4 research outputs found

    The Forking Paths: an interactive cinema experience

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    The project The Forking Paths aims to create a set of interactive cinematographic narratives, within an applied research that seeks to transfer the spectator from an extradiegetic level to an intradiegetic level, creating a metalepsis. The intention is, above all, to analyze the possibilities of the spectator’s identification as the main character, by the manipulation of the idea of time in Cinema. We aim to reach this proposal through the use of specific narrative resources, as well as through the possibility of choice between alternative image flows. The project The forking paths is intended to be available in different media and supports suchas the Internet, touch sensitive screen devices and conventional cinemas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The City of Abadyl

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    Interactivity, cinema and experimentation: the forking paths

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    Based on the triad film-interactivity-experimentation, the applied research project The Forking Paths, developed at the Arts and Communication Research Centre (CIAC), endeavours to find alternative narrative forms in the field of Cinema and, more specifically, in the subfield of Interactive Cinema. The films in The Forking Paths invest in the relationship between the spectator and the film narrative, which is intended to be more active and engaged, and at same time they propose a research on the development of audio-visual language. The project is consubstantiated at an online platform that aims to foster the creation and web hosting of Interactive Cinema in its different variables.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio