1,268 research outputs found

    Summit of the Americas: The IDB Agenda to Support the Mandates of the Summits of Quebec and Nuevo León: Activities and Strategic Programs

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    During the Hemispheric Summit that took place in Quebec, Canada, in April 2001, the Inter-American Development Bank presented a set of 22 strategic programs intended to contribute to meeting the mandates that stem from the Summits of the Americas and the commitments that are part of the Plan of Action adopted in Quebec. Since then, the IDB has carried out intensive and complex financial and technical activities in the context of those 22 strategic programs. The programs fall into five areas that summarize the mandates adopted by the Heads of State and Government of the Americas, namely: democratic governance and political development; integration and economic development; ecology and sustainable development; equity and human development; and connectivity and technological development. During the Special Summit in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico (January 2004), the IDB presented a report summarizing achievements made since 2001 with respect to the programs presented in Quebec. In addition, the Declaration of Nuevo León establishes new mandates.Research & Development, Economic Development & Growth, Democracy, Governance, Mar del Plata Summit, November 2005, SOC2005-15

    Poverty and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    This document surveys Bank lending operations designed to fight poverty and enhance social equity, with emphasis on recently approved projects with innovative components. It also surveys a broad range of poverty-related non-lending activities carried out by the Bank over the past two years. It includes a general framework for poverty reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean, specifying a number of areas of emphasis: enhancing opportunities for the poor; assets and markets; contributing to human development; improving the quality of life of the poor; social protection; and good governance and social inclusion.Poverty, Social Policy & Protection, Education, Health, Environmental Policy, poverty; inequality

    Lessons from Innovation: Skills Standards and Certification

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    Working with public, private, and nonprofit sector partners, MIF has invested in the development of skills standards and certification systems with fifteen projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. The goal: to increase the competitiveness and productivity of workers and industries throughout the region.Public Sector, Private Sector, Economic Development & Growth, Financial Sector, public; private; nonprofit; sector partners; MIF development of skills standards; certification systems; Latin America; the Caribbean; competitiveness; productivity; workers; industries

    Remittances 2005: Transforming Labor Markets and Promoting Financial Democracy: Statistical Comparisons

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    For generations, millions of migrant workers have been sending billions of dollars back to their home countries to support their families. Remittances are widely recognized as critical to the survival of millions of individual families, and the health of many national economies throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.Population Statistics & Information Systems, Income, Consumption & Saving, Poverty, Labor Markets, Financial Democracy: Statistical Comparisons

    The BID-IFAD-Fonkoze Partnership: Enhancement of Remittance Services to and within Rural Haiti

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    BID-IFAD-Fonkoze Partnership: Enhancement of Remittance Services to and within Rural HaitiRemittances, Remesas 2009 PPP'SFelix

    Billions in Motion: Latino Immigrants, Remittances and Banking

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    Research on how remitters choose the means to send money home, including projections of remittance flows to Mexico and Central America that illustrate the extraordinary growth in recent years and the potential for continued growth and a demographic portrait of Latino remittance senders drawn from the Pew Hispanic Center/Kaiser Family Foundation National Survey of Latinos. Study is partially based on a Bendixen survey of Latino immigrants in USA.Remittances, Latino Immigrants, Remittances, Banking, USA Inmigrantes latinos, remesas, banca, EUA

    The Cost of Disputes in Companies and the Use of ADR Methods: Lessons from Nine Latin American Countries

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    This study is a great achievement of the ADR Network for 2005. The report is innovate for several reasons: i) it is the first comparative study on the subject that has ever been conducted in the region, providing empirical information on the cost of disputes within companies; ii) it evaluates in a comparative way, the inadequacies in the legal environment for business and the private sector in general, as well as the relationship between companies and the judicial system; and iii) it targets the private sector, thus closing the traditional gap between the legal area and the business world.Governance

    Remittance Recipients in Brazil

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    Results and analysis of a poll in Brazil of remittance recipients.Remittances, survey, Brazil, immigrants Remesas, encuesta, Brasil, inmigrantes

    Technical Seminar on Water and Poverty for Latin America and the Caribbean: Setting a Research Agenda

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    This document is the Final Report prepared by the National Center for the Environment (CENMA) of the University of Chile for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to comply with number 5. of the Letter of Agreement signed by both institutions to specified the conditions under which the Seminar was carried out and organized jointly by them. The Seminar was held in Santiago, Chile on May 22-23, 2003. This document contains summaries of the working sessions and a discussion of some of the theoretical and empirical issues related to one of the different aspects of the two dimensions of the water-poverty relationship under analysis in the Seminar.Water management, Water Supply and Sanitation, Poverty, Environment, Water Resources