110 research outputs found

    Analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi Akuntansi koperasi Mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar berbasis WEB

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    Koperasi merupakan suatu lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang usaha dan jasa. Dalam melakukan pelayanannya pihak Koperasi dituntut untuk teliti dalam setiap keputusan dan pencatatannya. Saat ini proses pencatatan atau pun penyebaran informasi khususnya pada Koperasi Mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar masih dilakukan secara manual, dengan pencatatan pada bundel atau buku. Hal ini dikarenakan belum memadainya sistem yang digunakan oleh pihak Koperasi Mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar. Penelitian ini digunakan penelitian kualitatif yang merupakan suatu pendekatan untuk memahami masalah dengan metode pengumpulan data dengan kecenderung pada studi lapangan dan studi literature. Adapun metode pengujian yang digunakan adalah Blakck box dan White Box. Dimana Black box hanya mengamati hasil eksekusi melalui data uji dan fungsional dari perangkat lunak, mengevaluasi hanya pada tampilannya saja sedangkan White Box adalah pengujian yang didasarkan pada pengecekan terhadap detil perancangan, menggunakan struktur kontrol dari desain program secara procedural untuk membagi pengujian ke dalam beberapa kasus pengujian. Hasil dari tugas akhir ini berupa analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi Koperasi Mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar berbasis WEB, sehingga kinerja koperasi menjadi lebih baik dan anggota dapat memperoleh informasi dengan mudah tanpa harus datang ke koperasi

    A validation of the Japanese adaptation of the Big Five Inventory-2

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    The purpose of this study was to adapt a Japanese version of the Big Five Inventory-2 (BFI-2-J) to examine its factor structure, reliability, validity, and measurement invariance. The BFI-2-J assesses five domains and 15 facets of the Big Five personality traits. We analyzed two datasets: 487 Japanese undergraduates and 500 Japanese adults. The results of the principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the domain-facet structure of the BFI-2-J was similar to that of other language versions. The reliability of the BFI-2-J is sufficient. The correlation coefficients between the BFI-2-J and the other Big Five and self-esteem measures supported convergent and discriminant validity. Moreover, we confirmed measurement invariance across age and sex groups in domain-level and facet-level models. The results suggest that the BFI-2-J is a good instrument for measuring the Big Five personality traits and their facets in Japan. The BFI-2-J is expected to be useful in Japanese personality research and international comparative research

    A web-based Toolbox to support the systemic eco-efficiency assessment in water use systems

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    The eco-efficiency assessment of a water use system at the meso level, as well as the estimation of the anticipated eco-efficiency improvements as a result of innovative practices/technologies, is a conceptually and methodologically challenging issue. A systemic approach is required to capture the complexity of all interrelated aspects and the interactions among the heterogeneous actors involved in the system. This involves mapping the behaviour of the system into representative models, structuring the analysis in easy to understand procedures and developing versatile software tools for supporting the analysis. This paper presents a web-integrated suite of tools and resources (EcoWater Toolbox) for assessing eco-efficiency improvements from innovative technologies in water use systems. Equipped with a continuously updated inventory of currently available technological innovations as well as a repository of eco-efficiency indicators and their evaluation rules, the EcoWater Toolbox supports a comprehensive four-step eco-efficiency assessment of a water use system: (1) allows the users to frame the case study by defining system boundaries, describing the water supply chain and value chains and including all the actors; (2) helps the users to establish a baseline eco-efficiency assessment, using the integrated modelling tools; (3) supports the users in identifying both sector-specific and system-wide technologies and practices to suit their situation, through the integrated technology inventory; and (4) enables the users to assess innovative technology solutions by developing predictive technology scenarios and comparing these with baseline results. At the core of the Toolbox are two modelling tools, which combine both economic and environmental viewpoints into a single modelling framework. The “Systemic Environmental Analysis Tool” (SEAT) assists in building a representation of the physical system, its processes and interactions and forms the basis for evaluating the environmental performance of the system. The “Economic Value chain Analysis Tool” (EVAT) addresses the value chain and focuses on the economic component of the eco-efficiency. Both tools provide a graphical model construction interface that is implemented in client-side and incorporate advanced features such as model scripting. The methodology adopted and the operational aspects of the EcoWater Toolbox are presented and demonstrated through the assessment of the eco-efficiency performance associated with the water value chain in the case of a milk production unit of a dairy industry

    Microbial Decolourization of an Anthraquinone Dye C.I. Reactive Blue 19 Using Bacillus cereus

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    Aims: This work aimed at using B. cereus strain to decolourize a textile dye and also to study the influence of various environmental parameters on the decolourization processes. Study Design: Decolourization efficiency of B. cereus. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Microbiology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria; Department of Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria and Department of Textile Science and Technology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria, between March 2011 and September 2011. Methodology: The B. cereus strain used was isolated from contaminated food by using a selective media (Mannitol egg yolk polymyxin agar) and then culturing and storing on nutrient agar slants at –20ºC after biochemical tests were done to identify the isolate. All the microbial batch experiments were carried out at ambient conditions in 250ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Nutrient broth was autoclaved at 121ºC at 15psi for 15min and nutrient agar plates were also used in the isolation of the B. cereus strain. Effects of various parameters, including initial dye concentration (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0g/l), glucose concentration (50, 100, 200 and 500mg/l), pH (4.0, 7.0 and 10.0) and temperature (20, 27 and 40ºC), on dye decolourization were investigated. Decolourization extent was determined by measuring the absorbance of the culture supernatant at 591nm using a Unicam UV9100-visible spectrophotometer. Decolourization extent was calculated using a standard equation as specified by Giwa et al., 2011. Results: The bacteria culture exhibited 95% decolourization ability within 72 hours. The optimum dye decolourizing activity of the culture was observed at pH 7.0 and incubation temperature of 27ºC. Maximum dye decolourizing efficiency was observed at 200 mg/l concentration of RB19. The dye solution showed high peak at the wavelength of 591nm. Conclusion: The results thus obtained have characterized and identified the dye degrading ability of the B. cereus. The presence of a co-substrate (glucose) is an essential condition for attaining maximum decolourization efficiency. Reactive blue 19 was completely and rapidly decolourized by B. cereus after 3days of incubation with different effects on the dye as seen in the result

    Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Atmosphaerische Umweltforschung (IFU). Taetigkeitsbericht 1992

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    In diesem Jahresbericht des Fraunhofer-Instituts fuer Atmosphaerische Umweltforschung in Garmisch-Partenkirchen werden die in 1992 durchgefuehrten wissenschaftlichen und technischen Arbeiten kurz dargestellt. Die bisher laufenden Forschungsarbeiten ueber die Veraenderung der biogeochemischen Kreislaeufe aufgrund anthropogener Aktivitaeten und die daraus resultierenden globalen und regionalen Umweltprobleme, so u.a. den Treibhauseffekt, die photochemische Ozonbildung (Photosmog) sowie die Zunahme der UV-B-Strahlungsintensitaet, wurden fortgesetzt. Zunehmende Bedeutung gewinnen dabei die Untersuchungen ueber die Auswirkungen dieser Umweltprobleme auf die Biosphaere und die Chemie der Atmosphaere. Die am IFU durchgefuehrten Projekte sind in internationale Verbundforschungsvorhaben integriert. Im Falle des europaeischen Umweltprojekts EUROTRAC, des Umweltvorhabens SANA sowie des neu etablierten internationalen Qualitaetssicherungszentrums (QASAC) hat das IFU sogar zentrale Funktionen uebernommen. (orig./KW)This progress report published by Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Atmosphaerische Umweltforschung, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, summarizes the institute's scientific and technical activities of 1992. The research projects on man-made changes in the biogeochemical cycles and the resulting global and regional environmental problems, e.g. greenhouse effect, photochemical ozone formation (photosmog) and increase in the intensity of UV-B radiation were continued. Increasing importance is attached to investigations into the effects of these environmental impacts on the biosphere and on the chemistry of the atmosphere. The IFU projects are integrated into international joint research projects. IFU took charge of central functions within the European environmental EUROTRAC project, the SANA environmental project and the international quality assurance center (QASAC) which was established recently. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Fraunhofer Institut fuer Atmosphaerische Umweltforschung (IFU). Leistungen und Ergebnisse. Jahresbericht 1999

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    Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Atmosphaerische Umweltforschung (IFU). Jahresbericht 1996 Leistungen und Ergebnisse

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    Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    SANA. Wissenschaftliches Begleitprogramm zur Sanierung der Atmosphaere ueber den neuen Bundeslaendern. Phase 1 Abschlussbericht

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    The joint research project SANA ''Scientific accompanying programme for the sanitation of the atmosphere above the new Laender'' is the first major all-German project in the field of atmospheric environmental research. Using an interdisciplinary and problem-orientated approach, the effects of the expected changes regarding the emission of contaminants on the immission, the transport and the deposition of contaminants primarily emitted and secondarily produced in the atmosphere, are investigated as well as the effect of these contaminants on the biosphere. The obtained results enable to get important new insights about the complex chains of effects and the chemical processes of these contaminants in the troposphere as well as about the interaction between the polluted atmosphere and the sensitive eco system, that has already been severely damaged, amongst others pine trees. (orig./KW)Bei dem Verbundforschungsvorhaben SANA ''Wissenschaftliches Begleitprogramm zur Sanierung der Atmosphaere ueber den neuen Bundeslaendern'' handelt es sich um das erste grosse gesamtdeutsche Projekt auf dem Gebiet der atmosphaerischen Umweltforschung in dem in einem interdisziplinaeren und problemorientierten Ansatz die Auswirkung der erwarteten Aenderungen der Schadstoffemissionen auf die Immission, den Transport und die Deposition von primaer emittierten und sekundaer in der Atmosphaere gebildeten Schadstoffen sowie die Wirkung dieser Schadstoffe auf die Biosphaere untersucht werden. Durch die dabei erzielten Ergebnisse werden wichtige neue Erkenntnisse ueber die komplexen Wirkungsketten und chemischen Prozesse dieser Schadstoffe in der Troposphaere sowie ueber die Wechselwirkung zwischen der verschmutzten Atmosphaere und dem bereits stark geschaedigten empfindlichen Oekosystem, u.a. Kiefernwaelder, gewonnen. (orig./KW)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F95B310+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman