72 research outputs found

    Statistical mechanics of triangulated ribbons

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    We use computer simulations and scaling arguments to investigate statistical and structural properties of a semiflexible ribbon composed of isosceles triangles. We study two different models, one where the bending energy is calculated from the angles between the normal vectors of adjacent triangles, the second where the edges are viewed as semiflexible polymers so that the bending energy is related to the angles between the tangent vectors of next-nearest neighbor triangles. The first model can be solved exactly whereas the second is more involved. It was recently introduced by Liverpool and Golestanian Phys.Rev.Lett. 80, 405 (1998), Phys.Rev.E 62, 5488 (2000) as a model for double-stranded biopolymers such as DNA. Comparing observables such as the autocorrelation functions of the tangent vectors and the bond-director field, the probability distribution functions of the end-to-end distance, and the mean squared twist we confirm the existence of local twist correlation, but find no indications for other predicted features such as twist-stretch coupling, kinks, or oscillations in the autocorrelation function of the bond-director field.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figures. submitted to PRE, revised versio

    The Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Experiment: Results, Status, Future

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    We review the present status of the Baikal Underwater Neutrino Experiment and present results obtained with the various stages of the stepwise increasing detector: NT-36 (1993-95), NT-72 (1995-96) and NT-96 (1996-97). Results cover atmospheric muons, first clear neutrino events, search for neutrinos from WIMP annihilation in the center of the Earth, search for magnetic monopoles, and -- far from astroparticle physics -- limnology.Comment: Talk given at the Int. School on Nuclear Physics, Erice, Sept.199

    Determination of the Quantitative Content of HBsAg in Blood Serum during Complex Monitoring for Chronic Hepatitis B in HIV-Infected Patients

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    The paper presents the results of quantitative content of HBsAg investigation in patients with HIV/chronic hepatitis В coinfection compared with the presence/absence of hepatitis В virus DNA and alanine aminotransferase level in the blood. It has been found that in patients with HIV/chronic hepatitis В coinfection, who receive treatment, the absence of hepatitis В virus DNA is significantly associated with a reduced HBsAg level, and especially with increasing duration of treatment. When compared with the content of alanine aminotransferase, it has been revealed that HBsAg level significantly increased only in patients who did not receive antiviral treatment and have alanine aminotransferase level above normal. Thus, quantification of serum HBsAg can be considered as reliable additional criterion for monitoring the treatment of patients with HIV/chronic hepatitis В coinfection using nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors

    Age morphofunctional features of organs and systems of organism under different gravitational overload influence and different methods of their correction

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    Age features of a structure and function of separate organs and systems of an organism were investigated under effect of gravitational overloads, and also efficiency of protection methods of various nature. Age features of a morphgenesis of bone system, lungs, stomach, myocardium, thymus gland, spleen, suprarenal glands, cellular and biochemical composition of blood are established under effect of gravitational overloads in experiment. Morphological proofs of effectiveness of methods of stability augmentation to gravitational overloads, namely physical, pharmacological (application of domestic medicines Glutarginum and Lipoflavon) and their combinations are received

    Luminescence of CWO single crystals containing various defects

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    Influence of dopant-induced defects on luminescence and performance characteristics of CWO crystals has been studied. Мо and Fe have been shown to give rise to a specific "red" emission component with decay time of several hundreds of microseconds or more, while trivalent dopants cause formation of deep charge carrier traps responsible for the millisecond range afterglow. These defects give rise also to the color centers causing absorption in the intrinsic emission band, thus deteriorating the crystal scintillation parameters. The studies performed allowed to develop a technology of large high-quality CWO crystals. The tomographic elements manufactured from those crystals showed an afterglow of less than 100 ppm after 20 ms and the light yield of about 20,000 photons per MeV.Исследовано влияние примесных дефектов на люминесцентные и функциональные характеристики кристаллов CWO. Показано, что Мо и Fe образуют в кристаллах специфические "красные" компоненты свечения с временами высвечивания несколько сотен и более микросекунд, трехвалентные примеси приводят к образованию глубоких ловушек носителей заряда, ответственных за послесвечение в миллисекундном диапазоне. Эти дефекты также ответственны за образование центров окраски, поглощающих в области собственного свечения, что ухудшает сцинтилляционные характеристики кристаллов. Проведенные нами исследования позволили разработать технологический процесс получения крупногабаритных кристаллов CWO улучшенного качества. Томографические элементы, изготовленные из этих кристаллов, имели послесвечение менее 100 ppm через 20 мс, световой выход - 20000 фотон/МэВ.Вивчено вплив домiшкових дефектiв на люмiнесцентнi i функцiональнi характеристики кристалiв CWO. Показано, що Мо i Fe утворюють в кристалах CWO специфiчнi "червонi" компоненти свiчення з часами висвiчення декiлька сотень i бiльше мiкросекунд, тривалентнi домiшки приводять до утворення глибоких пасток носiiв заряду, вiдповiдальних за пiслясвiчення у мiлiсекундному дiапазонi. Цi дефекти також вiдповiдальнi за утворення центрiв забарвлення, поглинаючих в областi власного свiчення, що погiршує сцинтиляцiйнi характеристики кристалiв. Проведенi нами дослiдження дозволили розробити технологiчний процес отримання великогабаритних кристалiв CWO полiпшеної якостi. Томографiчнi елементи, виготовленi з цих кристалiв, мали пiслясвiчення менше 100 ppm через 20 мс, свiтловий вихiд - 20000 фотон/МеВ

    Study of the trion spectral lines broadening in the thin Si(p)/Si(b)/ZnO film caused by the exciton-phonon interaction and other factors

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    Experiments were carried out to study the contribution of the phonon wing to the uniform width of exciton states localized at room temperature on surface defects of the crystal lattice of thin single-layer and three-layer films. Technological studies were carried out to reproduce the parameters of a three-layer thin textured Si (P) / Si (B) / ZnO film to create a technology for the production of femtosecond time interval recorders based on the non-Faraday rotation of the polarized vector of the stimulated photon echo. The results of technological methods for studying the physics of the formation of trion states are discussed