237 research outputs found

    Protected 0-pi states in SIsFS junctions for Josephson memory and logic

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    We study the peculiarities in current-phase relations (CPR) of the SIsFS junction in the region of 00 to π\pi transition. These CPR consist of two independent branches corresponding to 00- and π\pi- states of the contact. We have found that depending on the transparency of the SIs tunnel barrier the decrease of the s-layer thickness leads to transformation of the CPR shape going in the two possible ways: either one of the branches exists only in discrete intervals of the phase difference φ\varphi or both branches are sinusoidal but differ in the magnitude of their critical currents. We demonstrate that the difference can be as large as 10%10\% under maintaining superconductivity in the s layer. An applicability of these phenomena for memory and logic application is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Development and analysis hydrosystem construction two-cascade hydravlic booster of a twistinq moment with two pumps

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    Розроблена нова конструкція двохкаскадного гідропідсилювача крутного момента з двома насосами і великим коефіцієнтом підсилення. Така конструкція дозволяє забезпечувати привод об’єкта як у слідкуючому режимі роботи, так і швидкі переміщення (швидкій підвід, відвід та ін.) об’єкта у неслідкуючому режимі без наведення у гідросистему додаткової гідроапаратури. Представлені нелінійна математична модель і структурна схема гідропідсилювача. Математична модель та структурна схема дозволяють, користуючись методами теорії автоматичного управління, визначити якість гідропідсилювача по перехідним або частотним характеристикам відносно управляючого або збурювального сигналів, а також створюють можливість розробки автоматичних систем з наперед заданими показниками якості. Приведений аналіз гідросистеми.The purpose of the article – to develop a mathematical model and block diagram of nonlinear control systems, which are algorithms of dynamic characteristics and basis of calculation and to analyze the new hydraulic system Design/methodology/approach: The new design of hydraulic system two-stage hydraulic torque by changing the structural elements and connections to ensure the improvement of its dynamic characteristics and indicators of process control [4]. Developed hydraulic torque amplifier ensures drive object as in tracking mode and fast moving (fast carts, disqualification, etc.). Object no tracking mode without entering into hydraulic system additional hydraulic. Conclusion: The hydraulic torque amplifier allows to improve the hydraulic characteristics, namely to reduce area and increase the rigidity nechuttyevosti drive in the zone of relatively low pressures, increase allowable speed and velocity tracking movements in neslidkuyuchomu mode. Mathematical model and block diagram allows, using the methods of the theory of automatic control, the quality of hydraulic transition or frequency characteristics relative to managing or perturbation signals, and create the possibility of developing automated systems with predetermined quality indices [4].Разработана новая конструкция двухкаскадного гидроусилителя крутящего момента с двумя насосами и большим коэффициентом усиления. Такая конструкция позволяет обеспечивать привод объекта как в следящему режиме работы, так и быстрые перемещения (быстрой подвод, отвод и др.) объекта в неследящем режиме без наведения в гидросистему дополнительной гидроаппаратуры. Представлены нелинейная математическая модель и структурная схема гидроусилителя. Приведенный анализ гидросистемы

    Построение закономерности сигнала знаковых систем символов в процессе управления

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    Успешность функционирования Ч.М.С. существенно зависит от непрерывной диагностики функционирующей системы и установления закономерности в структуре получаемой информации. Выделение закономерности в структуре поступающего сигнала и установление непосредственной связи этого сигнала с состоянием источника, который его порождает, является построением конкретной знаковой системы символов, выступающих в роли определенного языка.Functioning M.M.S. essentially depends on continuous diagnostics of functioning system and establishment of appropriateness in structure of the received information. Allocation of appropriateness in structure of an acting signal and the establishment of direct communication (connection) of this signal with a condition of a source, which derivates it is construction of concrete sign system of the symbols acting in a role of certain language

    Построение закономерности сигнала знаковых систем символов в процессе управления

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    Успешность функционирования Ч.М.С. существенно зависит от непрерывной диагностики функционирующей системы и установления закономерности в структуре получаемой информации. Выделение закономерности в структуре поступающего сигнала и установление непосредственной связи этого сигнала с состоянием источника, который его порождает, является построением конкретной знаковой системы символов, выступающих в роли определенного языка.Functioning M.M.S. essentially depends on continuous diagnostics of functioning system and establishment of appropriateness in structure of the received information. Allocation of appropriateness in structure of an acting signal and the establishment of direct communication (connection) of this signal with a condition of a source, which derivates it is construction of concrete sign system of the symbols acting in a role of certain language

    Method for reliable realization of a varphi Josephson junction

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    We propose a method to realize a ϕ\phi Josephson junction by combining alternating 0 and π\pi parts (sub junctions) with an intrinsically non-sinusoidal current-phase relation (CPR). Conditions for the realization of the ϕ\phi ground state are analyzed. It is shown that taking into account the non-sinusoidal CPR for a "clean junction with a ferromagnetic (F) barrier, one can significantly enlarge the domain (regime of suitable F-layer thicknesses) of the ϕ\phi ground state and make the practical realization of ϕ\phi Josephson junctions feasible. Such junctions may also have two different stable solutions, such as 0 and π\pi, 0 and ϕ\phi, or ϕ\phi and π\pi

    Ancient DNA from Guam and the peopling of the Pacific

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    We know more about the settlement of Polynesia than we do about the settlement of the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific. There is debate over where people came from to get to the Marianas, with various lines of evidence pointing to the Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea, or the Bismarck Archipelago, and over how the ancestors of the present Mariana Islanders, the Chamorro, might be related to Polynesians. We analyzed ancient DNA from Guam from two skeletons dating to ˜2,200 y ago and found that their ancestry is linked to the Philippines. Moreover, they are closely related to early Lapita skeletons from Vanuatu and Tonga, suggesting that the early Mariana Islanders may have been involved in the colonization of Polynesia.Humans reached the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific by ˜3,500 y ago, contemporaneous with or even earlier than the initial peopling of Polynesia. They crossed more than 2,000 km of open ocean to get there, whereas voyages of similar length did not occur anywhere else until more than 2,000 y later. Yet, the settlement of Polynesia has received far more attention than the settlement of the Marianas. There is uncertainty over both the origin of the first colonizers of the Marianas (with different lines of evidence suggesting variously the Philippines, Indonesia, New Guinea, or the Bismarck Archipelago) as well as what, if any, relationship they might have had with the first colonizers of Polynesia. To address these questions, we obtained ancient DNA data from two skeletons from the Ritidian Beach Cave Site in northern Guam, dating to ˜2,200 y ago. Analyses of complete mitochondrial DNA genome sequences and genome-wide SNP data strongly support ancestry from the Philippines, in agreement with some interpretations of the linguistic and archaeological evidence, but in contradiction to results based on computer simulations of sea voyaging. We also find a close link between the ancient Guam skeletons and early Lapita individuals from Vanuatu and Tonga, suggesting that the Marianas and Polynesia were colonized from the same source population, and raising the possibility that the Marianas played a role in the eventual settlement of Polynesia.All data used in this paper are in the main text or in the SI Appendix. The new data reported in this paper have been deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive, https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/home (accession no. PRJEB40707)

    The association of serum osteocalcin level with lipid metabolism indices of infant with rickets amid obesity

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    Department of Pediatrics No 1, N. I. Pirogov National Medical University of Vinnitsa, UkraineBackground: Osteocalcin is considered the specific marker of osteogenesis. However recently more and more researcher’s attention is drawn to osteocalcin as a possible regulator of adipose tissue. Material and methods: 56 children aged from 3 to 12 months with clinical signs of vitamin D-deficient rickets were under the supervision. The main group was formed of 28 children with physical development that exceeded the age limit. The comparison group consisted of 28 children with the normal physical development. The control group was formed of 20 apparently healthy children of similar age. According to the aim of the research we determined serum concentrations of osteocalcin and lipids for all of them. Results: Statistically lower levels of osteocalcin were recorded in children of the main group (p < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between the concentration of serum osteocalcin with HDL (r = 0.86, p < 0.001) for children of the first year of life. A strong inverse correlation was found between the bone marker data and SC (r = -0.93, p < 0.001). A significant difference in the mean values of serum osteocalcin relative to the comparison group was observed in children with obesity and overweight. Conclusions: The results of our research suggest a causal relationship between obesity and impaired bone metabolism in children during the first year of life


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    Diffuse inflammation of the external auditory canal – diffuse otitis externa (DOE) is a fairly common ear disease (1, 2). It is faced by both otolaryngologists and general practitioners. Etiological factors can be various: aerobic, anaerobic flora, fungi. Sometimes DOE occurs on the background of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children. AD is associated with increased bacterial colonization and skin infection. The disease has bilateral localization, recurrence and depends on the exacerbation of atopic dermatitis. Bacterial cultures of secretions show a constant change of flora, depending on the treatment. We examined and treated 2 patients with combined pathology. In both cases, treatment with local combination drugs. Therefore, timely diagnosis of this type of diffuse otitis externa on the background of atopic dermatitis allows for adequate therapy.Диффузное воспаление наружного слухового прохода – диффузный наружный отит (ДЗО) достаточно распространенное заболевание уха. С ним сталкиваются как врачи-отоларингологи, так и врачи общего профиля. Этиологические факторы могут быть различными: аэробная, анаэробная флора, грибы. Иногда ДЗО бывают фоне атопического дерматита (АД) у детей. АД связан с повышенной бактериальной колонизацией и инфекцией кожи. Заболевание имеет двустороннюю локализацию, рецидивирующее течение и зависит от обострения атопического дерматита. Бактериальные посевы выделений проявляют постоянную смену флоры, в зависимости от проводимого лечения. Мы обследовали и пролечили 2 больных сочетанной патологией. В обоих случаях проведено лечение местными комбинированными препаратами. Следовательно, своевременная диагностика этого вида диффузного наружного отита на фоне атопического дерматита позволяет провести адекватную терапиюДифузне запалення зовнішнього слухового проходу – дифузний зовнішній отит (ДЗО) досить поширене захворювання вуха. З ним стикаються як лікарі-отоларингологи, так і лікарі загального профілю. Етіологічні чинники можуть бути різноманітними: аеробна, анаеробна флора, гриби. Іноді ДЗО бувають на тлі атопічного дерматиту (АД) у дітей. АД пов’язаний з підвищеною бактеріальною колонізацією та інфекцією шкіри. Захворювання має двобічну локалізацію, рецидивний перебіг та залежить від загострення атопічного дерматиту. Бактеріальні посіви виділень виявляють постійну зміну флори, залежно від проведеного лікування. Ми обстежили і пролікували 2 хворих на поєднану патологію. В обох випадках проведено лікування місцевими комбінованими препаратами. Отже, своєчасна діагностика цього різновиду дифузного зовнішнього отиту на тлі атопічного дерматиту дозволяє провести адекватну терапію

    Non-language factors and language evolution

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    This paper is devoted to the description of the functioning and development of the language system seen in correlation with the influence of non-language factor

    Model of integral assessment of innovation implementation in higher educational establishments

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    The concept of innovative educational environment of higher education establishment is considered and its main components are highlighted. The model of the integrated assessment of implementing innovations in higher education establishment is constructed. The developed model for assessing the level of development of the innovative educational environment of a specific higher education establishment during a certain period has been applied and a graphical analysis of the calculation results has been carried out