14 research outputs found

    Expressing regards, thanks and excuses in the nursery

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    Z diplomsko nalogo sem želela ugotoviti, kako vzgojitelji, otroci in starši izrekajo pozdrave ob prihodu in odhodu v vrtec. Zanimalo me je tudi, kako vzgojitelji in otroci izrekajo zahvale in opravičila v vsakodnevnih situacijah v času bivanja v vrtcu. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila, kaj je vzgoja in kakšna naj bi bila v vrtcu (kdo je vzgojitelj in katere so njegove naloge ter kakšna je komunikacija v vrtcu), kaj je odnosni govor ter kaj so pozdravi, zahvale in opravičila ter kako jih izrekamo. V empiričnem delu sem prikazala rezultate raziskave, ki sem jo izvedla v štirih skupinah različno starih vrtčevskih otrok. Ugotovila sem, da so otroci v preučevanih skupinah posnemali odrasle. Pri pozdravih se je izkazalo, da se starši in vzgojiteljice običajno pozdravijo, medtem ko otroci slabo pozdravljajo. Pri izrekanju zahval in opravičil so se vzgojiteljice v večini opravičile in se zahvalile, pri otrocih pa so rezultati pokazali majhen odstotek izrečenih opravičil in nekoliko več izrečenih zahval. Vzgojiteljice in otroci običajno pozdravljajo neuradno, medtem ko se zahvalijo in opravičijo večkrat uradno. Moški pogosteje kot ženske pozdravijo vzgojiteljico uradno in tudi vzgojiteljice so z moškimi bolj uradne kot z ženskami. Delovna doba in stopnja izobrazbe vzgojiteljic ni povezana z izrekanjem pozdravov, zahval in opravičil.In my diploma work I\u27ve wished to find out how the nursery teachers, children and parents express the greetings arriving and leaving the day nursery. I was also interested how they express thanks and apologies in their everyday situations while staying in the day nursery. In the theoretical part I\u27ve defined the nurturing and its way in the day nursery ( who the nursery teacher is, his tasks, and what is the communication like in the day nursery), the relation speech, the grreetings, thanks, and apologies and the way of expressing them. In the empirical part there are the results of my research made in four groups of variously aged children in the day nursery. I\u27ve found out they are imitatig the adults. As for greetings they are usual by the parents and nursery teachers but bad by children. Thanks and apologies were mostly expressed by the nursery teachers. A low percentage of apologies were expressed by children, and some more of thanks. The nursery teachers and children are usually greeting unformally, but they often thank and apologize formally.Men are greeting the nursery teachers formally more often than women. The nursery teachers are more formal with men than women with women as well. Expressing thanks, apologies and greetings is not connected with the nursery teachers\u27 degree of education and working period

    Igneous layering in basaltic magma chambers

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    Layering is a common feature in mafic and ultramafic layered intrusions and generally consists of a succession of layers characterized by contrasted mineral modes and/or mineral textures, including grain size and orientation and, locally, changing mineral compositions. The morphology of the layers is commonly planar, but more complicated shapes are observed in some layered intrusions. Layering displays various characteristics in terms of layer thickness, homogeneity, lateral continuity, stratigraphic cyclicity, and the sharpness of their contacts with surrounding layers. It also often has similarities with sedimentary structures such as cross-bedding, trough structures or layer termination. It is now accepted that basaltic magma chambers mostly crystallize in situ in slightly undercooled boundary layers formed at the margins of the chamber. As a consequence, most known existing layering cannot be ascribed to a simple crystal settling process. Based on detailed field relationships, geochemical analyses as well as theoretical and experimental studies, other potential mechanisms have been proposed in the literature to explain the formation of layered igneous rocks. In this study, we review important mechanisms for the formation of layering, which we classify into dynamic and non-dynamic layer-forming processes