1 research outputs found

    International Social Survey Programme: Citizenship II - ISSP 2014

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    Citizen and state. Topics: Qualities of a good citizen; attitude towards the right of public meetings for religious extremists, people who want to overthrow the government by force, or people prejudiced against any racial or ethnic group; social and political participation; frequency of media use to get political news or information; number of people the respondent has contact with in a typical week day; active and passive memberships in different kinds of groups or associations (a political party, a trade union, business, or professional association, a church or other religious organization, a sports, leisure or cultural group); importance of different people´s rights in democracy (scale); suggestibility of the political system and personal level of information about politics; estimation of political influence possibilities (political efficacy): likeliness of counter-action against an unjust law and expected chance of serious attention to people´s demand; interest in politics; left-right self-placement; trust in politicians and people in government; estimation of people’s fairness; frequency of political discussions with friends; opinion leadership in politics; political parties encourage people to become active in politics; real policy choice between parties; attitude towards a referendum as a good way to decide important political questions; level of honesty and fairness in the last national election; commitment to serve people in public service; corruption in the public service; functioning of democracy in the country at present, in the past and in the future.Optional: frequencies of media use (read the political content of a newspaper, watch political news on television, listen to political news on the radio, use the Internet to get political news or information). Demography: Sex; age; year of birth; years in school; education (country specific); highest completed degree; work status; hours worked weekly; employment relationship; number of employees; supervision of employees; number of supervised employees; type of organization: for-profit vs. non profit and public vs. private; occupation (ISCO-08); main employment status; living in steady partnership; union membership; religious affiliation or denomination (country specific); groups of religious denominations; attendance of religious services; top-bottom self-placement; vote in last general election; country specific party voted in last general election; party voted (left-right); self-assessed affiliation of ethnic group 1 and 2 (country specific); number of children; number of toddlers; size of household; earnings of respondent (country specific); family income (country specific); father´s and mother´s country of birth; marital status; place of living: urban – rural; region (country specific). Information about spouse/partner on: Work status; hours worked weekly; employment relationship; supervises other employees; occupation (ISCO-08); main employment status. Additionally encoded: Date of interview; case substitution flag; weight; mode of data collection; group (participation in data collection mixed mode experiment)