9 research outputs found

    Spin relaxation in the impurity band of a semiconductor in the external magnetic field

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    Spin relaxation in the impurity band of a 2D semiconductor with spin-split spectrum in the external magnetic field is considered. Several mechanisms of spin relaxation are shown to be relevant. The first one is attributed to phonon-assisted transitions between Zeeman sublevels of the ground state of an isolated impurity, while other mechanisms can be described in terms of spin precession in a random magnetic field during the electron motion over the impurity band. In the later case there are two contributions to the spin relaxation: the one given by optimal impurity configurations with the hop-waiting time inversely proportional to the external magnetic field and another one related to the electron motion on a large scale. The average spin relaxation rate is calculated

    Hanle effect driven by weak-localization

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    The influence of weak localization on Hanle effect in a two-dimensional system with spin-split spectrum is considered. We show that weak localization drastically changes the dependence of stationary spin polarization S\mathbf S on external magnetic field B.B. In particular, the non-analytic dependence of S\mathbf S on B\mathbf B is predicted for III-V-based quantum wells grown in [110] direction and for [100]-grown quantum wells having equal strengths of Dresselhaus and Bychkov-Rashba spin-orbit coupling. It is shown that in weakly localized regime the components of S\mathbf S are discontinuous at B=0.B=0. At low B,B, the magnetic field-induced rotation of the stationary polarization is determined by quantum interference effects. This implies that the Hanle effect in such systems is totally driven by weak localization.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Spin dynamics in the regime of hopping conductivity

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    We consider spin dynamics in the impurity band of a semiconductor with spin-split spectrum. Due to the splitting, phonon-assisted hops from one impurity to another are accompanied by rotation of the electron spin, which leads to spin relaxation. The system is strongly inhomogeneous because of exponential variation of hopping times. However, at very small couplings an electron diffuses over a distance exceeding the characteristic scale of the inhomogeneity during the time of spin relaxation, so one can introduce an averaged spin relaxation rate. At larger values of coupling the system is effectively divided into two subsystems: the one where relaxation is very fast and another one where relaxation is rather slow. In this case, spin decays due to escape of the electrons from one subsystem to another. As a result, the spin dynamics is non-exponential and hardly depends on spin-orbit coupling

    Slowing down of spin relaxation in two dimensional systems by quantum interference effects

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    The effect of weak localization on spin relaxation in a two-dimensional system with a spin-split spectrum is considered. It is shown that the spin relaxation slows down due to the interference of electron waves moving along closed paths in opposite directions. As a result, the averaged electron spin decays at large times as 1/t1/t. It is found that the spin dynamics can be described by a Boltzmann-type equation, in which the weak localization effects are taken into account as nonlocal-in-time corrections to the collision integral. The corrections are expressed via a spin-dependent return probability. The physical nature of the phenomenon is discussed and it is shown that the "nonbackscattering" contribution to the weak localization plays an essential role. It is also demonstrated that the magnetic field, both transversal and longitudinal, suppresses the power tail in the spin polarization.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Spin relaxation of localized electrons in n-type semiconductors

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    The mechanisms that determine spin relaxation times of localized electrons in impurity bands of n-type semiconductors are considered theoretically and compared with available experimental data. The relaxation time of the non-equilibrium angular momentum is shown to be limited either by hyperfine interaction, or by spin-orbit interaction in course of exchange-induced spin diffusion. The energy relaxation time in the spin system is governed by phonon-assisted hops within pairs of donors with an optimal distance of about 4 Bohr radii. The spin correlation time of the donor-bound electron is determined either by exchange interaction with other localized electrons, or by spin-flip scattering of free conduction-band electrons. A possibility of optical cooling of the spin system of localized electrons is discussed.Comment: Submitted to the special issue "Optical Orientation", Semiconductor Science and Technolog

    Electron density stratification in two-dimensional structures tuned by electric field

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    A new kinetic instability which results in formation of charge density waves is proposed. The instability is of a purely classical nature. A spatial period of arising space-charge and field configuration is inversely proportional to electric field and can be tuned by applied voltage. The instability has no interpretation in the framework of traditional hydrodynamic approach, since it arises from modulation of an electron distribution function both in coordinate and energy spaces. The phenomenon can be observed in thin 2D nanostructures at relatively low electron density.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure


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