97 research outputs found

    Mode coupling of interaction quenched ultracold few-boson ensembles in periodically driven lattices

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    The out-of-equilibrium dynamics of interaction quenched finite ultracold bosonic ensembles in periodically driven one-dimensional optical lattices is investigated. It is shown that periodic driving enforces the bosons in the outer wells of the finite lattice to exhibit out-of-phase dipole-like modes, while in the central well the atomic cloud experiences a local breathing mode. The dynamical behavior is investigated with varying driving frequency, revealing a resonant-like behavior of the intra-well dynamics. An interaction quench in the periodically driven lattice gives rise to admixtures of different excitations in the outer wells, an enhanced breathing in the center and an amplification of the tunneling dynamics. We observe then multiple resonances between the inter- and intra-well dynamics at different quench amplitudes, with the position of the resonances being tunable via the driving frequency. Our results pave the way for future investigations on the use of combined driving protocols in order to excite different inter- and intra-well modes and to subsequently control them.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Phase Separation Dynamics Induced by an Interaction Quench of a Correlated Fermi-Fermi Mixture in a Double Well

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    We explore the interspecies interaction quench dynamics of ultracold spin-polarized few-body mass balanced Fermi-Fermi mixtures confined in a double-well with an emphasis on the beyond Hartree-Fock correlation effects. It is shown that the ground state of particle imbalanced mixtures exhibits a symmetry breaking of the single-particle density for strong interactions in the Hartree-Fock limit, which is altered within the many-body approach. Quenching the interspecies repulsion towards the strongly interacting regime the two species phase separate within the Hartree-Fock approximation while remaining miscible in the many-body treatment. Despite their miscible character on the one-body level the two species are found to be strongly correlated and exhibit a phase separation on the two-body level that suggests the anti-ferromagnetic like behavior of the few-body mixture. For particle balanced mixtures we show that an intrawell fragmentation (filamentation) of the density occurs both for the ground state as well as upon quenching from weak to strong interactions, a result that is exclusively caused by the presence of strong correlations. Inspecting the two-body correlations a phase separation of the two species is unveiled being a precursor towards an anti-ferromagnetic state. Finally, we simulate in-situ single-shot measurements and showcase how our findings can be retrieved by averaging over a sample of single-shot images.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Many-Body Expansion Dynamics of a Bose-Fermi Mixture Confined in an Optical Lattice

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    We unravel the correlated non-equilibrium dynamics of a mass balanced Bose-Fermi mixture in a one-dimensional optical lattice upon quenching an imposed harmonic trap from strong to weak confinement. Regarding the system's ground state, the competition between the inter and intraspecies interaction strength gives rise to the immiscible and miscible phases characterized by negligible and complete overlap of the constituting atomic clouds respectively. The resulting dynamical response depends strongly on the initial phase and consists of an expansion of each cloud and an interwell tunneling dynamics. For varying quench amplitude and referring to a fixed phase a multitude of response regimes is unveiled, being richer within the immiscible phase, which are described by distinct expansion strengths and tunneling channels.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum dynamical response of ultracold few boson ensembles in finite optical lattices to multiple interaction quenches

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    The correlated non-equilibrium quantum dynamics following a multiple interaction quench protocol for few-bosonic ensembles confined in finite optical lattices is investigated. The quenches give rise to an interwell tunneling and excite the cradle and a breathing mode. Several tunneling pathways open during the time interval of increased interactions, while only a few occur when the system is quenched back to its original interaction strength. The cradle mode, however, persists during and in between the quenches, while the breathing mode possesses dinstinct frequencies. The occupation of excited bands is explored in detail revealing a monotonic behavior with increasing quench amplitude and a non-linear dependence on the duration of the application of the quenched interaction strength. Finally, a periodic population transfer between momenta for quenches of increasing interaction is observed, with a power-law frequency dependence on the quench amplitude. Our results open the possibility to dynamically manipulate various excited modes of the bosonic system.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure
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