)
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund)
- Kingsbury B
- Kingsbury B
- Kingsbury B
- Kingsbury B
- Kurtz J
- Megan Donaldson
- Michener G
- MIGA (Multilater. Invest. Guarant. Agency)
- Oxfam GB (Oxfam Great Britain)
- Peled R
- Roberts A
- Roberts A
- Sarfaty GA
- UNDP (UN Dev. Programme)
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- WTO (World Trade Organ.)
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Debt Covenants and Corporate Governance
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Universal Basic Income: Some Theoretical Aspects
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Deglobalization: The Rise of Disembedded Unilateralism
- Author
- Baldwin R
- Bank Int. Settl.
- Bernanke BS
- Brown P
- Broz JL
- Brynjolfsson E
- Drezner D
- Durand J
- Einaudi L
- Ellis HS
- Findlay R
- Forbes K
- Funke M
- Harold James
- Ikenberry JG
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund).
- Kindleberger CP
- King M
- Levitt T
- Lund S
- McCauley RN
- Merkel A
- Navarro P
- Rachman G
- Robbins L
- Rodrik D
- Van Rijckeghem C
- Warburg PM
- Warburg PM
- Weber M
- World Econ. Forum.
- Xi J
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Fluid Dynamics of Disease Transmission
- Author
- ACS (Am. Cancer Soc.).
- Boseley S.
- Bourouiba L
- Bourouiba L.
- Bourouiba L.
- CDC (Cent. Dis. Control Prev.).
- CDC (Cent. Dis. Control Prev.).
- CDC (Cent. Dis. Control Prev.).
- Duguid J.
- Duguid J.
- FlĂĽgge C.
- Harding L
- Hare R.
- Hirst J.
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund)/WB (World Bank).
- Jung S
- Khamsi R.
- Koch R.
- Lydia Bourouiba
- Madden LV
- Mokyr J.
- Nelson KE
- Parshina-Kottas Y
- Pasteur L.
- Ross RD.
- SARS Comm.
- Scorer RS.
- Siegel J
- Socolofsky SA
- Sonkin LS.
- Straub H.
- Su J.
- Turner JS.
- Wang Y
- Wang Y
- Wells WF.
- WHO (World Health Org.).
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Digital Disruption in Banking
- Author
- Adrian T
- Arner DW
- Berg T
- Bloomberg
- Brynjolfsson E
- Carletti E
- Carstens A.
- Casey M
- Cent. Bank Kenya Kenya Natl. Bur. Stat., FSD Kenya
- CGAP (Consult. Group Assist Poor)
- Claessens S
- Compet. Bur. Can
- Cornish C.
- Deloitte
- Drechsler I
- EBA (Eur. Bank. Auth.)
- EBA (Eur. Bank. Auth.)
- EBA (Eur. Bank. Auth.)
- ECB (Eur. Cent. Bank)
- Enria A.
- Ernst &
- Ernst &
- Ernst &
- Fatás A
- FCA (Financial Conduct Authority)
- Fisher I.
- Frost J
- FSB (Financ. Stabil. Board)
- Fudenberg D
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund)
- Keeley M.
- McWaters RJ
- Nakamoto S.
- Philippon T.
- Prat A
- Rey P
- Richards M.
- Skeie DR.
- The Economist
- The Economist
- The Economist
- Vives X.
- Vives X.
- Vives X.
- Whinston M.
- World Bank
- Xavier Vives
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The History and Economics of Safe Assets
- Author
- Ashton TS
- Ashton TS
- Baele L
- Bank Int. Settl.
- Bernanke B
- Bernanke B
- Bernanke B
- Bertaut C
- Caballero R
- Calomiris C
- Calomiris C
- Cannon JG
- Carlson M
- Carothers N
- Chaddock RE
- Checkland SG
- Cipolla CM
- Cleaveland J
- Cramer JA
- Dang TV
- Dang TV
- Davenant C
- Davies G
- de Roover R
- Diamond P
- Dickinson P
- Douglas J
- Einzig P
- Elul R
- Flandreau M
- Frost J
- Garratt R
- Gary Gorton
- Geva B
- Gorton G
- Gorton G
- Gorton G
- Gorton G
- Gorton G
- Gould JD
- Gourinchas P-O
- Gourinchas P-O
- Hamilton E
- He Z
- Heal A
- Hill G
- Hilton Price FG
- Holmström B
- Holmström B
- IMF (Int. Monet. Fund).
- Johnson K
- Kaplan E
- Keeley M
- Kindleberger C
- Laevan L
- Lawson WJ
- Macey J
- Maggiori M
- Martin A
- Mate M
- McMaster JS
- Melton F
- Munro J
- Munro J
- Nightingale P
- Patinkin D
- Peng X
- Price B
- Price G
- Quiggin AH
- Ratchford B
- Richards RD
- Rickards J
- Rolnick A
- Shell M
- Smith A
- Spink &
- Stein J
- Stein J
- Symons E
- Thornton H
- Ugolini S
- Usher AP
- Vallavine P
- Van der Wee H
- Vilar P
- Woodford M
- Xie L
- Publication venue
- 'Annual Reviews'
- Publication date
- Field of study