5,791 research outputs found

    Generalized Geologic Map for Land-Use Planning: Clark County, Kentucky

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    This map is not intended to be used for selecting individual sites. Its purpose is to inform land-use planners, government officials, and the public in a general way about geologic bedrock conditions that affect the selection of sites for various purposes. The properties of thick soils may supercede those of the underlying bedrock and should be considered on a site-to-site basis. At any site, it is important to understand the characteristics of both the soils and the underlying rock

    Large-D Expansion from Variational Perturbation Theory

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    We derive recursively the perturbation series for the ground-state energy of the D-dimensional anharmonic oscillator and resum it using variational perturbation theory (VPT). From the exponentially fast converging approximants, we extract the coefficients of the large-D expansion to higher orders. The calculation effort is much smaller than in the standard field-theoretic approach based on the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation.Comment: Author Information under http://hbar.wustl.edu/~sbrandt and http://www.theo-phys.uni-essen.de/tp/ags/pelster_di

    Discovery of a New Quadruple Lens HST 1411+5211

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    Gravitational lensing is an important tool for probing the mass distribution of galaxies. In this letter we report the discovery of a new quadruple lens HST 1411+5211 found in archived WFPC2 images of the galaxy cluster CL140933+5226. If the galaxy is a cluster member then its redshift is z=0.46z=0.46. The images of the source appear unresolved in the WFC implying that the source is a quasar. We have modeled the lens as both a single galaxy and a galaxy plus a cluster. The latter model yields excellent fits to the image positions along with reasonable parameters for the galaxy and cluster making HST 1411+5211 a likely gravitational lens. Determination of the source redshift and confirmation of the lens redshift would allow us to put strong constraints on the mass distribution of the lensing galaxy.Comment: 11 pages including 1 postscript figure, aastex. Accepted to the ApJL. Also available from: http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu:80/users/philf/www/papers/list.htm

    Low-Energy Effective Action in Non-Perturbative Electrodynamics in Curved Spacetime

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    We study the heat kernel for the Laplace type partial differential operator acting on smooth sections of a complex spin-tensor bundle over a generic nn-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Assuming that the curvature of the U(1) connection (that we call the electromagnetic field) is constant we compute the first two coefficients of the non-perturbative asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel which are of zero and the first order in Riemannian curvature and of arbitrary order in the electromagnetic field. We apply these results to the study of the effective action in non-perturbative electrodynamics in four dimensions and derive a generalization of the Schwinger's result for the creation of scalar and spinor particles in electromagnetic field induced by the gravitational field. We discover a new infrared divergence in the imaginary part of the effective action due to the gravitational corrections, which seems to be a new physical effect.Comment: LaTeX, 42 page

    Common vacuum conservation amplitude in the theory of the radiation of mirrors in two-dimensional space-time and of charges in four-dimensional space-time

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    The action changes (and thus the vacuum conservation amplitudes) in the proper-time representation are found for an accelerated mirror interacting with scalar and spinor vacuum fields in 1+1 space. They are shown to coincide to within the multiplier e^2 with the action changes of electric and scalar charges accelerated in 3+1 space. This coincidence is attributed to the fact that the Bose and Fermi pairs emitted by a mirror have the same spins 1 and 0 as do the photons and scalar quanta emitted by charges. It is shown that the propagation of virtual pairs in 1+1 space can be described by the causal Green's function \Delta_f(z,\mu) of the wave equation for 3+1 space. This is because the pairs can have any positive mass and their propagation function is represented by an integral of the causal propagation function of a massive particle in 1+1 space over mass which coincides with \Delta_f(z,\mu). In this integral the lower limit \mu is chosen small, but nonzero, to eliminate the infrared divergence. It is shown that the real and imaginary parts of the action change are related by dispersion relations, in which a mass parameter serves as the dispersion variable. They are a consequence of the same relations for \Delta_f(z,\mu). Therefore, the appearance of the real part of the action change is a direct consequence of the causality, according to which real part of \Delta_f(z,\mu) is nonzero only for timelike and zero intervals.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, revte

    The Existence of Einstein Static Universes and their Stability in Fourth order Theories of Gravity

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    We investigate whether or not an Einstein Static universe is a solution to the cosmological equations in f(R)f(R) gravity. It is found that only one class of f(R)f(R) theories admits an Einstein Static model, and that this class is neutrally stable with respect to vector and tensor perturbations for all equations of state on all scales. Scalar perturbations are only stable on all scales if the matter fluid equation of state satisfies cs2>5−16≈0.21c_s^2>\frac{\sqrt{5}-1}{6}\approx 0.21. This result is remarkably similar to the GR case, where it was found that the Einstein Static model is stable for cs2>1/5c_s^2>{1/5}.Comment: Minor changes, To appear in PR

    Structured Programming: Theory and Practice

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