5 research outputs found
Study of buccal epithelium as a method of diagnosis of uterine myoma
Uterine myoma is one of the reasons that lead to infertility and a number of serious complications during pregnancy. Relevant is to find methods for early diagnosis of this disease. At the same time research buccal epithelium has several advantages because of its painless and informative, and is characterized by ease of collection of material for research. Below you will see the results of the study nuclei of buccal epithelium in patients with uterine cancer compared with the control group. For a group of patients diagnosed with uterine fibroids detected buccal epithelium following characteristics: shape core spindle and uncertain; membrane nucleus split evenly thick, sealed, reinforced sides and loosened; color core dark, dark to a mirror, with grain sizes.Миома матки является одной из причин, приводящих к бесплодию и ряду серьезных осложнений во время беременности. Необходимо найти
методы ранней диагностики этого заболевания. В то же время исследование буккального эпителия имеет ряд преимуществ из-за его безболезненности, информативности и простоты сбора материала для исследования. В статье приведены результаты изучения ядер буккального эпителия у пациентов с раком матки по сравнению с контрольной группой. У пациентов с миомой матки были выявлены морфо-структурные изменения ядер клеток буккального эпителия по сравнению с контрольной группой.Міома матки є однією з причин, що призводять до безпліддя і ряду серйозних ускладнень під час вагітності.
Необхідно знайти методи ранньої діагностики цього захворювання. У той же час дослідження буккального епітелію має ряд переваг через його безболісність, інформативність та простоту збору матеріалу для дослідження. У статті наведені результати вивчення ядер букального епітелію у пацієнтів з раком матки в порівнянні з контрольною групою. У пацієнтів з міомою матки були виявлені морфоструктурні зміни ядер клітин букального епітелію в порівнянні з контрольною групою
Changes in endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity over time after induction of experimental diabetic retinopathy
Purpose: To examine changes in the activity of endothelial nitric oxide (NO) synthase in the development of endothelial dysfunction in experimental diabetic retinopathy corrected by various methods.
Material and Methods: Albino (Wistar) rats (weight, 180-200 g) were used in this study and divided into 7 groups 60 animals each.
Results: We found impaired endothelial function at day 30 of the experiment, and, subsequently, animals exhibited progression of pathological changes. Hypoglycemic agent only caused a mild, but not significant improvement in endothelial dysfunction, and did not allow restoration of normal synthesis of the proper amount of NO. Application of L-arginine and aflibercept in combination with hypoglycemic therapy for diabetic retinopathy led to repair of endothelial dysfunction and contributed to restoration of the physiological pathway for production of NO. Application of aflibercept and bromfenac in combination with hypoglycemic therapy for diabetic retinopathy led to a less pronounced effect than multi-component therapy including L-arginine, and this effect was not durable and significantly decreased by day 180. Application of aflibercept, L-carnitine and bromfenac in combination with hypoglycemic therapy showed more promising results than the above methods: endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) activity increased at time point 1, and continued to increase subsequently, although normal values were not achieved.
Conclusion: Aflibercept, L-arginine and citicoline in combination with hypoglycemic therapy was the most effective method among those tested in this study, with eNOS activity not only increasing as early as day 30, but also continuing to increase subsequently (days 60 and 180) and achieving normal values at day 180
Development of experimental alloxan model of diabetes mellitus
Background. One of the main causes that lead to the disability of diabetic patients is diabetic retinopathy (DR). The relevance of the problem of DR necessitates the development of optimal experimental models on experimental animals to find effective ways of correcting this pathology. The purpose of our work was to develop an experimental alloxan model of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) for the study of DR, which would not result in the lethal outcome of experimental animals under the action of alloxan; histological examination of changes in the tissues of the eyeball in the reproduction of the DM model for the selection of new effective methods for the metabolic treatment of DR in the early stages. Materials and methods. The experiment was carried out on white outbred Wistar rats weighing 180–200 g. The first group consisted of 20 animals that were not subjected to any influence, served as a control; second group — 30 animals, in which DM was modeled by administration of alloxan and fructose. Results. When modeling DR, vessel changes in the form of wall fibrosis, edema of the endothelium and vasospasm were found. There was also a decrease in the amount of pigment granules, dystrophic changes in the cells of the ganglionic layer and a layer of retinal rods and cones, which coincides with the descriptions of damage to the coats of the eyeball in patients with DM. Conclusions. In our studies, we have calculated the optimal dose of alloxan administration, which does not lead to the death of rats (the lethality of rats was absent) and is an effective model not only of DM in general, but also of DR