9 research outputs found


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    Breeding of high-tech varieties of vegetable peas is a priority ефыл selection at the present stage. The main requirement of processing enterprises is full and timely loading of production lines with high-quality raw materials. Peas should be aligned in size, of intense green color with high biochemical parameters. Therefore, the newly created varieties should combine a number of characteristics: high and stable yields, simultaneous ripening, resistance of the stem to lodging, resistance to most common diseases. The combination of these features allows to realize the potential of the culture fully, and to find wide application in production for created varieties. Since the 80s of the last century, FSBSI «FSVC» (Moscow region) has been actively working to increase the suitability of vegetable pea varieties for mechanized harvesting. Since these years, a number of varieties with strong shortened internodes and stem height not more than 80-90 cm have been created. Reducing plant height has improved the manufacturability of vegetable pea varieties, the stems resistance to lodging during the technical stage of ripeness has been significantly increased. However, in the biological stage of ripeness, the stem degree of lodging has been preserved, which creates additional difficulties in the seed production of vegetable peas. Since 2008, the direction of breeding has been adjusted to improve the stems resistance to lodging in combination with other economically significant traits (determinant type of growth, mustache type of leaf, green color of peas, duration of the technical stage of ripeness). As a result of this work, new varieties Cruiser, Viking, Triumph, Corsair, Barin, Hercules, Egorka have been created. The work is to introduce these varieties into production is being carried.Создание высокотехнологичных сортов гороха овощного – приоритетная задача селекции на современном этапе. Главное требование перерабатывающих предприятий – полная и своевременная загрузка производственных линий качественным сырьем. Горошек должен быть выравненный по размеру, интенсивно зеленой окраски с высокими биохимическими показателями. Поэтому вновь создаваемые сорта должны сочетать ряд признаков: высокая и стабильная урожайность, дружность созревания, устойчивость стебля к полеганию, устойчивость к наиболее распространенным заболеваниям. Сочетание этих признаков позволяет в полной мере реализовать потенциал культуры, а создаваемым сортам находить широкое применение в производстве. Начиная с 80-х годов прошлого столетия, в ФГБНУ ФНЦО (Московская область) ведется активная работа по повышению пригодности сортов гороха овощного к механизированной уборке. За эти годы создан ряд сортов с прочными укороченными междоузлиями и высотой стебля, не превышающей 80-90 см. Снижение высоты растений улучшило технологичность сортов гороха овощного, значительно повысилась устойчивость стебля к полеганию в период технической стадии спелости. Однако в биологической стадии спелости полегаемость стебля сохранилась, что создает дополнительные трудности при семеноводстве гороха овощного. С 2008 года направление селекционной работы было скорректировано в сторону повышения устойчивости стебля к полеганию в сочетании с другими хозяйственно-значимыми признаками (детерминантный тип роста стебля, усатый тип листа, зеленая окраска горошка, продолжительность технической стадии спелости). В результате этой работы созданы новые сорта Крейсер, Викинг, Триумф, Корсар, Барин, Геркулес, Егорка. Ведется работа по внедрению данных сортов в производство


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    The article presents the methods and results of the competitive breeding of promising high-quality varieties of vegetable green pea for canning, as well as the main achievements of FGBNU VNIISSOK.В статье приведены методы и результаты селекции перспективных конкурентных высококачественных сортов гороха овощного консервного направления использования, отражены основные достижения ФГБНУ ВНИИССОК.

    Изменение характера цветения как залог успеха в селекции гороха овощного на раннеспелость и продуктивность

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    Relevance. Most of the pea varieties used in the production of canned vegetables have similar morphological structure of the stalk: shortened internodes, their limited number and location in the upper part of the stalk. The deficiency of such plant architectonics is the limitation of yielding capacity in relation to small number of yielding nodes, yielding capacity instability, and high degree of affliction by plant diseases. The production of pea varieties having an increased number of yielding nodes will allow changing the relation between the nonproductive and reproductive parts to the advantage of the latter.Methods. The pea varieties from the collection of bean cultures laboratories of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center were used as the research varieties. The main method of work was intervarietal hybridization with subsequent single plant selection. In 2018-2019 the selected lines were seeded in a nursery with an area of 7 m2 . The forms with changed flowering pattern (Pervenets, Ranniy 28-11, Wenson) and the most yielding early and midseason varieties (Dakota, Ranniy Gribovsky 11, Voronezhsky Zelyony, Korsar, Orus, Viola, Zelyonaya Strela, Quartella) were used as parent components. The selection was performed on the basis of the following features: changed flowering pattern, the number of yielding nodes, the number of legumes on a node, as well as the length of a bean and the number of seeds in a legume. A finometer was used for the determination of the green pea hardness.Results. Sample 50-4-19 having a relatively low number of yielding nodes (6, 9) had the highest characteristics and was considerably superior to all the other samples by its yielding capacity during the first and the second harvesting periods (7.24 and 9.55 tons per hectare). The selection of the early forms with the changed flowering pattern and the shift of the attraction centre to the 2nd or to the 3rd node allow carrying out breeding aimed at increasing the early ripeness and the yielding capacity of peas. Актуальность. Большинство сортов гороха овощного консервного направления использования имеют схожую морфологическую структуру стебля: укороченные междоузлия, ограниченное их число и расположение в верхней части стебля. Недостатками такой архитектоники растений является ограничение продуктивности в связи с малым числом продуктивных узлов, нестабильность урожайности, сильная поражаемость болезнями. В связи с этим, селекция гороха овощного должна быть направлена на повышение урожайности и качества зеленого горошка, устойчивости к абиотическим факторам среды. Создание сортов с увеличенным числом продуктивных узлов, позволит изменить соотношение непродуктивной и репродуктивной частей в пользу последней.Материалы и методы. Материалом для исследований послужили сорта гороха овощного из коллекции лаборатории бобовых культур Федерального научного центра овощеводства. Основной метод работы – межсортовая гибридизация с последующим индивидуальным отбором. Анализ гибридного материала по числу продуктивных узлов и учет урожайности зеленого горошка и семян по каждому узлу проводили в сравнении с родительскими формами. В 2018-2019 годах выделенные линии высевали в питомнике площадью 7 м2 . В качестве родительских компонентов использовали формы с измененным характером цветения (Первенец, Ранний 28-11, Wenson) и наиболее продуктивные ранние и среднеспелые сорта (Дакота, Ранний грибовский 11, Воронежский зеленый, Корсар, Orus, Виола, Зеленая стрела, Квартелла). Отбор проводили по следующим признакам: измененная форма цветения, число продуктивных узлов, число бобов на узле, длина боба и число семян в бобе. Для определения твердости зеленого горошка использовали финометр.Результаты. Образец 50-4-19 при относительно невысоком числе продуктивных узлов (6,9) имел самые высокие показатели и значительно превосходил все другие образцы по урожайности при первом и втором сроке уборки (7,24 и 9,55 т/га). Выделение ранних форм с измененным характером цветения и смещением центра аттракции на 2-3 узел позволяет вести селекцию на раннеспелость и продуктивность.

    Description of two new species of

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    The study of new samples of oligochaetes from Lake Baikal (Siberia) made possible description of two new species of the genus Rhynchelmis, R. alyonae sp. n. and R. shamanensis sp. n. Rhynchelmis alyonae sp. n. has modified genital setae, a character mentioned for the third time in the Lumbriculidae. These species belong to a complex of small Rhynchelmis, characterised by two pairs of testes, two pairs functional sperm funnels, no connection between spermathecae and gut cavity, and short, elongate, straight atria extending, at most, into segment XII. Other representatives of this group are R. olchonensis, R. paraolchonensis and probably R. spermatochaeta. The Hrabe specimens of R. olchonensis are not considered to belong to this species and are included into R. shamanensis sp. n. An examination of the ultrastructure of spermatozoa of R. alyonae sp. n. indirectly gives some support to the validity of this group. The group is suspected to harbour other new species in Lake Baikal where it seems more and more to constitute a species flock


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    Breeding of high-tech varieties of vegetable peas is a priority ефыл selection at the present stage. The main requirement of processing enterprises is full and timely loading of production lines with high-quality raw materials. Peas should be aligned in size, of intense green color with high biochemical parameters. Therefore, the newly created varieties should combine a number of characteristics: high and stable yields, simultaneous ripening, resistance of the stem to lodging, resistance to most common diseases. The combination of these features allows to realize the potential of the culture fully, and to find wide application in production for created varieties. Since the 80s of the last century, FSBSI «FSVC» (Moscow region) has been actively working to increase the suitability of vegetable pea varieties for mechanized harvesting. Since these years, a number of varieties with strong shortened internodes and stem height not more than 80-90 cm have been created. Reducing plant height has improved the manufacturability of vegetable pea varieties, the stems resistance to lodging during the technical stage of ripeness has been significantly increased. However, in the biological stage of ripeness, the stem degree of lodging has been preserved, which creates additional difficulties in the seed production of vegetable peas. Since 2008, the direction of breeding has been adjusted to improve the stems resistance to lodging in combination with other economically significant traits (determinant type of growth, mustache type of leaf, green color of peas, duration of the technical stage of ripeness). As a result of this work, new varieties Cruiser, Viking, Triumph, Corsair, Barin, Hercules, Egorka have been created. The work is to introduce these varieties into production is being carried

    Change of the flowering pattern as a formula of success in pea breeding aimed at increasing the early ripeness and the yielding capacity of peas

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    Relevance. Most of the pea varieties used in the production of canned vegetables have similar morphological structure of the stalk: shortened internodes, their limited number and location in the upper part of the stalk. The deficiency of such plant architectonics is the limitation of yielding capacity in relation to small number of yielding nodes, yielding capacity instability, and high degree of affliction by plant diseases. The production of pea varieties having an increased number of yielding nodes will allow changing the relation between the nonproductive and reproductive parts to the advantage of the latter.Methods. The pea varieties from the collection of bean cultures laboratories of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center were used as the research varieties. The main method of work was intervarietal hybridization with subsequent single plant selection. In 2018-2019 the selected lines were seeded in a nursery with an area of 7 m2 . The forms with changed flowering pattern (Pervenets, Ranniy 28-11, Wenson) and the most yielding early and midseason varieties (Dakota, Ranniy Gribovsky 11, Voronezhsky Zelyony, Korsar, Orus, Viola, Zelyonaya Strela, Quartella) were used as parent components. The selection was performed on the basis of the following features: changed flowering pattern, the number of yielding nodes, the number of legumes on a node, as well as the length of a bean and the number of seeds in a legume. A finometer was used for the determination of the green pea hardness.Results. Sample 50-4-19 having a relatively low number of yielding nodes (6, 9) had the highest characteristics and was considerably superior to all the other samples by its yielding capacity during the first and the second harvesting periods (7.24 and 9.55 tons per hectare). The selection of the early forms with the changed flowering pattern and the shift of the attraction centre to the 2nd or to the 3rd node allow carrying out breeding aimed at increasing the early ripeness and the yielding capacity of peas


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    The article presents the methods and results of the competitive breeding of promising high-quality varieties of vegetable green pea for canning, as well as the main achievements of FGBNU VNIISSOK