2 research outputs found
Impact of a remote lab on teaching practices and student learning
- Author
- Alves
- Alves
- Alves
- Ana Pavani
- André Fidalgo
- Arcelina Marques
- Bochicchio
- Brinson
- Claesson
- Clara Viegas
- Cohen
- Collingridge
- Corter
- Cunha
- Daniel Barreto
- Delberis Lima
- Elsa Dobboletta
- Feisel
- Felder
- Felipe Calliari
- Ferreira
- Fidalgo
- Garcia-Zubía
- Garcia-Zubía
- Glaser
- Gomes
- Guilherme Temporão
- Gustavo Alves
- Gustavsson
- Heradio
- Herrera
- Isabel Pozzo
- Lima
- Lynch
- Marques
- Natércia Lima
- Nickerson
- Pavani
- Pozzo
- Vanessa Atencia
- Viegas
- Wright
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Source, Size and Chemical Composition of the Winter Arctic Tropospheric Aerosol Layer Observed by Lidar at Eureka, Canada.
- Author
- Å
- Bowling S.A. and G.E. Shaw
- Bradley R.S., F.T. Keimig, and H.F
- Brock C.A., L.F. Radke, and P.V. H
- Cheng M.-D., P.K. Hopke, L.A. Barr
- Fitzgerald J.W.
- Gong S.L., L.A. Douard, and J.-P.
- Gong S.L., L.A. Douard, and J.-P.
- Harris J.M. and J.D. Kahl
- Heidam N.Z.
- Hopke P.K., L.A. Barrie, S.-M. Li,
- Hopper J.F. and W. Hart
- IAOE-91
- Ishii S., T. Shibata, T. Nagai, K.
- Kahl J.D.
- Kahl J.D., J.M. Harris, and G.A. H
- Mori I., Y. Iwasaka, K. Matsunaga,
- Murayama T., H. Okamoto, N. Kaneya
- Nagel G., A. Herber, L.W. Thomason
- Osada K., F. Nishio, and K. Higuch
- Osada K., M. Hayashi, H. Ui, and Y
- Parungo F.P., C. Nagamoto, G. Herb
- Parungo F.P., C.T. Nagamoto, P.J.
- Polissar A.V., P.K. Hopke, P. Paat
- PSE 1992
- Radke L.F., J.H. Lyons, D.A. Hegg,
- Sakai T., T. Shibata, S.-A. Kwon,
- Shiobara M., Y. Fujii, S. Morimoto
- Sirois A. and L.A. Barrie
- Staebler R., D. Toom-Sauntry, L. B
- Tang I.N.
- Xie Y.-L., P.K. Hopke, P. Paatero,
- Publication venue
- 'Meteorological Society of Japan'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study