45 research outputs found

    Probability Measures and projections on Quantum Logics

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    The present paper is devoted to modelling of a probability measure of logical connectives on a quantum logic (QL), via a GG-map, which is a special map on it. We follow the work in which the probability of logical conjunction, disjunction and symmetric difference and their negations for non-compatible propositions are studied. We study such a G G -map on quantum logics, which is a probability measure of a projection and show, that unlike classical (Boolean) logic, probability measure of projections on a quantum logic are not necessarilly pure projections. We compare properties of a GG-map on QLs with properties of a probability measure related to logical connectives on a Boolean algebra

    Ne-termalni biopokazatelji izloženosti radiofrekvencijskom/mikrovalnom zračenju

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    This article gives a review or several hypotheses on the biological effects of non-thermal radiofrequency/microwave (RF/MW) radiation and discusses our own findings from animal and in vitro studies performed over the last decade. We have found that RF/MW radiation disturbs cell proliferation and leads to cell differentiation in the bone marrow, which is reflected in the peripheral blood of rats. Repeated RF/MW radiation can also temporarily disrupt melatonin turnover. The observed changes seem to be a sign of adaptation to stress caused by irradiation rather than of malfunction. The article looks further into the basic mechanisms of RF/MW biological action, including cell growth parameters, colony-forming ability, viability, and the polar and apolar protein cytoskeleton structures. The observed reversible cell changes significantly obstructed cell growth. In contrast to the apolar intermediate proteins, the intracellular polar microtubule and actin fibres were damaged by radiation in a time-dependent manner. These signifi cantly altered parameters can be considered as the biomarkers of exposure. Future research should combine dosimetry, experimental studies, and epidemiological data.Svrha rada je prikaz viÅ”e hipoteza o bioloÅ”kom djelovanju ne-termalnih razina radiofrekventnog/mikrovalnog (RF/MW) zračenja i rasprava o rezultatima vlastitih istraživanja na životinjama i in vitro. Istraživanje djelovanja elektromagnetskih polja na organizam uključilo je proučavanje hematopoieze u Å”takora povremeno izloženih ne-termalnom radiofrekventnom/mikrovalnom (RF/MW) zračenju tijekom supkroničnog pokusa. Rezultati su pokazali neravnotežu u proliferaciji i diferencijaciji stanica koÅ”tane srži Å”to se odrazilo na stanične parametre u krvi Å”takora. U primijenjenim uvjetima zračenja nađeno je da RF/MW može privremeno destabilizirati metabolizam melatonina bez Å”tetnog utjecaja na zdravlje životinja. Razmatrana je mogućnost aktivacije prilagodbenog mehanizma na stres izazvan zračenjem jer smatramo da su nađene promjene prije znak adaptacije nego Å”tetnog učinka zračenja. Pristup temeljnim mehanizmima bioloÅ”kog djelovanja RF/MW zračenja uključio je istraživanje parametara staničnog rasta, sposobnosti stvaranja kolonija, vijabilnosti te polarnih i nepolarnih proteinskih struktura citoskeleta nakon ozračivanja stanica. Reverzibilne promjene staničnih svojstava koje su nađene upućuju na značajnu opstrukciju staničnog rasta. Za razliku od nepolarnih intermedijarnih proteina, unutarstanična polarna vlakna mikrotubula i aktina su, ovisno o vremenu izloženosti, pokazala značajna oÅ”tećenja uzrokovana zračenjem. Statistički značajno promijenjeni parametri smatrani su biomarkerima izloženosti. Istaknuta je potreba za budućim istraživanjima koja uključuju epidemioloÅ”ke, laboratorijske i dozimetrijske studije


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    Selekcija svinja donedavno se temeljila isključivo na fenotipskom očitovanju pojedinih obilježja životinje i/ili njezinih predaka, potomaka i srodnika. No, tijekom zadnjeg desetljeća u intenzivnoj proizvodnji počele su se koristiti molekularno genetske metode u identifikaciji i poboljÅ”anju uzgojno-selekcijskih svojstava. Na taj su način brojni znanstveno istraživački rezultati s područja genetike svinja sve viÅ”e implementirani u praksi s ciljem poboljÅ”anja ekonomičnosti proizvodnje. Primjenom navedenih spoznaja moguće je poželjne jedinke identificirati u najranijoj dobi, prije nego li se ekonomski bitna svojstva počnu očitovati. Također, primjenom testova kojima se otkrivaju pogreÅ”ke u kodovima odgovarajućih gena, moguće je pravovremeno isključiti iz daljnjeg uzgoja jedinke koje su nosioci pojedinih nasljednih bolesti. Nakon pete službene objave u siječnju 2007. godine, baza podataka kvantitativnih genskih biljega (QTL) svinja sadržavala je 1673 QTL-a za 281 različitih svojstava, da bi krajem 2007. taj broj iznosio 1809 QTL-a.. Pritom je 77% utvrđenih biljega povezano sa svojstvima koja određuju kakvoću mesa, 15% vezano je za proizvodna svojstva, 4% uz reproduktivna svojstva, njih 3% povezano je s odlikama vanjÅ”tine, a dok je uz zdravlje jedinki vezano 1% utvrđenih QTL-a.Pig selection was based on phenotypic manifestation of features in animals and/or their relatives. Molecular and genetic methods for identification and improvement of breeding and selection features take place in intensive production during last decade. In that way, numerous scientific results were implemented in practice to improve production economy. These methods make it possible to identify desirable animals in the early age, even before these economically significant production features have become apparent. With tests for detection of gene code errors concerning specific hereditary diseases these individuals could be eliminated from further breeding. After the fifth release of Pig quantitative trait loci database (QTLdb) at the beginning of 2007, there were 1673 QTL for 281 different breeding traits. At the end of 2007 this number reaches 1809 QTL. The most of them (77%) are traits connected with meat quality, 15% are connected with production features, 4% with reproduction features, 3% of them are connected with exterior and 1% with animalsā€™ health


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    Growth of piglets during the suckling period is determined by both genetic and environmental factors. In addition to breed composition, one of the most important endogenous factors is the body weight at birth. This factor also significantly affects the losses to weaning, since it is known that light piglets are more susceptible to diseases and stress factors. In this paper we wanted to present trends of growth of Yorkshire piglets during the suckling period, with respect to the birth weight, as well as mortalities in each group. To lessen the effects of mother genetics and sex of individuals, as well as the influence of external factors, in the litter in which we observed the piglet of birth weight less than 1000 grams, the same-sex offspring heavier than 1000 g was taken as a control. Piglets were weighed at birth, on 7th, 14th and 21st day. Obtained results indicate that a statistically significant difference in body weight between the two groups maintained until weaning at the same level (P<0.01), where the piglets in the control group consistently progressed, while the lighter piglets were of very uneven growth and final weight at weaning. Average daily gain during the entire period was significantly higher (P<0.01) in heavier animals by 66.7 grams per day. Correlation of birth weight with body mass at weaning was positive and strong (r = 0.61, P<0.05). Furthermore, higher losses were recorded in the experimental group of piglets (29.2% compared to 8.3% in the control group), where they were the highest during the first 7 days.Prirast odojaka tijekom razdoblja sisanja određen je kako genetskim, tako i okoliÅ”nim čimbenicima. Pored pasminskog sastava, jedan od važnijih endogenih čimbenika je tjelesna masa pri porodu. Taj čimbenik također u značajnoj mjeri utječe i na gubitke do odbića, s obzirom da je poznata činjenica da su lakÅ”i odojci podložniji bolestima i stresu. U ovom smo radu željeli prikazati utjecaj porodne mase na prirast odojaka velikog jorkÅ”ira tijekom razdoblja sisanja te ukupna uginuća po skupinama. Kako bismo Å”to viÅ”e umanjili genetski utjecaj krmača te spola jedinki, kao i utjecaje vanjskih čimbenika, iz svakog legla u kojem smo promatrali odojka porodne mase manje od 1000 grama, kao kontrola promatran je istospolni potomak teži od 1000 g. Odojci su vagani po porodu, te 7., 14. i 21. dana. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da se statistički značajna razlika u tjelesnoj masi između dvije skupine zadržala do odbića na istoj razini (p<0,01), pri čemu su odojci kontrolne skupine ujednačeno napredovali, dok su lakÅ”i odojci bili vrlo neujednačenog prirasta i zavrÅ”ne težine kod odbića. Nadalje, odojci kontrolne skupine tijekom promatranog razdoblja imali su značajno veći (p<0,01) prosječni dnevni prirast u odnosu na pokusnu skupinu za 66,7 grama/dan. Povezanost porodne mase s tjelesnom masom kod odbića bila je pozitivna i jaka (0,61; p<0,05). U pokusnoj skupini odojaka zabilježeni su veći gubici (29.2% u odnosu na 8.3% u kontrolnoj skupini), posebice tijekom prvih 7 dana


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    Pojam ā€žteroristā€œ označava osobu koja provodi nasilne radnje s ciljem zastraÅ”ivanja ili nanoÅ”enja Å”tete, odnosno unoÅ”enja kaosa u sustav. Jedna od često potencijalnih meta terorista jest i hrana zbog mogućnosti usmjeravanja akcija na Å”iroku populaciju i lakog izazivanja panike. U novije vrijeme takvi incidenti viÅ”e nisu rijetkost, scenariji o teoretskoj mogućnosti terorističkog napada na neki lanac proizvodnje hrane viÅ”e ne djeluju samo kao teorija, a zabrinutost da bi se neÅ”to takvo moglo uistinu i dogoditi poprima sve veće dimenzije. Namjerno onečiŔćenje hrane može imati velike ekonomske posljedice, čak i kada je incident relativno malih razmjera, jer upravo je ruÅ”enje ekonomske stabilnosti najčeŔće glavni motiv nekog namjernog napada koji može biti usmjeren na neki proizvod, pojedinog proizvođača, granu industrije ili cijelu državu. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) u GodiÅ”njem izvjeŔću o zdravlju iz 2007. godine proglasila je slučajna i namjerna onečiŔćenja hrane kao najveću prijetnju zdravlju u 21. stoljeću. Iz tog razloga, WHO apelira na vlade zemalja članica, a i na ostale, da pomognu prehrambenoj industriji jer ona snosi primarnu odgovornost za hranu koju proizvodi, dok je namjerno onečiŔćenje hrane opasnim agensima za njih često potpuno nova opcija o kojoj bi trebalo razmisliti. Mjere prevencije, zajedno s pojačanim nadzorom i sredstvima za adekvatan odgovor u slučaju namjernog ili slučajnog incidenta, bolje praćenje hrane i mogućnost njezina brzog povlačenja s tržiÅ”ta, dvosmjerna komunikacija državnih službi i prehrambene industrije, unaprijed predviđeni scenariji koji će olakÅ”ati raspodjelu resursa i jednostavnije postavljanje prioriteta u slučaju incidenta, te koordinacija između industrije i vlade u komunikaciji s javnoŔću trebali bi biti najmanje Å”to bi svaka vlada trebala učiniti. U tu svrhu posljednjih se godina počelo pridavati puno viÅ”e pažnje sigurnosti proizvodnih pogona, povećanju higijenskih standarda i uvođenju preventivnog pristupa u vidu uvođenja HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) sustava, čime se razvijaju i implementiraju preventivne mjere kojima se želi spriječiti moguće nenamjerno onečiŔćenje hrane prilikom njezine proizvodnje, prerade i distribucije. Iako je HACCP najčeŔće učinkovit sustav, on često zahtijeva nadogradnju u smislu zaÅ”tite od namjernih onečiŔćenja hrane u vidu terorističkih napada. Sprječavanje takvih incidenata ne podrazumijeva obavezno visoku tehnologiju i velike troÅ”kove. Pogodna opcija je svima dostupan besplatni računalni program CARVER+Shock koji je razvila Vlada SAD-a a služi kao alat Å”to pomaže pri postavljanju prioriteta i otkrivanju ranjivih točaka unutar nekog proizvodnog sustava ili druge infrastrukture. Program analizira Å”est karakteristika Å”to se koriste za procjenu privlačnosti cilja za napad: kritičnost, pristupačnost, oporavak, ranjivost, učinak i prepoznatljivost, a provodi se u pet koraka: postavljanje parametara, okupljanje stručnjaka, opis lanca opskrbe hranom, dodjeljivanje ocjena, primjena naučenoga. Navedene mogućnosti čine ovaj program idealnim alatom za identifikaciju potencijalno slabih točaka u lancu proizvodnje hrane s obzirom na napadača i agense koje prepoznajemo kao potencijalne prijetnje.The term ā€œterroristā€ is related to a person that is performing violent acts with the aim of frightening or causing damage and producing chaos within the system. Because of the possibilities to direct such actions on wide population and easiness of producing panic, food is often one of the most potential targets for terrorist attacks. In recent years, such incidents are not rare any more, scenarios of theoretical possibilities of terrorist attacks on food chains are not only theoretical, while worry that such scenarios could become real is gaining higher dimension. Intentional spoilage of food can result in significant economic consequences, even when incidents are of relatively low range, because of the ruining of economic stability that is often the main motivation of an intentional attack targeted at a certain food product, producer, industry branch or even whole country. World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared unintentional and intentional food spoilages in its Annual Health Report published in 2007 as the biggest threat to health in 21st century. Because of that, WHO is appealing to the member countriesā€™ governments, as well as the other countries, to help food industry as it carries on now primary responsibility for food safety, while the intentional food spoilage often presents completely new option for them that should be revised. Measures for prevention, together with increased surveillance and facilities for adequate response in cases of intentional or unintentional food spoilage, better tracing and possibilities for food withdrawal, interactive communication between governmental institutions and food producers, predicted scenarios that should rationalise usage of budget, simplification of defining of priorities in the cases of incidents, as well as coordination between the industry and governments in public communication should be considered as a minimum that each government should be doing. With this aim, more care has been directed at the safety of producing units, increase of hygiene standards and introduction of preventive approach through the implementation of the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) principles, which is developing preventive measures aimed at prevention of unintentional food spoilage while producing, processing and distribution of food. Despite the fact that HACCP is most often an efficient system, it frequently demands upgrading in the meaning of protection from intentional food spoilages through the terrorist attacks. Prevention from such incidents does not necessarily require high technology and financial resources. Good opportunity could be found in CARVER+Shock computer program that is accessible and free to use and has been developed by the USA Government. It serves as a tool for determination of priorities and detection of vulnerable points within certain producing unit or other infrastructure. The program can analyse six characteristics that can be used for assessment of attractiveness of a target for attack: criticality, accessibility, recuperability, vulnerability, effect and recognisability, while it is being performed in five steps: establishing parameters, assembling experts, detailing food supply chain, assigning scores and applying what has been learned. The listed possibilities make this program an ideal tool for the identifi cation of potentially weak points in a food producing chain related to attackers and agents recognised as potential threats

    Kochen-Specker Vectors

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    We give a constructive and exhaustive definition of Kochen-Specker (KS) vectors in a Hilbert space of any dimension as well as of all the remaining vectors of the space. KS vectors are elements of any set of orthonormal states, i.e., vectors in n-dim Hilbert space, H^n, n>3 to which it is impossible to assign 1s and 0s in such a way that no two mutually orthogonal vectors from the set are both assigned 1 and that not all mutually orthogonal vectors are assigned 0. Our constructive definition of such KS vectors is based on algorithms that generate MMP diagrams corresponding to blocks of orthogonal vectors in R^n, on algorithms that single out those diagrams on which algebraic 0-1 states cannot be defined, and on algorithms that solve nonlinear equations describing the orthogonalities of the vectors by means of statistically polynomially complex interval analysis and self-teaching programs. The algorithms are limited neither by the number of dimensions nor by the number of vectors. To demonstrate the power of the algorithms, all 4-dim KS vector systems containing up to 24 vectors were generated and described, all 3-dim vector systems containing up to 30 vectors were scanned, and several general properties of KS vectors were found.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, title changed, introduction thoroughly rewritten, n-dim rotation of KS vectors defined, original Kochen-Specker 192 (117) vector system translated into MMP diagram notation with a new graphical representation, results on Tkadlec's dual diagrams added, several other new results added, journal version: to be published in J. Phys. A, 38 (2005). Web page: http://m3k.grad.hr/pavici


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    Potpisom Konvencije o bioloÅ”koj raznolikosti Republika Hrvatska aktivno se uključila u očuvanje ukupnog biodiverziteta. Od autohtonih pasmina peradi za sada su u Popis izvornih i zaÅ”tićenih pasmina i sojeva domaćih životinja nastalih na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske upisani zagorski puran i kokoÅ” hrvatica. No, proces identifikacije te karakterizacije pojedinih tradicionalnih formi životinja koje se uzgajaju na nekom području joÅ” traje. Među takve tradicionalne oblike spada i dalmatinska tuka, koja se na području dalmatinskog zaleđa uzgaja generacijama. Navedena forma pura, povijesno uključena u tradiciju kraja, uspjela se održati zbog izričite sklonosti žitelja tog područja tradicionalnom te zbog njihove visoke primjerenosti ruralnom uzgoju, kao i lokalnim druÅ”tvenim i gospodarskim prilikama. Svjesni činjenice da se u arealu dalmatinskih tuka sve čeŔće ekstenzivno uzgajaju različiti hibridi pura, nalazimo nužnim Å”to prije utvrditi njihove prosječne morfoloÅ”ke i fizioloÅ”ke odlike da bismo mogli dati osnovne smjernice za karakterizaciju pasmine, procijeniti veličinu populacije čistih jata, ustanoviti jata sa primjesama krvi hibrida te usmjeriti uzgoj roditeljskih parova u čistoj krvi. Uz znanstvenu, stručnu te komercijalnu podrÅ”ku od dalmatinskih bi se tuka mogao razviti joÅ” jedan snažan gastronomski simbol Dalmatinske zagore. Na taj bi način njihov tradicionalni, a pritom komercijalni uzgoj na obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima mogao imati primjetne promidžbene učinke i donositi znatne prihode.After signing the Convention of Biological Diversity, the Republic of Croatia has been actively included into preservation of biological and landscape diversity. Today, Hrvatica Hen and Zagorje Turkey are the only two autochthonous breeds of poultry that are included into the National Register of Autochthonous Breeds. However, processes of identification and characterization of autochthonous breeds are still continuing. Dalmatian Turkey can also be included in those traditional forms. As an archaic form of turkey it has been traditionally reared in the area of the Dalmatian hinterland. It is historically involved in the tradition of this region and maintained due to local inhabitants and their tendency towards traditional forms. Furthermore, those turkeys are suitable for extensive breeding, as well as for the local social and agricultural conditions. The daily increasing number of hybrids causes decrease of the amount of Dalmatian Turkey in this area. For that reason we find it necessary to determine their average morphological and physiological characteristics as soon as possible. In this way it will be possible to determine the main trends for breed characterization, to find flocks without influence of other breeds or hybrids, to determine the average population size, as well as to find parental flocks for further breeding and selection. With the scientific, professional and commercial support, Dalmatian Turkey may also present a culinary speciality from the Dalmatian hinterland. In this way, traditional, but commercial breeding on family farms could increase the budget and the standard of this region

    The politics of performance: transnationalism and its limits in former Yugoslav popular music, 1999ā€“2004

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    This paper examines transnational relations between the Yugoslav successor states from the point of view of popular music, and demonstrates how transnational musical figures (such as Djordje BalaŔevi?, Mom?ilo Bajagi?-Bajaga and Ceca Ražnatovi?) are interpreted as symbolic reference points in national ethnopolitical discourse in the process of identity construction. Another symbolic function is served by Serbian turbofolk artists, who in Croatia serve as a cultural resource to distance oneself from a musical genre associated by many urban Croats with the ruralization (and Herzegovinization) of Croatian city space. In addition, value judgements associated with both Serbian and Croatian newly composed folk music provide an insight into the transnational negotiation of conflicting identities in the ex-Yugoslav context. Ultimately the paper shows how the ethnonational boundaries established by nationalizing ideologies created separate cultural spaces which themselves have been transnationalized after Yugoslavia's disintegration

    T-2 toksin - pojavnost i toksičnost u peradi

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    T-2 toxin is the most toxic type A trichothecene mycotoxin. It is the secondary metabolite of the Fusarium fungi, and is common in grain and animal feed. Toxic effects have been shown both in experimental animals and in livestock. It has been implicated in several outbreaks of human mycotoxicoses. Toxic effects in poultry include inhibition of protein, DNA, and RNA synthesis, cytotoxicity, immunomodulation, cell lesions in the digestive tract, organs and skin, neural disturbances and low performance in poultry production (decreased weight gain, egg production, and hatchability). Concentrations of T-2 toxin in feed are usually low, and its immunosuppressive effects and secondary infections often make diagnosis difficult. If at the onset of the disease, a change in diet leads to health and performance improvements in animals, this may point to mycotoxin poisoning. Regular control of grain and feed samples is a valuable preventive measure, and it is accurate only if representative samples are tested. This article reviews the incidence and toxic effects of T-2 toxin in poultry.T-2 toksin je najtoksičniji predstavnik trikotecenskih mikotoksina tipa A. On je sekundarni produkt metabolizma plijesni roda Fusarium i često je prisutan u žitaricama i hrani za životinje. Å tetni učinci uočeni su u eksperimentalnih životinja i životinja u uzgoju. On se povezuje s pojavom bolesti ljudi od mikotoksikoza. Učinci toksina u peradi su viÅ”estruki: inhibicija sinteze proteina, DNA i RNA, citotoksični učinak, imunomodulatorni učinak, oÅ”tećenje stanica probavnog sustava, organa i kože, živčani poremećaji te pad proizvodnih karakteristika u uzgoju peradi (slabiji prirast, pad nesivosti i valivosti). Koncentracije T-2 toksina u hrani redovito su vrlo malene, a zbog imunosupresivnog djelovanja toksina te istodobne sekundarne infekcije bolest se često teÅ”ko dijagnosticira. Pri pojavi bolesti promjenom hrane može doći do poboljÅ”anja zdravstvenog stanja, Å”to tako|er upućuje na moguće trovanje mikotoksinima. Redovita kontrola uzoraka žitarica i hrane za životinje jedna je od preventivnih mjera, a detekcija mikotoksina u žitaricama i hrani pouzdana je samo ako se ispituje reprezentativan uzorak. U radu su opisani učestalost i toksični učinci T-2 toksina u peradi