1,464 research outputs found

    The X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert I galaxy Markarian 766: Dusty warm absorber or relativistic emission lines?

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    Competing models for broad spectral features in the soft X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert I galaxy Mrk 766 are tested against data from a 130 ks XMM-Newton observation. A model including relativistically broadened Lyalpha emission lines of O VIII N VII and C VI is a better fit to 0.3-2 keV XMM RGS data than a dusty warm absorber. Moreover, the measured depth of neutral iron absorption lines in the spectrum is inconsistent with the magnitude of the iron edge required to produce the continuum break at 17-18 Angstrom in the dusty warm absorber model. The relativistic emission line model can reproduce the broadband (0.1-12 keV) XMM EPIC data with the addition of a fourth line to represent emission from ionized iron at 6.7 keV and an excess due to reflection at energies above the iron line. The pro le of the 6.7 keV iron line is consistent with that measured for the low-energy lines. There is evidence in the RGS data, at the 3sigma level, of spectral features that vary with source flux. The covering fraction of warm absorber gas is estimated to be 12%. Iron in the warm absorber is found to be overabundant with respect to CNO, compared to solar values

    The effect of windspeed on sea surface temperature retrieval from space

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    The effect of windspeed on water emissivity, whilst being negligible around normal incidence, becomes significant above angles of about 50-degrees. We calculate the effect of windspeed On retrieved sea surface temperature and show that errors become significant for the potentially very accurate Along Track Scanning Radiometer (ATSR, carried on board ESA's first remote sensing satellite, ERS-1) since brightness temperatures measured at almost-equal-to 56-degrees, as well as those measured at nadir, are used to provide improved atmospheric correction. We show that when an SST retrieval algorithm generated assuming zero windspeed is applied to brightness temperatures calculated for windspeeds of 5, 10 and 15 m/s, a potential error of up to 0.4 K is introduced. Since coincident windspeed data can be obtained from the ERS-1 radar altimeter, accurate correction can be made for this effect and we Provide a Preliminary algorithm for the correction of ATSR SST data

    Towards the Amplituhedron Volume

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    21 pages; v2: version published in JHEPIt has been recently conjectured that scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills are given by the volume of the (dual) amplituhedron. In this paper we show some interesting connections between the tree-level amplituhedron and a special class of differential equations. In particular we demonstrate how the amplituhedron volume for NMHV amplitudes is determined by these differential equations. The new formulation allows for a straightforward geometric description, without any reference to triangulations. Finally we discuss possible implications for volumes related to generic N^kMHV amplitudes.Peer reviewe

    The Stacked-Ellipse Algorithm: An Ultrasound-Based 3-D Uterine Segmentation Tool for Enabling Adaptive Radiotherapy for Uterine Cervix Cancer.

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    The stacked-ellipse (SE) algorithm was developed to rapidly segment the uterus on 3-D ultrasound (US) for the purpose of enabling US-guided adaptive radiotherapy (RT) for uterine cervix cancer patients. The algorithm was initialised manually on a single sagittal slice to provide a series of elliptical initialisation contours in semi-axial planes along the uterus. The elliptical initialisation contours were deformed according to US features such that they conformed to the uterine boundary. The uterus of 15 patients was scanned with 3-D US using the Clarity System (Elekta Ltd.) at multiple days during RT and manually contoured (n = 49 images and corresponding contours). The median (interquartile range) Dice similarity coefficient and mean surface-to-surface-distance between the SE algorithm and manual contours were 0.80 (0.03) and 3.3 (0.2) mm, respectively, which are within the ranges of reported inter-observer contouring variabilities. The SE algorithm could be implemented in adaptive RT to precisely segment the uterus on 3-D US

    Theoretical Study of High Frequency Ultrasonic Wave Attenuation in Polycrystalline Materials

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    Three different regimes for scattering of ultrasonic waves in poly-crystalline materials exist, depending on the ratio of the mean grain size to the wavelength: (i) the low frequency (Rayleigh) region with scattering-induced attenuation proportional to the fourth power of the frequency and to the cube of the mean grain diameter, (ii) the medium frequency (stochastic) region with scattering proportional to the square of the frequency and to the mean grain diameter, and (iii) the high-frequency (geometric) region with scattering independent of frequency

    Lessons from Love-Locks: The archaeology of a contemporary assemblage

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version. The final, definitive version of this paper has been published in Journal of Material Culture, November 2017, published by SAGE Publishing, All rights reserved.Loss of context is a challenge, if not the bane, of the ritual archaeologist’s craft. Those who research ritual frequently encounter difficulties in the interpretation of its often tantalisingly incomplete material record. Careful analysis of material remains may afford us glimpses into past ritual activity, but our often vast chronological separation from the ritual practitioners themselves prevent us from seeing the whole picture. The archaeologist engaging with structured deposits, for instance, is often forced to study ritual assemblages post-accumulation. Many nuances of its formation, therefore, may be lost in interpretation. This paper considers what insights an archaeologist could gain into the place, people, pace, and purpose of deposition by recording an accumulation of structured deposits during its formation, rather than after. To answer this, the paper will focus on a contemporary depositional practice: the love-lock. This custom involves the inscribing of names/initials onto a padlock, its attachment to a bridge or other public structure, and the deposition of the corresponding key into the water below; a ritual often enacted by a couple as a statement of their romantic commitment. Drawing on empirical data from a three-year diachronic site-specific investigation into a love-lock bridge in Manchester, UK, the author demonstrates the value of contemporary archaeology in engaging with the often enigmatic material culture of ritual accumulations.Peer reviewe

    Biological measurement beyond the quantum limit

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    Quantum noise places a fundamental limit on the per photon sensitivity attainable in optical measurements. This limit is of particular importance in biological measurements, where the optical power must be constrained to avoid damage to the specimen. By using non-classically correlated light, we demonstrated that the quantum limit can be surpassed in biological measurements. Quantum enhanced microrheology was performed within yeast cells by tracking naturally occurring lipid granules with sensitivity 2.4 dB beyond the quantum noise limit. The viscoelastic properties of the cytoplasm could thereby be determined with a 64% improved measurement rate. This demonstration paves the way to apply quantum resources broadly in a biological context

    Towards ultrasound-guided adaptive radiotherapy for cervical cancer: Evaluation of Elekta's semiautomated uterine segmentation method on 3D ultrasound images.

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    Purpose 3D ultrasound (US) images of the uterus may be used to adapt radiotherapy (RT) for cervical cancer patients based on changes in daily anatomy. This requires accurate on-line segmentation of the uterus. The aim of this work was to assess the accuracy of Elekta's "Assisted Gyne Segmentation" (AGS) algorithm in semi-automatically segmenting the uterus on 3D transabdominal ultrasound images by comparison with manual contours.Materials & methods Nine patients receiving RT for cervical cancer were imaged with the 3D Clarity® transabdominal probe at RT planning, and 1 to 7 times during treatment. Image quality was rated from unusable (0)-excellent (3). Four experts segmented the uterus (defined as the uterine body and cervix) manually and using AGS on images with a ranking > 0. Pairwise analysis between manual contours was evaluated to determine interobserver variability. The accuracy of the AGS method was assessed by measuring its agreement with manual contours via pairwise analysis.Results 35/44 images acquired (79.5%) received a ranking > 0. For the manual contour variation, the median [interquartile range (IQR)] distance between centroids (DC) was 5.41 [5.0] mm, the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) was 0.78 [0.11], the mean surface-to-surface distance (MSSD) was 3.20 [1.8] mm, and the uniform margin of 95% (UM95) was 4.04 [5.8] mm. There was no correlation between image quality and manual contour agreement. AGS failed to give a result in 19.3% of cases. For the remaining cases, the level of agreement between AGS contours and manual contours depended on image quality. There were no significant differences between the AGS segmentations and the manual segmentations on the images that received a quality rating of 3. However, the AGS algorithm had significantly worse agreement with manual contours on images with quality ratings of 1 and 2 compared with the corresponding interobserver manual variation. The overall median [IQR] DC, DSC, MSSD, and UM95 between AGS and manual contours was 5.48 [5.45] mm, 0.77 [0.14], 3.62 [2.7] mm, and 5.19 [8.1] mm, respectively.Conclusions The AGS tool was able to represent uterine shape of cervical cancer patients in agreement with manual contouring in cases where the image quality was excellent, but not in cases where image quality was degraded by common artifacts such as shadowing and signal attenuation. The AGS tool should be used with caution for adaptive RT purposes, as it is not reliable in accurately segmenting the uterus on 'good' or 'poor' quality images. The interobserver agreement between manual contours of the uterus drawn on 3D US was consistent with results of similar studies performed on CT and MRI images

    Combined Ultrasound and Cone Beam CT Improves Target Segmentation for Image Guided Radiation Therapy in Uterine Cervix Cancer.

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    Purpose Adaptive radiation therapy strategies could account for interfractional uterine motion observed in patients with cervix cancer, but the current cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-based treatment workflow is limited by poor soft-tissue contrast. The goal of the present study was to determine if ultrasound (US) could be used to improve visualization of the uterus, either as a single modality or in combination with CBCT.Methods and materials Interobserver uterine contour agreement and confidence were compared on 40 corresponding CBCT, US, and CBCT-US-fused images from 11 patients with cervix cancer. Contour agreement was measured using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and mean contour-to-contour distance (MCCD). Observers rated their contour confidence on a scale from 1 to 10. Pairwise Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to measure differences in contour agreement and confidence.Results CBCT-US fused images had significantly better contour agreement and confidence than either individual modality (P < .05), with median (interquartile range [IQR]) values of 0.84 (0.11), 1.26 (0.23) mm, and 7 (2) for the DSC, MCCD, and observer confidence ratings, respectively. Contour agreement was similar between US and CBCT, with median (IQR) DSCs of 0.81 (0.17) and 0.82 (0.14) and MCCDs of 1.75 (1.15) mm and 1.62 (0.74) mm. Observers were significantly more confident in their US-based contours than in their CBCT-based contours (P < .05), with median (IQR) confidence ratings of 7 (2.75) versus 5 (4).Conclusions CBCT and US are complementary and improve uterine segmentation precision when combined. Observers could localize the uterus with a similar precision on independent US and CBCT images
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