1 research outputs found

    Two-Loop Renormalization Group Analysis of the Burgers-Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation

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    A systematic analysis of the Burgers--Kardar--Parisi--Zhang equation in d+1d+1 dimensions by dynamic renormalization group theory is described. The fixed points and exponents are calculated to two--loop order. We use the dimensional regularization scheme, carefully keeping the full dd dependence originating from the angular parts of the loop integrals. For dimensions less than dc=2d_c=2 we find a strong--coupling fixed point, which diverges at d=2d=2, indicating that there is non--perturbative strong--coupling behavior for all d≥2d \geq 2. At d=1d=1 our method yields the identical fixed point as in the one--loop approximation, and the two--loop contributions to the scaling functions are non--singular. For d>2d>2 dimensions, there is no finite strong--coupling fixed point. In the framework of a 2+ϵ2+\epsilon expansion, we find the dynamic exponent corresponding to the unstable fixed point, which describes the non--equilibrium roughening transition, to be z=2+O(ϵ3)z = 2 + {\cal O} (\epsilon^3), in agreement with a recent scaling argument by Doty and Kosterlitz. Similarly, our result for the correlation length exponent at the transition is 1/ν=ϵ+O(ϵ3)1/\nu = \epsilon + {\cal O} (\epsilon^3). For the smooth phase, some aspects of the crossover from Gaussian to critical behavior are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, written in LaTeX, 8 figures appended as postscript, EF/UCT--94/3, to be published in Phys. Rev. E