8,133 research outputs found

    A Short Proof that Minimal Sets of Planar Ordinary Differential Equations are Trivial

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    We present a short proof, relaying on the divergence theorem, verifying that minimal sets in the plane are trivial

    The Zassenhaus filtration, Massey Products, and Representations of Profinite Groups

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    We consider the p-Zassenhaus filtration (G_n) of a profinite group G. Suppose that G=S/N for a free profinite group S and a normal subgroup N of S contained in S_n. Under a cohomological assumption on the n-fold Massey products (which holds e.g., if the p-cohomological dimension of G is at most 1), we prove that G_{n+1} is the intersection of all kernels of upper-triangular unipotent (n+1)-dimensional representations of G over \mathbb F_p. This extends earlier results by Minac, Spira, and the author on the structure of absolute Galois groups of fields.Comment: Added more references, strengthened Lemma 2.3, added Remark 12.

    The lower pp-central series of a free profinite group and the shuffle algebra

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    For a prime number pp and a free profinite group SS on the basis XX, let S(n,p)S^{(n,p)}, n=1,2,…n=1,2,\ldots be the lower pp-central filtration of SS. For p>np>n, we give a combinatorial description of H2(S/S(n,p),Z/p)H^2(S/S^{(n,p)},\mathbb{Z}/p) in terms of the Shuffle algebra on XX

    On the Construction of Polar Codes for Channels with Moderate Input Alphabet Sizes

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    Current deterministic algorithms for the construction of polar codes can only be argued to be practical for channels with small input alphabet sizes. In this paper, we show that any construction algorithm for channels with moderate input alphabet size which follows the paradigm of "degrading after each polarization step" will inherently be impractical with respect to a certain "hard" underlying channel. This result also sheds light on why the construction of LDPC codes using density evolution is impractical for channels with moderate sized input alphabets.Comment: 9 page

    Filtrations of free groups as intersections

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    For several natural filtrations of a free group S we express the n-th term of the filtration as the intersection of all kernels of homomorphisms from S to certain groups of upper-triangular unipotent matrices. This generalizes a classical result of Grun for the lower central filtration. In particular, we do this for the n-th term in the lower p-central filtration of S

    On the marginal deformations of general (0,2) non-linear sigma-models

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    In this note we explore the possible marginal deformations of general (0,2) non-linear sigma-models, which arise as descriptions of the weakly-coupled (large radius) limits of four-dimensional N=1\mathcal{N}= 1 compactifications of the heterotic string, to lowest order in α′\alpha' and first order in conformal perturbation theory. The results shed light from the world-sheet perspective on the classical moduli space of such compactifications. This is a contribution to the proceedings of String-Math 2012.Comment: LaTeX2e, 11 pages, no figures, published in Proc.Symp.Pure Math. 90 (2015) 171-17

    An estimation of Hempel distance by using Reeb graph

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    Let P,QP, Q be Heegaard surfaces of a closed orientable 3-manifold. In this paper, we introduce a method for giving an upper bound of Hempel distance of PP by using the Reeb graph derived from a certain horizontal arc in the ambient space [0,1]×[0,1][0,1]\times[0,1] of the Rubinstein-Scharlemann graphic derived from PP and QQ. This is a refinement of a part of Johnson's arguments used for determining stable genera required for flipping high distance Heegaard splittings.Comment: 17 pages, 22 figure

    The Cohomology of canonical quotients of free groups and Lyndon words

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    For a prime number pp and a free profinite group SS, let S(n,p)S^{(n,p)} be the nnth term of its lower pp-central filtration, and S[n,p]S^{[n,p]} the corresponding quotient. Using tools from the combinatorics of words, we construct a canonical basis of the cohomology group H2(S[n,p],Z/p)H^2(S^{[n,p]},\mathbb{Z}/p), which we call the Lyndon basis, and use it to obtain structural results on this group. We show a duality between the Lyndon basis and canonical generators of S(n,p)/S(n+1,p)S^{(n,p)}/S^{(n+1,p)}. We prove that the cohomology group satisfies shuffle relations, which for small values of nn fully describe it.Comment: Several minor issues fixed and a few references added. To appear in Documenta Mathematic

    Tight Bounds for Averaging Multi-Frequency Differential Inclusions, Applied to Control Systems

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    We present new tight bounds for averaging differential inclusions, which we apply to multi-frequency inclusions consisting of a sum of time periodic set-valued mappings. For this family of inclusions we establish an a tight estimate of order O\left(\epsilon\right) on the approximation error. These results are then applied to control systems consisting of a sum of time-periodic functions

    Gravitational Waves in Bouncing Cosmologies from Gauge Field Production

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    We calculate the gravitational waves (GW) spectrum produced in various Early Universe scenarios from gauge field sources, thus generalizing earlier inflationary calculations to bouncing cosmologies. We consider generic couplings between the gauge fields and the scalar field dominating the energy density of the Universe. We analyze the requirements needed to avoid a backreaction that will spoil the background evolution. When the scalar is coupled only to FF~F \tilde F term, the sourced GW spectrum is exponentially enhanced and parametrically the square of the vacuum fluctuations spectrum, PTs∼(PTv)2{\cal P}^s_T\sim ({\cal P}^v_T)^2, giving an even bluer spectrum than the standard vacuum one. When the scalar field is also coupled to F2F^2 term, the amplitude is still exponentially enhanced, but the spectrum can be arbitrarily close to scale invariant (still slightly blue), nT≳0n_T\gtrsim 0, that is distinguishable form the slightly red inflationary one. Hence, we have a proof of concept of observable GW on CMB scales in a bouncing cosmology.Comment: Added Figure, matches the published versio
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