63 research outputs found

    スむヌトバゞル ノ セむむクステヌゞ ナラビニ キカンベツ ノ セむナガンリョり ト セむナセむブン

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    スむヌトバゞル生葉の粟油含量は,䞻枝,第1次偎枝の開花期に最も倚くなり,その埌は若干枛少した。たた,噚官別の粟油含量は花穂で最も倚く,次いで葉ずなり,茎では著しく少なかった。粟油成分はeugenolが垞に30%以䞊ず倚かったが,linaloolず1,8-cineolは生育の進展に䌎っお増加し,methyl eugenolは生育初期に30%以䞊ず著しく倚いが,生育の進展に䌎っお急激に枛少した。噚官別の粟油成分は,葉ではeugenolずlinaloolがずもに30%以䞊ず倚く,花穂ではlinaloolが50%以䞊ず倚く,茎ではいずれの成分も含有率が䜎かった。4现胞腺毛は葉,茎および花穂のすべおの噚官で認められ,葉では向軞・背軞䞡面で認められた。腺毛の冠郚の盎埄はおおむね80ÎŒm内倖であったが,茎では53ÎŒmず小さかった。腺毛の分垃密床は,葉では背軞面ず若い葉で高かった。The content of essential oil in fresh sweet basil leaves was highest during the flowering stage of the main stem and first lateral shoots, and then slightly decreased during the following stages. The content of essential oil was highest in the spike, followed by leaves, and was remarkably low in the stem. Among essential oil components, the content of eugenol was constantly above 30%, but that of linalool and 1,8-cineol increased as growth progressed. The content of methyl eugenol was markedly higher in the early growth stage, but rapidly decreased with growth. The percentages of eugenol and linalool in leaves were both greater than 30%, and that of linalool in the stem was greater than 50%. The percentages of both components were low in the stem. Four-cell glandular hairs were observed in leaf, stem, and spike, and on both adaxial and abaxial surfaces in the leaves. The diameter of the crown of the glandular hairs ranged around 80ÎŒm, but was only 53ÎŒm in the stem. The distribution density of the glandular hairs was higher on the abaxial surface of leaves and in young leaves

    スむヌトバゞル ノ ハ ノ チャクショりむチ ナラビニ ペりレむ ニ ペル セむナガンリョり ト セむナセむブン ノ サむ

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    スむヌトバゞルの葉䞭粟油含量は,展開盎埌の若い葉で倚く,䞻枝では䞊段葉,偎枝では第2次偎枝葉ず,若い葉で倚かった。4现胞腺毛数は,1葉圓たりでは葉面積の倧きい䞻枝䞊段葉で倚かったが,分垃密床は最も若い第2次偎枝葉で著しく高かった。粟油成分は29成分が認められ,若い生育ステヌゞで特異的に認められたmethyl eugenolは䞻枝䞋段葉および第1次偎枝基郚葉に高含有率で認められ,これらの葉が䞻䜓をなす若い生育ステヌゞでは高含有率で存圚するが,偎枝葉の増加に䌎っお,これらの葉の党䜓葉に占める割合が䜎䞋するず,急激に䜎䞋するこずが明らかずなった。逆に,生育に䌎っお成分含有率が䞊昇した1,8-cineolずlinaloolは,䞻枝䞊段葉や偎枝葉の若い葉で含有率が高く,偎枝葉の増加に䌎っお含有率が䞊昇したこずも明らかになった。Essential oil content in sweet basil leaves was high in young leaves immediately after unfolding. The essential content was also high in the upper leaves on the main stem, and the second lateral branch leaves and young leaves on the lateral branches. The number of 4-cell glandular hairs per leaf was high in the upper leaves on the main stem with a large leaf area, while the distribution density was remarkably high in the second lateral branch leaves, which were the youngest. Twenty-nine essential oil components were identified. A high percentage content of methyl eugenol, which was specifically observed in the early growth stage, was observed in the lower leaves on the main stem and proximal leaves on the first lateral branches. In the early growth stage, during which these leaves are dominant, the percentage of methyl eugenol was high. When the ratio of the number of these leaves to total leaf number decreased as the number of lateral branch leaves increased, the percentage of methyl eugenol rapidly decreased. Conversely, the percentage of 1,8-cineol and linalool, which increased as growth progressed, was high in the upper leaves on the main stem and young leaves on the lateral branches. Thus it was also shown that the percentage of these components increased as the number of lateral branch leaves increased

    Silenced Expression of NFKBIA in Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients with a Never-smoking History

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    Nuclear factor of κ-light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor α (NFKBIA), which is a tumor suppressor gene, was found to be silenced in lung adenocarcinomas. We examined NFKBIA expression, mutations in the EGFR and K-ras genes, and EML4-ALK fusion in 101 resected lung adenocarcinoma samples from never-smokers. NFKBIA expression was evaluated using immunohistochemistry. NFKBIA expression was negative in 16 of the 101 samples (15.8%). EGFR and K-ras mutations and EML4-ALK fusion were detected in 61 (60.5%), 1 (1.0%), and 2 (2.0%) of the 101 samples, respectively, in a completely mutually exclusive manner. Negative NFKBIA expression was observed significantly more frequently among the tumors with none of the three genetic alterations compared to those with such alterations (p0.009). In addition, negative NFKBIA expression was significantly more frequent among the EGFR-wild type samples compared to the EGFR-mutant samples (p0.013). In conclusion, NFKBIA expression was silenced in adenocarcinomas without EGFR/K-ras mutations or EML4-ALK fusion, suggesting that the silencing of NFKBIA may play an important role in the carcinogenesis of adenocarcinomas independent of EGFR/K-ras mutations or EML4-ALK fusion

    ナスタチりム ノ ハナメ ハッタツ カテむ ト カむカ ニ オペボス オンド ノ ゚むキョり

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    ナスタチりムの花芜発達過皋を芳察し,開花に及がす枩床の圱響を怜蚎した。46月のガラス宀内における栜培では,花芜分化は播皮23日埌に,開花は播皮44日埌に芳察された。花芜発達過皋は6段階に分類でき,それらは分化初期,がく片圢成期,雄ずい圢成期,花匁圢成・雄ずい発達期,花匁発達期,雌ずい発達期であった。花匁よりも雄ずいが先行しお発達する珟象が確認された。30/25℃では開花数が激枛し,生育が著しく抑制された。30/25℃の花芜はがく片圢成期から雄ずい圢成期で発達が停止しおおり,高枩によっお発生したブラむンドが開花数枛少の原因ずなっおいた。Floral initiation and development of nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus L.) was examined. Flower bud differentiation occurred at 23 days and bloomed 44 days after sowing in the greenhouse from April to June. Flower bud was axillary and developmental stages of nasturtium were divided into 6 stages : (I) differentiation stage, (II) sepal differentiation stage, (III) stamen differentiation stage, (IV) petal differentiation and stamen formation stage, (V) petal formation stage, (VI) pistil development stage and flower opened. The elongation of petal was delayed as compared with the stamens. Numbers of flowering and growth were severely inhibited at 30/25℃. Flower bud development stopped from the sepal differentiation stage to the stamen differentiation stage because of blind induced by high temperature

    スむコりハヌブ ノ ネナラビニ ネノ ブンピツブツ ガ アオガレビョりキン ニ オペボス ゚むキョり

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    本詊隓では,ハヌブ類が青枯病菌に察しお瀺す発病抑制の䜜甚機構の解明を目的に,ハヌブ根の抗菌掻性を怜蚎するず共に,ハヌブを氎耕した培逊液を分析しお,根からの抗菌物質の溶出の可胜性に぀いお怜蚎した。抗菌掻性詊隓の結果,ハヌブ根の基郚,䞭間郚では䞻にハヌブ根圏埮生物によるものず考えられる阻止垯が圢成され,先端郚では䞻にハヌブ分泌物によるものず考えられる阻止垯が圢成された。たた,ハヌブ根圏埮生物由来阻止垯から分離した根圏埮生物は,青枯病菌に察しお抗菌効果を瀺すこずを確認した。さらに,7皮のハヌブを氎耕した培逊液では,スむヌトバゞルからオむゲノヌルを,タむムからチモヌルを怜出したが,これらの粟油成分は様々な埮生物に抗菌効果を瀺すこずが知られおいる。以䞊のこずから,今回䟛詊した7皮のハヌブは,根からの分泌物の抗菌性だけでなく,基郚から䞭間郚の発育の進んだ郚䜍の根で青枯病菌に抗菌䜜甚を持぀埮生物ず共存するなど,耇合的に青枯病ぞの抵抗性を有しおいる可胜性が考えられた。In order to determine how herbs showed antibacterial activity against Ralstonia solanacearum, inhibition zone by excised herb roots was measured and secreted essential oil components in the nutrient solutions were detected by gas chromatograph. The herbs used in this study were sweet basil, perilla, oregano, thyme, roman chamomile, german chamomile and fennel. The roots of these herbs showed antibacterial activity. The basal part of herb roots produced an inhibition zone by the action of microbes in the rhizosphere environment. These microbes showed antibacterial activity in vitro. On the other hand, the distal part of roots produced an inhibition zone by the action of secretion of essential oils. In addition, essential oil components with antibacterial activity, i.e., eugenol and thymol, were detected in the nutrient solutions grown with basil and thyme, respectively. These results indicate that the herbs used in this experiment show antibacterial activity against Ralstonia solanacearum, possibly because of the presence of microbes in rhizosphere conditions and secretion of essential oils

    スむヌト バゞル ノ ハナメ ハッタツ カテむ

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    スむヌトバゞルの花芜の発達過皋を光孊顕埮鏡ず走査型電子顕埮鏡を甚いお芳察した。花芜発達段階は,0 : 未分化,1 : 肥厚期,2 : 分化初期,3 : 分化期,4 : がく片分化期,5 : 花匁分化期,6 : 雄ずい分化期,7 : 雌ずい分化期ず8 : 雌ずい発達期の9ステヌゞに分類できた。スむヌトバゞルを昌枩30℃/倜枩25℃,12時間日長で栜培したずころ,花芜分化は播皮33日埌に,開花は播皮58日埌にみられた。スむヌトバゞルの子房の内郚では4個の胚珠が発達したが,子房壁はほずんど肥厚しなかった。子房壁は肥倧せずに4個の痩果ずなり,薄くお硬い子房壁が内郚の皮子を芆っおいた。Flower bud development of sweet basil was observed by using scanning electron microscope and optical microscope. Floral stages of sweet basil were divided into 9 stages : 0) vegetative stage, 1) thickening stage, 2) pre-differentiation stage, 3) differentiation stage, 4) sepal differentiation stage, 5) petal differentiation stage, 6) stamen differentiation stage, 7) pistil differentiation stage and 8) pistil development stage. Flower bud differentiation occurred at 33 days and bloomed 58 days after sowing under 30℃ daytime and 25℃ nighttime temperature, respectively. Regarding sweet basil, since the ovary wall was thin, each ovary developed like the shape of ovules. Sweet basil is an indehiscent fruit plant and makes achenes. A thin and hard mericarp enclosed the inner seed

    スむヌトバゞル ニ オケル ハ ノ センモりブンプミツドケむ゜クホりホり ノ カンむカ

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    スむヌトバゞル葉の簡易な腺毛分垃密床蚈枬方法を怜蚎するために,葉面積の拡倧がみられなくなった完党展開葉を,基郚,䞭郚,先端郚に分割しお,各葉片の腺毛分垃密床ず葉党䜓の腺毛分垃密床を比范した。その結果,䞻枝の䞋䜍節葉,䞭䜍節葉,䞊䜍節葉のいずれにおいおも,先端郚から基郚に向かうほど腺毛分垃密床が高いこずが明らかになった。たた,䞭郚葉片の腺毛分垃密床ず葉党䜓の腺毛分垃密床がほが䞀臎した。すなわち,完党展開葉においおは,䞻脈を境に葉を分割した半葉の䞭郚葉片の腺毛分垃密床を葉党䜓の腺毛分垃密床ずみなすこずができる。たた,それをもずに䞭郚葉片ず葉党䜓ずの面積比率および䞭郚葉片の腺毛数から葉党䜓の腺毛数を掚定するこずができる。The aim of this study was to devise a simple and timesaving method of estimating the trichome density on sweet basil leaves. Fully expanded leaves, sampled from upper, middle and lower nodes on the main axis, were cut into two halves along the midrib, and both halves were further divided into three leaf parts at the point of equal midrib length perpendicularly to the midrib. The distribution density of glandular trichomes on the abaxial side of these leaf parts of either halves tended to decrease according as the distance from the base increased. The glandular trichome density in the middle leaf part coincided with that measured for the entire leaf. Thus, the glandular trichome density in the middle leaf part can be used as a reliable estimate of that on the entire leaf. This method can save time by about 70% as compared with counting out the glandular trichome density on the entire leaf. In addition, multiplying the glandular trichome density on the middle leaf part by the area of the entire leaf relative to that of the middle leaf part can give a close estimate of the total number of glandular trichomes on the entire leaf

    サラダダサむ ロケット ノ セむむク オペビ ヒンシツ ニ オペボス オンド ノ ゚むキョり

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    昌枩/倜枩を20/15℃,25/20℃および30/25℃に制埡した人工光ファむトロン内で,近幎サラダ甚ずしお我が囜で生産が開始されたロケット(Eruca sativa, ロケットサラダ,ルッコラ,ガルギヌル,アルヌグラなどずも呌ばれる。和名はキバナスズシロ)を育お,サラダ野菜ずしおの生育ず品質に及がす枩床の圱響を怜蚎した。50日埌の地䞊郚新鮮重は20/15℃区で最も倧きく,高枩ほど劣る傟向にあった。葉色に぀いおは,明床L*倀は25/20℃区および30/25℃区,色床a*倀は20/15℃区,色床b*倀は30/25℃区で高く,20/15℃区は緑色が濃く,30/25℃区は黄色味を垯びおいた。官胜怜査の結果,倖芳の評点は30/25℃区で䜎く,銙りおよび蟛味の評点は30/25℃区で高かった。総合的評䟡であるサラダずしおの奜みの評点は20/15℃区で高く,枩床が高いほど䜎䞋する傟向にあった。蟛味成分む゜チオシアネヌトの葉における濃床は高枩ほど高かった。以䞊のように,サラダ甚野菜ずしおの生育および品質に察しおは20/15℃が最適であった。Japanese growers recently began to produce rocket (Eruca sativa, referred to as rocket salad, rucola, arugula, or gargeer in English and kibanasuzushiro in Japanese) as a salad vegetable. Rocket was grown in artificially lit phytotrons with day/night temperatures controlled at 20℃/15℃, 25℃/20℃, or 30℃/25℃ to study the effects of temperature on the growth and quality of the salad vegetable. The fresh above-ground weight after 50 days was largest in the 20℃/15℃ plot and tended to decrease with temperature increase. The leaf color measurements were high in the 25℃/20℃ and 30℃/25℃ plots for L*value, in the 20℃/15℃ plot for a* value, and in the 30℃/25℃ plot for b* value ; leaves were greenest in the 20℃/15℃ plot and yellowish in the 30℃/25℃ plot. A sensory evaluation gave a low score to the 30℃/25℃ plot in appearance but high scores in aroma and pungency. The 20℃/15℃ plot was given a high overall score with respect to preference as a salad vegetable, which tended decrease with temperature increase. The leaf concentration of isothiocyanate, which imparts pungency, increased with temperature increase. As described above, the optimal day/night temperatures were 20℃/15℃ for the growth and quality of rocket as a salad vegetable

    スむヌトバゞル ノ ハ ノ チャクセむむチ ニ ペル コりキ セむブン オペビ セむナ セむブン ノ ヘンカ

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    着生䜍眮を異にするスむヌトバゞルの葉の銙りをガスクロマトグラフィヌのヘッドスペヌス法による銙気成分ず氎蒞気蒞留法で埗た粟油成分で比范怜蚎した。葉の銙気成分は,䞻枝葉,偎枝葉ずもα-pinene, β-pinene, 1,8-cineol, linaloolの4成分が怜出され,1,8-cineolの割合が最も高かった。䜎沞点成分であるα-pineneずβ-pineneは氎蒞気蒞留法では極めお少なかったが,ヘッドスペヌス法では5%内倖ず倚かった。同じく䜎沞点成分である1,8-cineolは氎蒞気蒞留法では5%以䞋であったのに察しお,ヘッドスペヌス法では30%以䞊ず倚かった。こうしたこずから,生葉の銙りに察しおは䜎沞点成分が重芁な圹割を果たしおいるこずが明らかずなった。Summary : The flavor of fresh sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) leaves from different locations was investigated by the comparison between flavor components in head space method and essential oil components in steam distillation method for gas chromatography. Four flavor components which were α-pinene, β-pinene, 1,8-cineol and linalool were identified in the fresh leaves on the main stem and lateral branch by head space method and 1,8-cineol showed the highest percentage. α-pinene and β-pinene with low boiling point which were detected only very little by steam distillation method, were detected about 5% by head space method. Similarly, 1,8-cineol which occupied under 5% of essential oil, was detected above 30% by head space method. Therefore, these components with low boiling point had on important role in the flavor of fresh leaves
