25 research outputs found

    Electron-hole asymmetry is the key to superconductivity

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    In a solid, transport of electricity can occur via negative electrons or via positive holes. In the normal state of superconducting materials experiments show that transport is usually dominated by dresseddressed positivepositive holehole carrierscarriers. Instead, in the superconducting state experiments show that the supercurrent is always carried by undressedundressed negativenegative electronelectron carrierscarriers. These experimental facts indicate that electron-hole asymmetry plays a fundamental role in superconductivity, as proposed by the theory of hole superconductivity.Comment: Presented at the New3SC-4 meeting, San Diego, Jan. 16-21 2003; to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Why holes are not like electrons. II. The role of the electron-ion interaction

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    In recent work, we discussed the difference between electrons and holes in energy band in solids from a many-particle point of view, originating in the electron-electron interaction, and argued that it has fundamental consequences for superconductivity. Here we discuss the fact that there is also a fundamental difference between electrons and holes already at the single particle level, arising from the electron-ion interaction. The difference between electrons and holes due to this effect parallels the difference due to electron-electron interactions: {\it holes are more dressed than electrons}. We propose that superconductivity originates in 'undressing' of carriers from bothboth electron-electron and electron-ion interactions, and that both aspects of undressing have observable consequences.Comment: Continuation of Phys.Rev.B65, 184502 (2002) = cond-mat/0109385 (2001

    Superconductivity from Undressing

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    Photoemission experiments in high TcT_c cuprates indicate that quasiparticles are heavily 'dressed' in the normal state, particularly in the low doping regime. Furthermore these experiments show that a gradual undressing occurs both in the normal state as the system is doped and the carrier concentration increases, as well as at fixed carrier concentration as the temperature is lowered and the system becomes superconducting. A similar picture can be inferred from optical experiments. It is argued that these experiments can be simply understood with the single assumption that the quasiparticle dressing is a function of the local carrier concentration. Microscopic Hamiltonians describing this physics are discussed. The undressing process manifests itself in both the one-particle and two-particle Green's functions, hence leads to observable consequences in photoemission and optical experiments respectively. An essential consequence of this phenomenology is that the microscopic Hamiltonians describing it break electron-hole symmetry: these Hamiltonians predict that superconductivity will only occur for carriers with hole-like character, as proposed in the theory of hole superconductivity