4,415 research outputs found

    Single domain YBCO/Ag bulk superconductors fabricated by seeded infiltration and growth

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    We have applied the seeded infiltration and growth (IG) technique to the processing of samples containing Ag in an attempt to fabricate Ag-doped Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) bulk superconductors with enhanced mechanical properties. The IG technique has been used successfully to grow bulk Ag-doped YBCO superconductors of up to 25 mm in diameter in the form of single grains. The distribution of Ag in the parent Y-123 matrix fabricated by the IG technique is observed to be at least as uniform as that in samples grown by conventional top seeded melt growth (TSMG). Fine Y-211 particles were observed to be embedded within the Y-123 matrix for the IG processed samples, leading to a high critical current density, Jc, of over 70 kA/cm2 at 77.3 K in self-field. The distribution of Y-211 in the IG sample microstructure, however, is inhomogeneous, which leads to a variation in the spatial distribution of Jc throughout the bulk matrix. A maximum-trapped field of around 0.43 T at 1.2 mm above the sample surface (i.e. including 0.7 mm for the sensor mould thickness) is observed at liquid nitrogen temperature, despite the relatively small grain size of the sample (20 mm diameter × 7 mm thickness)

    Properties of Scalar-Quark Systems in SU(3)c Lattice QCD

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    We perform the first study for the bound states of colored scalar particles ϕ\phi ("scalar quarks") in terms of mass generation with quenched SU(3)c_c lattice QCD. We investigate the bound states of ϕ\phi, ϕϕ\phi^\dagger\phi and ϕϕϕ\phi\phi\phi ("scalar-quark hadrons"), as well as the bound states of ϕ\phi and quarks ψ\psi, i.e., ϕψ\phi^\dagger\psi, ψψϕ\psi\psi\phi and ϕϕψ\phi\phi\psi ("chimera hadrons"). All these new-type hadrons including ϕ\phi have a large mass of several GeV due to large quantum corrections by gluons, even for zero bare scalar-quark mass mϕ=0m_\phi=0 at a11GeVa^{-1}\sim 1{\rm GeV}. We find a similar mψm_\psi-dependence between ϕψ\phi^\dagger\psi and ϕϕψ\phi\phi\psi, which indicates their similar structure due to the large mass of ϕ\phi. From this study, we conjecture that all colored particles generally acquire a large effective mass due to dressed gluons

    Thermal Phase Transitions and Gapless Quark Spectra in Quark Matter at High Density

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    Thermal color superconducting phase transitions in three-flavor quark matter at high baryon density are investigated in the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) approach. We constructed the GL potential near the boundary with a normal phase by taking into account nonzero quark masses, electric charge neutrality, and color charge neutrality. We found that the density of states averaged over paired quarks plays a crucial role in determining the phases near the boundary. By performing a weak coupling calculation of the parameters characterizing the GL potential terms of second order in the pairing gap, we show that three successive second-order phase transitions take place as the temperature increases: a modified color-flavor locked phase (ud, ds, and us pairings) -> a ``dSC'' phase (ud and ds pairings) -> an isoscalar pairing phase (ud pairing) -> a normal phase (no pairing). The Meissner masses of the gluons and the number of gapless quark modes are also studied analytically in each of these phases.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Anisotropic Lattice QCD Studies of Penta-quark Anti-decuplet

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    Anti-decuplet penta-quark baryon is studied with the quenched anisotropic lattice QCD for accurate measurement of the correlator. Both the positive and negative parity states are studied using a non-NK type interpolating field with I=0 and J=1/2. After the chiral extrapolation, the lowest positive parity state is found at m_{Theta} \simeq 2.25 GeV, which is too massive to be identified with the experimentally observed Theta^+(1540). The lowest negative parity state is found at m_{Theta}\simeq 1.75 GeV, which is rather close to the empirical value. To confirm that this state is a compact 5Q resonance, a new method with ``hybrid boundary condition (HBC)'' is proposed. The HBC analysis shows that the observed state in the negative parity channel is an NK scattering state.Comment: A talk given at International Workshop PENTAQUARK04, July 20-23, 2004 at SPring-8, Japan, 8 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Tetraquark and Pentaquark Systems in Lattice QCD

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    Motivated by the recent experimental discoveries of multi-quark candidates, e.g., the Θ+(1540)\Theta^+(1540), we study multi-quark systems in lattice QCD. First, we perform accurate mass measurements of low-lying 5Q states with J=1/2J=1/2 and I=0 in both positive- and negative-parity channels in anisotropic lattice QCD. The lowest positive-parity 5Q state is found to have a large mass of about 2.24GeV after the chiral extrapolation. To single out the compact 5Q state from NKNK scattering states, we develop a new method with the hybrid-boundary condition (HBC), and find no evidence of the compact 5Q state below 1.75GeV in the negative-parity channel. Second, we perform the first study of the multi-quark potential in lattice QCD to clarify the inter-quark interaction in multi-quark systems. The 5Q potential V5QV_{\rm 5Q} for the QQ-Qˉ{\rm \bar{Q}}-QQ system is found to be well described by the ``OGE Coulomb plus multi-Y Ansatz": the sum of the one-gluon-exchange (OGE) Coulomb term and the multi-Y-type linear term based on the flux-tube picture. The 4Q potential V4QV_{\rm 4Q} for the QQ-QˉQˉ{\rm \bar{Q}\bar{Q}} system is also described by the OGE Coulomb plus multi-Y Ansatz, when QQ and QˉQˉ\rm \bar Q \bar Q are well separated. The 4Q system is described as a "two-meson" state with disconnected flux tubes, when the nearest quark and antiquark pair is spatially close. We observe a lattice-QCD evidence for the ``flip-flop'', i.e., the flux-tube recombination between the connected 4Q state and the ``two-meson'' state. On the confinement mechanism, the lattice QCD results indicate the flux-tube-type linear confinement in multi-quark hadrons.Comment: 22 pages, 3 tables, 16 figures. Talk given at International Workshop on Quark Nuclear Physics 2005 (QNP05), Phoenix Park, Korea, 22-24, Feb., 200

    Melting Pattern of Diquark Condensates in Quark Matter

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    Thermal color superconducting phase transitions in high density three-flavor quark matter are investigated in the Ginzburg-Landau approach. Effects of nonzero strange quark mass, electric and color charge neutrality, and direct instantons are considered. Weak coupling calculations show that an interplay between the mass and electric neutrality effects near the critical temperature gives rise to three successive second-order phase transitions as the temperature increases: a modified color-flavor locked (mCFL) phase (ud, ds, and us pairings) -> a ``dSC'' phase (ud and ds pairings) -> an isoscalar pairing phase (ud pairing) -> a normal phase (no pairing). The dSC phase is novel in the sense that while all eight gluons are massive as in the mCFL phase, three out of nine quark quasiparticles are gapless.Comment: minor changes in the text, fig.2 modifie

    Scalar-Quark Systems and Chimera Hadrons in SU(3)_c Lattice QCD

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    Light scalar-quarks \phi (colored scalar particles or idealized diquarks) and their color-singlet hadronic states are studied with quenched SU(3)_c lattice QCD in terms of mass generation in strong interaction without chiral symmetry breaking. We investigate ``scalar-quark mesons'' \phi^\dagger \phi and ``scalar-quark baryons'' \phi\phi\phi which are the bound states of scalar-quarks \phi. We also investigate the bound states of scalar-quarks \phi and quarks \psi, i.e., \phi^\dagger \psi, \psi\psi\phi and \phi\phi\psi, which we name ``chimera hadrons''. All the new-type hadrons including \phi are found to have a large mass even for zero bare scalar-quark mass m_\phi=0 at a^{-1}\simeq 1GeV. We find that the constituent scalar-quark and quark picture is satisfied for all the new-type hadrons. Namely, the mass of the new-type hadron composed of m \phi's and n \psi's, M_{{m}\phi+{n}\psi}, satisfies M_{{m}\phi+{n}\psi}\simeq {m} M_\phi +{n} M_\psi, where M_\phi and M_\psi are the constituent scalar-quark and quark mass, respectively. M_\phi at m_\phi=0 estimated from these new-type hadrons is 1.5-1.6GeV, which is larger than that of light quarks, M_\psi\simeq 400{\rm MeV}. Therefore, in the systems of scalar-quark hadrons and chimera hadrons, scalar-quarks acquire large mass due to large quantum corrections by gluons. Together with other evidences of mass generations of glueballs and charmonia, we conjecture that all colored particles generally acquire a large effective mass due to dressed gluon effects.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Backflow and dissipation during the quantum decay of a metastable Fermi liquid

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    The particle current in a metastable Fermi liquid against a first-order phase transition is calculated at zero temperature. During fluctuations of a droplet of the stable phase, in accordance with the conservation law, not only does an unperturbed current arise from the continuity at the boundary, but a backflow is induced by the density response. Quasiparticles carrying these currents are scattered by the boundary, yielding a dissipative backflow around the droplet. An energy of the hydrodynamic mass flow of the liquid and a friction force exerted on the droplet by the quasiparticles have been obtained in terms of a potential of their interaction with the droplet.Comment: 5 pages (REVTeX), to be published in Phys. Rev.