46 research outputs found

    First-order Raman spectra of double perovskites AB1/2B'{1/2}B''{1/2}O3

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    First principles computations of Raman intensities were performed for perovskite-family compound CaAl1/2_{1/2}Nb1/2_{1/2}O3_3 (CAN). This compound features 1:1 (NaCl-type) ordering of Al and Nb superimposed onto the bbc+b^-b^-c+ octahedral tilting. Raman tensor for CAN was computed using the package for first-principles computations ABINIT (URL \underline {http://www.abinit.org}). Computations performed for both untilted cubic (Fm3ˉmFm\bar{3}m) and tilted monoclinic (P21/nP2_1/n) CAN structures showed that the strongest Raman lines are associated with the ordering of Al and Nb. The computed spectrum agreed qualitatively with the experimental data measured on powder (CAN is available in polycrystalline form only). The effect of cation disorder on the Raman intensities was considered using phenomenological theory of light scattering in the vicinity of a phase transition. We suggest that, for certain modes, the corresponding Raman intensities depend primarily on the average long range order while, for other modes, the intensities are determined by fluctuations of the order parameter.Comment: 4 figures, submitte

    Direct observation of the formation of polar nanoregions in Pb(Mg1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3})O3_3 using neutron pair distribution function analysis

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    Using neutron pair distribution function (PDF) analysis over the temperature range from 1000 K to 15 K, we demonstrate the existence of local polarization and the formation of medium-range, polar nanoregions (PNRs) with local rhombohedral order in a prototypical relaxor ferroelectric Pb(Mg1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3})O3_3. We estimate the volume fraction of the PNRs as a function of temperature and show that this fraction steadily increases from 0 % to a maximum of \sim 30% as the temperature decreases from 650 K to 15 K. Below T\sim200 K the PNRs start to overlap as their volume fraction reaches the percolation threshold. We propose that percolating PNRs and their concomitant overlap play a significant role in the relaxor behavior of Pb(Mg1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3})O3_3.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Quasi-Elastic Scattering, Random Fields and phonon-coupling effects in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3

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    The low-energy part of the vibration spectrum in PbMg1/3_{1/3}Nb2/3_{2/3}O3_3 (PMN) relaxor ferroelectric has been studied by neutron scattering above and below the Burns temperature, Td_d. The transverse acoustic and the lowest transverse optic phonons are strongly coupled and we have obtained a model for this coupling. We observe that the lowest optic branch is always underdamped. A resolution-limited central peak and quasi-elastic scattering appear in the vicinity of the Burns temperature. It is shown that it is unlikely that the quasi-elastic scattering originates from the combined effects of coupling between TA and TO phonons with an increase of the damping of the TO phonon below Td_d. The quasi-elastic scattering has a peak as a function of temperature close to the peak in the dielectric constant while the intensity of the central peak scattering increases strongly below this temperature. These results are discussed in terms of a random field model for relaxors


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    Nous donnons une description phénoménologique de la biréfringence magnétique à l'aide de la polarisabilité électronique d'un cristal liée au spin. Nous discutons plus en détail la biréfringence d'un cristal cubique magnétique ; dans lequel l'effet peut être décrit par trois coefficients magnéto-optiques ρ11, ρl2 et ρ44. Nous avons étudié expérimentalement la biréfringence magnétique dans les ferrites grenats d'ythium et de terres rares. Le rapport a = (2 ρ44) (ρ l1-ρ12)-1 est introduit pour la description des résultats. La valeur de a caractérise l'anisotropie magnéto-optique du cristal.A phenomenological description of magnetic birefringence is given in terms of spin-dependent electronic polarizability of the crystals. In more details is discussed the birefringence in cubic magnetic crystals, where the effect can be described by three magneto-optical coefficients ρ11, ρl2 et ρ44. The experimental study of magnetic birefringence has been performed in yttrium and rare-earth iron garnets. For the description of the results the ratio a = (2 ρ44(ρ 11-ρ12)-1 was introduced. The value of a characterizes magneto-optical anisotropy of the crystal