584 research outputs found

    Instanton-induced Azimuthal Spin Asymmetry in Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    It is by now well understood that spin asymmetry in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) can appear if two things are both present: (i) a chirality flip of the struck quark; (ii) a nonzero T-odd phase due to its final state interaction. So far (i) was attributed to a new structure/wave function of the nucleon and (ii) to some gluon exchanges. We propose a new mechanism utilizing strong vacuum fluctuations of the gluon field described semiclasically by instantons, and show that both (i) and (ii) are present. The magnitude of the effect is estimated using known parameters of the instanton ensemble in the QCD vacuum and known structure and fragmentation functions, without any new free parameters. The result agrees in sign and (roughly) in magnitude with the available data on single particle inclusive DIS. Furthermore, our predictions uniquely relate effects for longitudinally and transversely polarized targets.Comment: version 2 includes few refs and new fig.5 which contains comparison to recent dat

    Conductivity of disordered graphene at half filling

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    We study electron transport properties of a monoatomic graphite layer (graphene) with different types of disorder at half filling. We show that the transport properties of the system depend strongly on the symmetry of disorder. We find that the localization is ineffective if the randomness preserves one of the chiral symmetries of the clean Hamiltonian or does not mix valleys. We obtain the exact value of minimal conductivity 4e2/πh4e^2/\pi h in the case of chiral disorder. For long-range disorder (decoupled valleys), we derive the effective field theory. In the case of smooth random potential, it is a symplectic-class sigma model including a topological term with θ=π\theta = \pi. As a consequence, the system is at a quantum critical point with a universal value of the conductivity of the order of e2/he^2/h. When the effective time reversal symmetry is broken, the symmetry class becomes unitary, and the conductivity acquires the value characteristic for the quantum Hall transition.Comment: 11 pages, 2 EPS figures; Proceedings of Graphene Conference, MPIPKS Dresden 200

    Metallic proximity effect in ballistic graphene with resonant scatterers

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    We study the effect of resonant scatterers on the local density of states in a rectangular graphene setup with metallic leads. We find that the density of states in a vicinity of the Dirac point acquires a strong position dependence due to both metallic proximity effect and impurity scattering. This effect may prevent uniform gating of weakly-doped samples. We also demonstrate that even a single-atom impurity may essentially alter electronic states at low-doping on distances of the order of the sample size from the impurity.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
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