96 research outputs found
Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang kesadaran lingkungan terutama pada pengelolaan dan pengendalian sampah di Pantai Nirwana Kota Baubau. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dan wawancara, yakni kesadaran lingkungan didalam pengelolaan sampah di pantai nirwana belum baik. Manajemen penanganan sampah alami dari laut dan sampah pengunjung belum dilakukan dengan baik, seperti sebaran sampah hamper menutupi sepanjang pantai nirwana, pengumuman maupun himbauan pelarangan buang sampah tidak ada, Tempat pembuangan samaph sementara sangat buruk
Programa de orientación social-sexual dirigido a padres de familia entre 35-60 años, de adolescentes con síndrome de Down del Instituto Neurológico de Guatemala.
Desarrollar un programa dirigido a los padres de familia entre comprendidos entre los 35 y 60 años de edad, con hijos adolescentes con Síndrome de Down, que asisten al Instituto Neurológico de Guatemala, brindándoles una guía de Educación SocialSexual, necesaria para la formación completa de sus hijos. El programa tuvo una duración aproximada de dos meses. Se impartieron talleres, los cuales fueron realizados una vez por semana en un promedio de 2 horas. El proyecto dio inicio con una encuesta mixta que permitió conocer cuál es el conocimiento de los Padres, los métodos que algunos han utilizado para desarrollar la Educación Sexual, sus inquietudes acerca del tema, y de igual manera participar en ampliar el interés ante este programa. Al contar ya con esta información, se desarrolló con amplitud el programa a través de talleres, se realizaron actividades teóricas y prácticas que establecieron mayor seguridad al hablar de esos temas con sus hijos. Dicho programa fue creado con el fin de aportar conocimientos sobre la orientación social-sexual para la familia guatemalteca con hijos con 3 discapacidad y así favorecer el desenvolvimiento de cada uno de los adolescentes dentro de la sociedad. En el desarrollo de dicho programa se determinó cuál es el nivel de conocimientos sobre sexualidad en los padres de familia entre 35-60 años de adolescentes con síndrome de Down del Instituto Neurológico de Guatemala durante 2010; el mismo sirvió para cubrir las necesidades prioritarias de dicha población. Se brindó estrategias de apoyo a los padres de familia que asistieron al programa para que dichos temas puedan ser tratados sin preocupación alguna. Al terminar el programa se comprobó la efectividad que éste causó sobre la población y la dinámica familiar, ante una encuesta que mostró cuánta aceptación tuvo dichas exposiciones
Perancangan Sistem Aplikasi Gudang Toko Angkasa Jaya Motor Berbasis Web Menggunakan Node.js
Dalam menjalankan aktivitas bisnisnya, toko Angkasa Jaya Motor sering mengalami permasalahan dalam melakukan pengelolaan dan penyimpanan barang di gudang. Permasalahan terjadi dikarenakan toko masih menerapkan cara kerja manual dalam proses bisnisnya. Salah satunya adalah proses pencatatan barang yang masih menggunakan buku catatan. Data yang tercatat dalam buku catatan kemudian dipindahkan ke dalam spreadsheet tool. Pada proses ini, sinkronisasi data juga menjadi kendala. Data stok barang yang ada di gudang, di buku catatan, dan spreadsheet tool terdapat ketidaksesuaian data antara ketiga sumber tersebut sehingga mempengaruhi akurasi data barang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membangun aplikasi gudang berbasis Web menggunakan Node.js untuk membantu dalam menghadapi permasalahan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Research and Development (R&D). Penelitian ini menghasilkan sistem aplikasi gudang berbasis Web yang mampu membantu karyawan melakukan pengelolaan gudang dengan lebih praktis serta membuat pengelolaan gudang menjadi lebih optimal dan integrasi data membantu pemilik toko dalam mengakses informasi barang di gudang secara efisien dan real-time, sehingga keputusan bisnis dapat diambil berdasarkan data yang akurat.In carrying out its business activities, Angkasa Jaya Motor stores often experience problems in managing and storing goods in the warehouse. The problem occurs because the store still employs manual work methods in its business processes. One of them is that the process of recording goods still utilizes a notebook. The data recorded in the notebook is then transferred to the spreadsheet tool. In this process, data synchronization is also a constraint. There are data discrepancies between the stock data in the inventory, notebooks, and spreadsheet tools, thereby affecting the accuracy of the goods data. The research aims to develop a Web-based warehouse application using Node.js to help address these issues. The method used in this research is the Research and Development (R&D) method. This research yields a Web-based warehouse application system that enables employees to conduct inventory management more practically and optimize warehouse operations and data integration helps store owners efficiently access real-time information goods on the inventory, so that enable business decisions to be made based on accurate data
Pelaksanaan Pengawasan Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog) Dalam Pengendalian Pangan Di Kabupaten Bone
This study aimed to determine the implementation of supervision of the Logistics Affairs Agency; Badan Urusan Logistik (BULOG) in food control. This study used qualitative research a type of phenomenology with data collection methods were interviews and other secondary data support. The results of this study showed that the implementation of Bulog supervision in Bone Regency included monitoring, examination, assessment, interviewing, observation, calculation, analysis and reporting. Monitoring of the Bulog's calculations in Bone Regency had been done well by the Internal Supervisory System, in terms of reporting including matched monthly reports after being authorized by the Wajo sub-divorce then reported to the Center were made. However, in terms of food analysis, Bulog did not comply with the warehousing system, such as the regulation of water content of rice that did not meet the standards of warehouse entry. BSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pengawasan Badan Urusan Logistik (BULOG) dalam pengendalian pangan. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan tipe fenomenologi dengan metode pengumpulan data yakni wawancara serta dukungan data sekunder lainnya. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa pelaksanaan pengawasan Bulog di Kabupaten Bone meliputi pemantauan, pemeriksaan, penilaian, wawancara, pengamatan, perhitungan, analisis dan pelaporan. Pemantauan hingga perhitungan pihak Bulog di Kabupaten Bone telah dilakukan dengan baik oleh Sistem Pengawas Internal, dalam hal pelaporan meliputi laporan bulanan yang dicocokkan setelah mendapat wewenang dari sub divre Wajo kemudian dibuatkan laporan ke Pusat. Namun dalam hal analisis pangan pihak Bulog kurang mematuhi sistem pergudangan seperti aturan kadar air beras yang tidak memenuhi standar masuk gudang.
The recording of floods and earthquakes in Lake Chichój, Guatemala during the twentieth century
Laguna Chichój (Lake Chichój) is the only deep permanent lake in the central highlands of Guatemala. The lake is located in the boundary zone between the North American and Caribbean plates. The lake has been struck by devastating earthquakes and tropical cyclones in historical times. We investigated the imprint of twentieth century extreme events on the sedimentary record of this tropical lake using a bathymetric survey of the lake, coring the lake floor, and providing a chronology of sediment accumulation. The lake occupies a series of circular depressions likely formed by the rapid dissolution of a buried body of gypsum. 210Pb and 137Cs inventories and varve counting indicate high rates of sedimentation (1-2cmyear−1). The annually layered sediment is interrupted by turbidites of two types: a darker-colored turbidite, enriched in lake-derived biogenic constituents, and interpreted as a seismite, and a lighter-colored type, enriched in catchment-derived constituents, interpreted as a flood layer. Comparison of our 137Cs-determined layer ages with a catalog of twentieth century earthquakes shows that an earthquake on the Motagua fault in 1976 generated a conspicuous darker-colored turbidite and slumped deposits in separate parts of the lake. The entire earthquake inventory further reveals that mass movements in the lake are triggered at Modified Mercalli Intensities higher than V. Tropical cyclonic depressions known to have affected the lake area had limited effect on the lake, including Hurricane Mitch in 1998. One storm however produced a significantly thicker flood layer in the 1940s. This storm is reportedly the only event to have generated widespread slope failures in the lake catchment. It is thus inferred that abundant landsliding provided large amounts of concentrated sediment to the lake, through hyperpycnal flows
Physics Potential of the ICAL detector at the India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO)
The upcoming 50 kt magnetized iron calorimeter (ICAL) detector at the
India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) is designed to study the atmospheric
neutrinos and antineutrinos separately over a wide range of energies and path
lengths. The primary focus of this experiment is to explore the Earth matter
effects by observing the energy and zenith angle dependence of the atmospheric
neutrinos in the multi-GeV range. This study will be crucial to address some of
the outstanding issues in neutrino oscillation physics, including the
fundamental issue of neutrino mass hierarchy. In this document, we present the
physics potential of the detector as obtained from realistic detector
simulations. We describe the simulation framework, the neutrino interactions in
the detector, and the expected response of the detector to particles traversing
it. The ICAL detector can determine the energy and direction of the muons to a
high precision, and in addition, its sensitivity to multi-GeV hadrons increases
its physics reach substantially. Its charge identification capability, and
hence its ability to distinguish neutrinos from antineutrinos, makes it an
efficient detector for determining the neutrino mass hierarchy. In this report,
we outline the analyses carried out for the determination of neutrino mass
hierarchy and precision measurements of atmospheric neutrino mixing parameters
at ICAL, and give the expected physics reach of the detector with 10 years of
runtime. We also explore the potential of ICAL for probing new physics
scenarios like CPT violation and the presence of magnetic monopoles.Comment: 139 pages, Physics White Paper of the ICAL (INO) Collaboration,
Contents identical with the version published in Pramana - J. Physic
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