2 research outputs found

    Direct and Indirect Methods for Studying Human Gut Microbiota

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    Aim: To review the main methods of intestinal microbiota studying.Key points. Currently, molecular genetic methods are used mainly for basic research and do not have a unified protocol for data analysis, which makes it difficult to implement them in clinical practice. Measurement of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) concentrations in plasma provides the data, which can serve as an indirect biomarker of the colonic microbiota composition. However, currently available evidence is insufficient to relate the obtained values (SCFA levels and ratio) to a particular disease with a high degree of certainty. Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels in the blood plasma and urine can also reflect the presence of specific bacterial clusters containing genes Cut, CntA/CntB and YeaW/YeaX. Therefore, further studies are required to reveal possible correlations between certain disorders and such parameters as the composition of gut microbiota, dietary patterns and TMAO concentration. Gas biomarkers, i.e. hydrogen, methane and hydrogen sulphide, have been studied in more detail and are better understood as compared to other biomarkers of the gut microbiome composition and functionality. The main advantage of gas biomarkers is that they can be measured multiple times using non-invasive techniques. These measurements provide information on the relative proportion of hydrogenic (i.e. hydrogen producing) and hydrogenotrophic (i.e. methanogenic and sulfate-reducing) microorganisms. In its turn, this opens up the possibility of developing new approaches to correction of individual microbiota components.Conclusions. Integration of the data obtained by gut microbiota studies at the genome, transcriptome and metabolome levels would allow a comprehensive analysis of microbial community function and its interaction with the human organism. This approach may increase our understanding of the pathogenesis of various diseases as well open up new opportunities for prevention and treatment

    The Effect of Meclofenoxate on the Transcriptome of Aging Brain of Nothobranchius guentheri Annual Killifish

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    Annual fish of the genus Nothobranchius are promising models for aging research. Nothobranchius reproduces typical aspects of vertebrate aging, including hallmarks of brain aging. Meclofenoxate (MF) is a well-known compound that can enhance cognitive performance. The drug is prescribed for asthenic conditions, trauma, and vascular diseases of the brain. It is believed that MF is able to delay age-dependent changes in the human brain. However, until now, there has been no study of the MF effect on the brain transcriptome. In the present work, we performed an RNA-Seq study of brain tissues from aged Nothobranchius guentheri, which were almost lifetime administered with MF, as well as young and aged control fish. As expected, in response to MF, we revealed significant overexpression of neuron-specific genes including genes involved in synaptic activity and plasticity, neurotransmitter secretion, and neuron projection. The effect was more pronounced in female fish. In this aspect, MF alleviated age-dependent decreased expression of genes involved in neuronal activity. In both treated and untreated animals, we observed strong aging-associated overexpression of immune and inflammatory response genes. MF treatment did not prevent this effect, and moreover, some of these genes tended to be slightly upregulated under MF treatment. Additionally, we noticed upregulation of some genes associated with aging and cellular senescence, including isoforms of putative vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1), protein O-GlcNAcase (OGA), protein kinase C alpha type (KPCA), prolow-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1). Noteworthy, MF treatment was also associated with the elevated transcription of transposons, which are highly abundant in the N. guentheri genome. In conclusion, MF compensates for the age-dependent downregulation of neuronal activity genes, but its effect on aging brain transcriptome still cannot be considered unambiguously positive