5 research outputs found

    Investigating landing gear noise using fly-over data: The case of a Boeing 747-400

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    Modeling the noise originating from a landing gear has proven to be a challenging task, because of its complicated structure. In full-scale, landing gear noise can only be investigated experimentally by source localization techniques and fly-over measurements with microphone arrays. In the present work, measurements of a Boeing B747-400 were used to determine the contribution of the landing gear to the overall noise emitted during a fly-over and how the broadband noise from the landing gear scales with the flight velocity. A tonal source from the nose landing gear was identified at 380 Hz with a harmonic at 760 Hz and it most likely originates from a cavity. It was also found that the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the high frequency broadband component varies linearly with frequency and there is some scaling with the ow velocity. Finally, the nose landing gear was shown to be a significant contributor to the overall airframe noise as expected

    Sources and Impacts of Atmospheric NH3: Current Understanding and Frontiers for Modeling, Measurements, and Remote Sensing in North America

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