1,307 research outputs found

    All-electrical control of single ion spins in a semiconductor

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    We propose a method for all-electrical initialization, control and readout of the spin of single ions substituted into a semiconductor. Mn ions in GaAs form a natural example. In the ion's ground state the Mn core spin magnetic moment locks antiparallel to the spin and orbital magnetic moment of a bound valence hole from the GaAs host. Direct electrical manipulation of the ion spin is possible because electric fields manipulate the orbital wave function of the hole, and through the spin-orbit coupling the spin is reoriented as well. Coupling two or more ion spins can be achieved using electrical gates to control the size of the valence hole wave function near the semiconductor surface. This proposal for coherent manipulation of individual ionic spins and controlled coupling of ionic spins via electrical gates alone may find applications in extremely high density information storage and in scalable coherent or quantum information processing.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    COMPASS server for remote homology inference

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    COMPASS is a method for homology detection and local alignment construction based on the comparison of multiple sequence alignments (MSAs). The method derives numerical profiles from given MSAs, constructs local profile-profile alignments and analytically estimates E-values for the detected similarities. Until now, COMPASS was only available for download and local installation. Here, we present a new web server featuring the latest version of COMPASS, which provides (i) increased sensitivity and selectivity of homology detection; (ii) longer, more complete alignments; and (iii) faster computational speed. After submission of the query MSA or single sequence, the server performs searches versus a user-specified database. The server includes detailed and intuitive control of the search parameters. A flexible output format, structured similarly to BLAST and PSI-BLAST, provides an easy way to read and analyze the detected profile similarities. Brief help sections are available for all input parameters and output options, along with detailed documentation. To illustrate the value of this tool for protein structure-functional prediction, we present two examples of detecting distant homologs for uncharacterized protein families. Available at http://prodata.swmed.edu/compas

    Effects of Static Magnetic Field on Growth of Leptospire, Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola: Immunoreactivity and Cell Division

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    The effects of the exposure of the bacterium, Leptospira interrogans serovar canicola to a constant magnetic field with magnetic flux density from a permanent ferrite magnet = 140 mT were studied. Changes in Leptospira cells after their exposure to the field were determined on the basis of changes in their growth behavior and agglutination immunoreactivity with a homologous antiserum using darkfield microscopy together with visual imaging. The data showed that the exposed Leptospira cells have lower densities and lower agglutination immunoreactivity than the unexposed control group. Interestingly, some of the exposed Leptospira cells showed abnormal morphologies such as large lengths. We discussed some of the possible reasons for these observations.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Condensation in a zero range process on weighted scale-free networks

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    We study the condensation phenomenon in a zero range process on weighted scale-free networks in order to show how the weighted transport influences the particle condensation. Instead of the approach of grand canonical ensemble which is generally used in a zero range process, we introduce an alternate approach of the mean field equations to study the dynamics of particle transport. We find that the condensation on scale-free network is easier to occur in the case of weighted transport than in the case of weight-free. In the weighted transport, especially, a dynamical condensation is even possible for the case of no interaction among particles, which is impossible in the case of weight-free.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of Rainfall for the Dynamical Transmission Model of the Dengue Disease in Thailand

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    The SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered) model is used to describe the transmission of dengue virus. The main contribution is determining the role of the rainfall in Thailand in the model. The transmission of dengue disease is assumed to depend on the nature of the rainfall in Thailand. We analyze the dynamic transmission of dengue disease. The stability of the solution of the model is analyzed. It is investigated by using the Routh-Hurwitz criteria. We find two equilibrium states: a disease-free state and an endemic equilibrium state. The basic reproductive number (R0) is obtained, which indicates the stability of each equilibrium state. Numerical results taking into account the rainfall are obtained and they are seen to correspond to the analytical results