7 research outputs found

    Kekuatan Tarik Sambungan Paku keling tunggal pada Komposit Polypropylene Hibrida Laminasi Serat Goni/Gelas

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    This research is to investigate the tensile strength of hybrid composite with lamination of goni and glass fiber reinforced on single rivet joint. Four variant of gony and glass fiber lamination on single lap-joint by rivet were manufactured and the gony fiber reinforced polypropylene composite [g5] and glass fiber reinforced polypropylene composite [G5] also produced for control. The specimen was fabricated through hot-press on the temperature of 200 oC as long as 60 min. The strength of the rivet joint has been tested on tension machine with load 5000 (N) and crosshead speeds is 1 mm/min. The research purpose is to investigate the tension strength of riveted single lap-joint on hybrid composites based on the fibers laminate variation. The tension test result of each variation of hybrid composites shown as follow; The average value of tension strength of hybrid composite (H1) shows the high value is 10,179 MPa with elastic of modulus is 3,867 (MPa). Meanwhile, the average value of hybrid composite H2, H3, and H4 have tension strength relative similar i.e; 7,88 (MPa), 7,792 (MPa), and 7,84 (MPa) that positioned between the composites [G5] and [g5]. The laminate stacking of fibers is influencing of the strength and elastic of modulus of hybrid composites

    Pengaruh Temperatur Sinter Terhadap Kekerasan dan Keausan Kampas Rem Berbasis Komposit Hibrida Serbuk Tempurung Kelapa/Alumina/Phenolic Resin

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    Penelitian ini menginvestigasi sifat kekerasan dan keausan kampas rem komposit hibrida. Komposit hibrida berbasis penguat adalah serbuk tempurung Kelapa dan alumina dengan matriks phenolic resin. Benda uji diproduksi menggunakan hot press pada temperatur sinter bervariasi dari 200oC, 250oC dan 300oC. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan tingkat kekerasan, laju keausan dan koefisien gesek dari komposit hibrida. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pin-on-disk dan Vikers berdasarkan standar masing-masing ASTM E-92 dan ASTMG99-95a. Hasil pengujian ditunjukkan temperatur sinter telah signifikan menurunkan koefisien gesekan, walaupun pada benda uji A dengan temperatur sinter 200oC masih lebih tinggi dari benda uji control sebesar 3.54%. Kemudian, nilai kekerasan HV untuk komposit hibrida pada temperatur sinter 300oC adalah 9.3% lebih tinggi dari pada kontrol. Kesimpulan adalah komposit hibrida dengan komposisi 40% serbuk tempurung kelapa dan 20% alumina potensial diaplikasikan untuk bahan alternatif kampas rem kendaraan bermotor. This research investigates the hardness and wear behavior of hybrid composite brake pad. Hybrid composite was manufactured base on particles coconut cell and alumina reinforced and phenolic resin matrix. The specimens were produced by using the hot press according to temperatures variation of 200oC, 250oC and 300oC. The research purpose to determine hardness ability, wear rate, and friction coefficient of hybrid composites. Pin-on-disk and Vickers test have been employed according to the ASTM E-92 dan ASTMG99-95a, respectively. The result shows that sintering temperature have been significant decreased friction coefficient, while on specimen A with 200oC sinter temperature has 3.54% higher than control specimen. In addition, the hardness (HV) number of hybrid composite on 300oC sinter temperatures has 9.3% higher than control. Conclusion, hybrid composite with composition 40% coconut cell particles and 20% alumina has potential as alternative material of the vehicle brake pad application

    Thermal Conductivity of Carbon/Basal Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Hybrid Composites

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the thermal conductivity of carbon/basalt fiber reinforced hybrid composite structures based on stacking sequences. The paper also investigates the thermal impedance of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) and basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) with increased thickness. Research involved processing hybrid composite by using injection moulding. The weight ratios of fibers to polymers was 60%: 40%. Testing was conducted using the ASTM D 5470 standard test method. Results show that the stacking sequences of carbon/basalt fibers have a significant impact on thermal conductivity. Hybrid composite with the stacking sequence mode C3B4C3 has the lowest thermal conductivity at 0.187 W/mK, and the highest thermal impedance of 0.0052 m2K/W. The highest thermal impedance of BFRP is at 0.007 m2K/W with 2.5 mm thickness. In CFRP, the highest thermal impedance is achieved by 3.4 mm thickness with 0.005 m2K/W. Results therefore show that carbon/basalt/epoxy hybrid composites are good insulators, since thermal conductivity is less than 0.42 W/moK standard


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    Frontal direction crash has become most serious cause in traffic accident. Based on the fact, this reaserch focused on the passenger movement in a frontal crash. The research was aimed to predict the direction of passenger movement and the benefit of using the seatbelt to decelerate the passenger movement in a frontal crash. The research was conducted by computer simulation by using Delphi 7. The inputs were vehicle velocity (80 km/h), mass of passenger (75 kg), and mass of vehicle (2000 kg). The results showed that in a frontal crash the deceleration of the passenger was smaller than that of the vehicle. The result of simulation showed that the force on passenger was 1.8352 N. If seatbelt tightness 1 N/cm2 was applied, the force on passenger decreased 468.56 N. In this case, the passenger still had relative velocity to the vehicle vrf = 1.75728 m/s and the force on passenger was 249.46 N. The seatbelt had important function to decelerate the passenger movement to the same deceleration of the vehicle during the frontal crash


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    This experiment's purpose is to investigate the tension strength of the elbow joint with the variation of rivets position. The Joining was made based on jute woven fabric reinforced composite epoxy. The vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding process was employed to manufacture composites. In this joint two rivets were used in three orientations of positions such as diagonal (D), Vertical (V), and horizontal (H). In order to investigate the properties of a sample, the tensile loading was carried out. Then, the failure of samples based on the photographic method has analyzed. The test result shows that the tensile strength of joints with D orientation has the highest value compared with rivets on orientation V and H are 3.329 MPa, 2.946 MPa, dan 2.737 MPa, respectively. Additionally, the shear stress value of each rivets orientation on tangential states have D = 59.49 N/mm2, V = 47.46 N/mm2, and H = 45.35 N/mm2, respectively. It can be concluded that the rivet state orientation becomes an important factor for the tension strength of the tangential joint of the composites

    Roboswab: A Covid-19 Thermal Imaging Detector Based on Oral and Facial Temperatures

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus has been the precursor of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The symptoms of COVID-19 begin with the common cold and then become very severe, such as those of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). Currently, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to detect COVID-19 accurately, but it causes some side effects to the patient when the test is performed. Therefore, the proposed "Roboswab" was developed that uses thermal imaging to measure non-contact facial and oral temperature. This study focuses on the performance of the proposed equipment in measuring facial and oral temperature from various distances. Face detection also involves checking whether the subject is wearing a mask or not. Image processing methods with thermal imaging and robotic manipulators are integrated into a contact-free detector that is inexpensive, accurate, and painless. This research has successfully detected masked or non-masked faces and accurately detected facial temperature. The results showed that the accurate measurement of facial temperature with a mask is 90% with an error of +/- 0.05%, while it was 100% without a mask. On the other hand, the oral temperature was measured with 97% accuracy and an error of less than 5%. The optimal distance of the Roboswab to the face for measuring temperature is an average of 60 cm. The Roboswab tool equipped with masked or non-masked face detection can be used for early detection of COVID-19 without direct contact with patients