573 research outputs found

    In situ visualization of Ni-Nb bulk metallic glasses phase transition

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    We report the results of the Ni-based bulk metallic glass structural evolution and crystallization behavior in situ investigation. The X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nano-beam diffraction (NBD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), radial distribution function (RDF) and scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) techniques were applied to analyze the structure and electronic properties of Ni63.5Nb36.5 glasses before and after crystallization. It was proved that partial surface crystallization of Ni63.5Nb36.5 can occur at the temperature lower than for the full sample crystallization. According to our STM measurements the primary crystallization is originally starting with the Ni3Nb phase formation. It was shown that surface crystallization drastically differs from the bulk crystallization due to the possible surface reconstruction. The mechanism of Ni63.5Nb36.5 glass alloy 2D-crystallization was suggested, which corresponds to the local metastable (3x3)-Ni(111) surface phase formation. The possibility of different surface nano-structures development by the annealing of the originally glassy alloy in ultra high vacuum at the temperature lower, than the crystallization temperature was shown. The increase of mean square surface roughness parameter Rq while moving from glassy to fully crystallized state can be caused by concurrent growth of Ni3Nb and Ni6Nb7 bulk phases. The simple empirical model for the estimation of Ni63.5Nb36.5 cluster size was suggested, and the obtained values (7.64 A, 8.08 A) are in good agreement with STM measurements data (8 A-10 A)

    User involvement in design: a case study of using an AM-enabled mass customisation and personalisation (MC&P) toolkit

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    In the era of Mass Customisation and Personalisation (MC&P), users are incorporated in the design of their own products more explicitly with the aid of toolkits. There are nearly 1000 toolkits for MC&P already available to be accessed by Internet users. However, only a few of them are specifically AM-enabled, such as CellCycle and MakieMaker. This article focuses on a case study that employs user observation and questionnaire methods to highlight the benefits of MC&P. It is based on a toolkit designed by Loughborough Design School for customisation and personalisation of a lampshade, the manufacture of which was facilitated by Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies. The case study suggests that the reflections of the participant’s experience with MC&P, his quality of interaction with the toolkit and the value of the MC&P product produced through AM have practical implication for users, designers and software developers to improve user experience of MC&P and to enhance the value of consumer product designs

    Magnetic behavior of metastable fcc Fe-Cu after thermal treatments

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    A ferromagnetic and supersaturated fcc Fe_51Cu_49 solid solution has been obtained by mechanical alloying. After subsequent thermal treatments the fcc phase undergoes a spinodal decomposition which finally, at 780 K, yields a mixture of fcc and bcc phases. In this work, a systematic magnetic study is carried out on samples at diferent decomposition states in order to determine the process of transformation into the stable phases. We observe a 20% maximum diminution on the magnetic moment with increasing temperatures of the thermal treatment. The Mössbauer spectrum taken at 8 K shows that 20% of the Fe atoms are in a nonferromagnetic state. On the other hand, upon heating up to 723 K the roomtemperature coercive field increases dramatically to 640 Oe, and after cooling down to 10 K it decreases to 270 Oe. Deviations from the T law in the temperature dependence of the magnetization have been observed. This behavior is explained by fluctuations in composition due to the spinodal decomposition, which lead to fluctuations of the magnetic order parameters, i.e., magnetic moment and Curie temperature

    Crystallization of Ti33Cu67 metallic glass under high-current density electrical pulses

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    We have studied the phase and structure evolution of the Ti33Cu67 amorphous alloy subjected to electrical pulses of high current density. By varying the pulse parameters, different stages of crystallization could be observed in the samples. Partial polymorphic nanocrystallization resulting in the formation of 5- to 8-nm crystallites of the TiCu2 intermetallic in the residual amorphous matrix occurred when the maximum current density reached 9.7·108 A m-2 and the pulse duration was 140 μs, though the calculated temperature increase due to Joule heating was not enough to reach the crystallization temperature of the alloy. Samples subjected to higher current densities and higher values of the evolved Joule heat per unit mass fully crystallized and contained the Ti2Cu3 and TiCu3 phases. A common feature of the crystallized ribbons was their non-uniform microstructure with regions that experienced local melting and rapid solidification

    Evasion of anti-growth signaling: a key step in tumorigenesis and potential target for treatment and prophylaxis by natural compounds

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    The evasion of anti-growth signaling is an important characteristic of cancer cells. In order to continue to proliferate, cancer cells must somehow uncouple themselves from the many signals that exist to slow down cell growth. Here, we define the anti-growth signaling process, and review several important pathways involved in growth signaling: p53, phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), retinoblastoma protein (Rb), Hippo, growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15), AT-rich interactive domain 1A (ARID1A), Notch, insulin-like growth factor (IGF), and Krüppel-like factor 5 (KLF5) pathways. Aberrations in these processes in cancer cells involve mutations and thus the suppression of genes that prevent growth, as well as mutation and activation of genes involved in driving cell growth. Using these pathways as examples, we prioritize molecular targets that might be leveraged to promote anti-growth signaling in cancer cells. Interestingly, naturally-occurring phytochemicals found in human diets (either singly or as mixtures) may promote anti-growth signaling, and do so without the potentially adverse effects associated with synthetic chemicals. We review examples of naturally-occurring phytochemicals that may be applied to prevent cancer by antagonizing growth signaling, and propose one phytochemical for each pathway. These are: epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) for the Rb pathway, luteolin for p53, curcumin for PTEN, porphyrins for Hippo, genistein for GDF15, resveratrol for ARID1A, withaferin A for Notch and diguelin for the IGF1-receptor pathway. The coordination of anti-growth signaling and natural compound studies will provide insight into the future application of these compounds in the clinical setting

    Corrosion behaviour of porous Ti intended for biomedical applications

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    Porous Ti implants are being developed inorder to reduce the biomechanical mismatch between theimplant and the bone, as well as increasing the osseointegrationby improving the bone in-growth. Most of the focusin the literature has been on the structural, biological andmechanical characterization of porous Ti whereas there islimited information on the electrochemical characterization.Therefore, the present work aims to study the corrosionbehaviour of porous Ti having 30 and 50 % ofnominal porosity, produced by powder metallurgy routeusing the space holder technique. The percentage, size anddistribution of the pores were determined by image analysis.Electrochemical tests consisting of potentiodynamicpolarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopywere performed in 9 g/L NaCl solution at body temperature.Electrochemical studies revealed that samples presenteda less stable oxide film at increased porosity, morespecifically, the complex geometry and the interconnectivityof the pores resulted in formation of less protectiveoxide film in the pores.This study was supported by FCT with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizac¸a˜o (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145- FEDER-006941, Programa de Acc¸o˜es Universita´rias Integradas LusoFrancesas’ (PAUILF TC-12_14), and The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation through ‘‘Programa de Mobilidade Acade´mica para Professores’’. The authors would also like to acknowledge Prof. Ana Senos (University of Aveiro) and Prof. Jose´ Carlos Teixeira (University of Minho) for the provision of the characterization facilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prediction of breast self-examination in a sample of Iranian women: an application of the Health Belief Model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Iranian women, many of whom live in small cities, have limited access to mammography and clinical breast examinations. Thus, breast self examination (BSE) becomes an important and necessary approach to detecting this disease in its early stages in order to limit its resultant morbidity and mortality. This study examined constructs arising from the Health Belief Model as predictors of breast self examination behavior in a sample of women living in Bandar Abbas, Iran.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was conducted in eight health centers located in Bandar Abbas, Iran. The sample consisted of 240 eligible women who were selected from referrals to the centers. The inclusion criteria were as follows: aged 30 years and over; and able to read and write Farsi. Women with breast cancer, who were pregnant, or breast feeding, were excluded from the study. Data were collected by using a self administered questionnaire which included demographic characteristics and Champion's Health Belief Model Scale. This instrument measures the concepts of disease susceptibility (3 items), seriousness (6 items), benefits (4 items), barriers (8 items) and self-efficacy (10 items).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The subjects' mean age was 37.2 (SD = 6.1) years. Just under a third of the subjects (31.7%) had performed BSE in the past and 7.1% of them performed it at least monthly. Perceived benefits and perceived self-efficacy of the women who performed BSE were significantly higher compared with women who did not practice BSE (p < 0.03). Furthermore, perceived barriers were lower among those who had performed BSE (p < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis indicated that women who perceived fewer barriers (OR: 0.70, 95% CI: 0.63-0.77, p < 0.001) and had higher self-efficacy (OR: 1.08, 95% CI: 1.02-1.13, p = 0.003) were more likely to perform BSE (R<sup>2 </sup>= 0.52).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Findings from this study indicated that perceived barriers and perceived self-efficacy could be predictors of BSE behavior among the sample of women. Therefore, BSE training programs that emphasize self-efficacy and address perceived barriers are recommended.</p

    Thermomechanical couplings in shape memory alloy materials

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    In this work we address several theoretical and computational issues which are related to the thermomechanical modeling of shape memory alloy materials. More specifically, in this paper we revisit a non-isothermal version of the theory of large deformation generalized plasticity which is suitable for describing the multiple and complex mechanisms occurring in these materials during phase transformations. We also discuss the computational implementation of a generalized plasticity based constitutive model and we demonstrate the ability of the theory in simulating the basic patterns of the experimentally observed behavior by a set of representative numerical examples

    Effects of Spatial Dispersion on the Casimir Force between Graphene Sheets

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    The Casimir force between graphene sheets is investigated with emphasis on the effect from spatial dispersion using a combination of factors, such as a nonzero chemical potential and an induced energy gap. We distinguish between two regimes for the interaction - T=0 KK and T0T\neq 0 KK. It is found that the quantum mechanical interaction (T=0 KK) retains its distance dependence regardless of the inclusion of dispersion. The spatial dispersion from the finite temperature Casimir force is found to contribute for the most part from n=0n=0 Matsubara term. These effects become important as graphene is tailored to become a poor conductor by inducing a band gap.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to EP