9 research outputs found

    The effect of weather conditions on the seasonal rhythm of plant development of Amur cork tree (<i>Phellodendron amurense</i> Rupr.) in the forest-steppe of the Ob region

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    Background. Amur cork tree is a valuable woody plant of great economic importance. Its bark, liber, leaves, and fruits are successfully used in medicine and cosmetology. This tree is very ornamental and serves as is a good honey plant. It can be a potential source of industrial cork. Due to its properties and relative unpretentiousness, Amur cork tree may be of interest for introduction. In this regard, the aim of the research was to study the peculiarities of the influence of weather conditions on the seasonal rhythm of plant development for Amur cork tree (Phellodendron amurense Rupr.) under the conditions of the foreststeppe in the Ob region.Materials and methods. Thirty two Amur cork trees were used as the material for the study. These trees were successfully introduced in the forest-steppe of the Ob region. Phenological observations to evaluate the rhythm of seasonal growth were carried out according to the methodological recommendations of I. D. Yurkevich and coauthors. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was used to identify the dependence of the rhythm of seasonal growth on weather conditions.Results. The plants of Amur cork tree were found to be successfully adapted to the conditions of the arboretum of the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Production and Breeding. It was shown that in the year with the highest sum of effective temperatures (2020), the duration of interphase periods was on average 2 days shorter than in other years. At the same time, in the coldest year (2018), the plants did not have time to complete their leaf fall before the snow cover appeared. The vegetation of Amur cork tree was observed to start in mid-May. The completion of the growing season varies greatly from year to year. Conclusion. It was established that the seasonal development of Amur cork tree in the forest-steppe of the Ob region corresponded to the features specific to the development of this species within its natural range

    Lodging in wheat: genetic and environmental factors and ways of overcoming

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    Lodging is one of the main factors in reducing the yield and grain quality of winter and spring wheat varieties. The resistance of wheat cultivars to lodging largely depends on environmental factors, biological and morphological features of the stem and root systems. Selection of the varieties for resistance to lodging is relevant in many countries of the world and has a number of achievements. Plant height is one of the most important morphological characters associated with lodging resistance. Breeding of the varieties carrying the dwarfing genes (Rht) is the main direction to reduce the risk of lodging. The Rht-B1b, Rht-D1b, Rht8 and Rht11 genes are widely used throughout the world due to their significant influence on agronomically valuable traits, including lodging. It turned out to be important to study the anatomical and morphological features and chemical composition of stem tissues, which complement the assessment of resistance to lodging and allow the varietal material to be more fully characterized. The thickness of stem internodes and their anatomical structure play an important role in the stem strength. The diameter of the stem, its thickness and weight, a large number of vascular bundles and a wide ring of mechanical tissues correlate with resistance to lodging. The content of lignin, silicon and cellulose are important structural components and provide the stem strength of wheat plants. Molecular genetic analysis and mapping of genes and quantitative trait loci are of great importance in identifying the genetic basis of the relationship between the anatomical and morphophysiological characters of the stem and root system and lodging. Genetic factors reflecting correlations between the lodging and the thickness of the stem wall, the number of vascular bundles and other characters were mapped to chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2A, 2D, 3A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 5D, 6D and 7D. It has been found that loci with high phenotypic effects on lodging tolerance are colocalized with loci responsible for plant height, stem diameter and stem strength. To increase resistance to lodging, it is necessary to develop a set of agrotechnical methods that reduce the influence of soil and climatic factors and create wheat varieties tolerant to lodging

    Оценка исходного материала озимой мягкой пшеницы по показателям адаптивности в условиях лесостепи Новосибирской области

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    One of the main ways to obtain consistently high yields in Siberian conditions is the use of adaptive varieties. Selection plays a key role in solving this problem. Success in breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses depends on the correct choice of initial parental forms for crossing. The purpose of the study is to evaluate varieties and promising breeding lines of soft winter wheat of various ecological and geographical origin in terms of productivity and adaptive potential. The results of the study of 68 varieties and breeding lines of winter soft wheat are presented. The studies were carried out on the experimental field of the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and Breeding, a branch of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The most favorable conditions for the formation of the winter wheat crop were formed in 2021 (Ij=125.1). The least favorable conditions developed in 2020 (Ij= -171.2). The most winter-hardy varieties were Scepter, Novosibirskaya 32, Pamyati Chekurova, Omskaya 6. The Volzhskaya variety showed high plasticity (bi=1.49), but was not stable over the years. The most stable varieties among highly productive samples were Novosibirskaya 32 (δd² = 13.75), Lutescens 261-3 (δd² = 16.86), Pamyati Chekurova (δd² = 13.95), Zhemchuzhina Povolzh’ya (δd² = 10.33), Volzhskaya 22 (δd² = 22.70). Genotypes combining high rates of plasticity and stability Lutescens 261-3 (bi=1.26; δd²= 16.86) and Volzhskaya 22 (bi=1.97; δd² = 22.70). Samples of Pamyati Chekurova, Scepter, Omskaya 6 and Chekh 16 stood out for a number of indicators: in terms of stress resistance Уmin - Уmax = -51.9 ÷ -282.5; in terms of genetic flexibility (Уmax+Уmin)/2 = 568.8÷651.8; by yield variability V = 4.6÷26.4%; according to homeostasis Hom = 8.13÷94.88; by breeding value Sc = 391.3÷521.5. These samples are of interest in the selection of winter soft wheat to improve adaptabilityОдин из основных способов получения стабильно высоких урожаев в сибирских условиях — это использование адаптивных сортов. В решении данной проблемы основную роль играет селекция. Успехи в селекции на устойчивость к биотическим и абиотическим стрессам зависят от правильного выбора исходных родительских форм для скрещивания. Цель исследования – оценка сортов и перспективных селекционных линий пшеницы мягкой озимой различного эколого-географического происхождения по параметрам продуктивности и адаптивного потенциала. Представлены результаты изучения 68 сортов и селекционных линий озимой мягкой пшеницы. Исследования проводили на опытном поле Сибирского НИИ растениеводства и селекции – филиала Института цитологии и генетики СО РАН. Самые благоприятные условия для формирования урожая озимой пшеницы сложились в 2021 г. (Ij = 125,1). Наименее благоприятными были условия в 2020 г. (Ij = –171,2). Самыми зимостойкими сортами оказались Скипетр, Новосибирская 32, Памяти Чекурова, Омская 6. Высокую пластичность показал сорт Волжская (bi = 1,49), но он не был стабильным по годам. Самыми стабильными сортами среди высокопродуктивных образцов оказались Новосибирская 32 (δd² = 13,75), Лютесценс 261-3 (δd² = 16,86), Памяти Чекурова (δd² = 13,95), Жемчужина Поволжья (δd² = 10,33), Волжская 22 (δd² = 22,70). Генотипы, совмещающие в себе высокие показатели пластичности и стабильности, – Лютесценс 261-3 (bi = 1,26; δd² = 16,86) и Волжская 22 (bi = 1,97; δd² = 22,70). Образцы Памяти Чекурова, Скипетр, Омская 6 и Чех 16 выделились по ряду показателей: по стрессоустойчивости – Уmin – Уmax = –51,9 ÷ –282,5; по показателю генетической гибкости – (Уmax + Уmin)/2 = 568,8 ÷ 651,8; по вариабельности урожайности – V = 4,6 ÷ 26,4%; по гомеостатичности – Hom = 8,13 ÷ 94,88; по селекционной ценности – Sc = 391,3 ÷ 521,5. Данные образцы представляют интерес в селекции озимой мягкой пшеницы на повышение адаптивности


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    The paper estimates spring wheat environmental plasticity and harvest sustainability when dropping on 2 predecessors (complete fallow and crops) in 2010–2011 and 2014. The authors applied varieties included into the State Register and selected short-season varieties and middle-early varieties produced in different environmental and climate conditions. The group of researchers studied plasticity by means of methods developed by Taem, Eberchart and Russel. The article indicates that periods of research differed in respect to amount and evenness of precipitation and temperature; this is certified by means of analysis of variance. Variations caused by cultivating conditions are 45.5 % whereas genotype variations and time variations are 22.08 % and 4.53 % resp of total feature phenotypic change. Variations caused by unpredictable conditions are high and equal to 22.01 %; it is due to agroclimatic and agrotechnical factors. The publication reveals short-season varieties to be the plastic ones as their average crop yield was at the standard level. The paper considers Prilenskaya 19 variety, Lutestens 1034 and Svecha variety to be sustainable ones. The authors make conclusion Pamyati Vavenkova variety is productive and resistant; Svecha variety is resistant and profitable.В условиях лесостепи Западной Сибири была проведена оценка экологической пластичности и стабильности по урожайности в 2010–2011 и 2014 г. мягкой яровой пшеницы при посеве по двум предшественникам (чистый пар и  зерновые культуры). Материалом для исследований служили сорта, внесенные в Госреестр РФ, и селекционные формы раннеспелого и среднераннего типов созревания, созданные в  различных эколого-климатических условиях. Изучение пластичности проводилось с помощью методик, разработанных Таем и С.А. Эберхартом, В.А. Расселом. В целом годы проведения исследования существенно различались по количеству и равномерности выпадения осадков и температурному режиму, о чем свидетельствуют результаты дисперсионного анализа. Вклад изменчивости, вызванной условиями выращивания, составляет 45,5%, тогда как генотипическая изменчивость и изменчивость, обусловленная фактором В (годы), составляют соответственно 22,08 и 4,53% от общего фенотипического варьирования признака. В то же время высока доля изменчивости, вызванной случайными факторами, которая достигала 22,01%, что, видимо, связано с  агроклиматическими и  агротехническими факторами. Достоверно пластичными оказались раннеспелые сорта, хотя их средняя урожайность за годы исследований была на уровне стандарта. По стабильности можно отметить такие сорта, как Приленская 19, Лютесценс 1034 и Свеча. В результате оценки пластичности и стабильности по двум предшественникам сделан вывод о том, что сорт Памяти Вавенкова достоверно является высокоинтенсивным и стабильным. Сорт Свеча стоит признать стабильным и экономически выгодным

    Genotypic and ecological variability of zinc content in the grain of spring bread wheat varieties in the international nursery KASIB

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    Spring bread wheat is the staple crop in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, a significant portion of which goes for export. Wheat breeding with a high level of zinc in wheat grain is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to address zinc de iciency in the diet. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the contribution of the factors ‘location’ and ‘genotype’ in the variability of zinc content in wheat grain, and to identify the best varieties as sources of this trait for breed-ing. The research on screening zinc content in the wheat grain of 49 spring bread wheat varieties from the Kazakhstan-Siberia Spring Wheat Trial (KASIB) nursery was carried out at 4 sites in Russia (Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Novosibirsk) and 2 sites in Kazakhstan (Karabalyk and Shortandy) in 2017–2018. The content of zinc in wheat grain was evaluated at the Ionomic Facility of University of Nottingham in the framework of the EU pro ject European Plant Phenotyping Network-2020. The analysis of variance showed that the main contribution into the general phenotypic variation of the studied trait, 38.7 %, was made by the factor ‘location’ due to different contents of zinc and moisture in the soil of trial sites; the effect of the factor ‘year’ was 13.5 %, and the effect of the factor ‘genotype’ was 8.0 %. The most favorable environmental conditions for accumulation of zinc in wheat grain were observed in the Omsk region. In Omsk, the average zinc content in all studied varieties was 50.4 mg/kg, with 63.7 mg/ kg in the best variety ‘OmGAU 100’. These values are higher than the target values of the international program Harvest Plus. ‘Novosibirskaya 16’ (49.4 mg/kg), ‘Silach’ (48.4 mg/kg), ‘Line 4-10-16’ (47.2 mg/ kg), ‘Element 22’ (46.3 mg/kg) and ‘Lutescens 248/01’ (46.0 mg/kg) were identi ied as being the best varieties. Significant possibilities for the production of wheat grain with high zinc content, which is in demand for the production of bread and pastry products with functional properties, were identified in the Western Siberian region

    Урожайность озимой мягкой пшеницы в зависимости от сроков посева в условиях лесостепи Западной Сибири

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    Overwintering is of paramount importance among the various factors responsible for the creation of winter wheat, which largely depends on the potential of the genotype, sowing time and weather conditions. Sowing time is one of the vital agrotechnical factors in the technology of winter wheat cultivation. The research aims to study the influence of sowing time on the formation of the yield of local varieties of soft winter wheat in the conditions of the forest-steppe of Western Siberia. The studies were carried out in 2018–2022 on the Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and Breeding - a branch of ICG SB RAS. Five varieties of soft winter wheat were used as an object of study. Sowing was carried out in three terms (the first - on August 20, the second - on September 01, and the third - on September 10). The maximum yield over the years of research was observed when sowing in the second term. On average, over three years, the increase was 0.53 and 0.66 t/ha compared to the first and third sowing periods, respectively. The highest yield was noted in the Krasnoobskaya winter variety during the second sowing period - 5.76 t/ha in 2022 and 5.16 t/ha on average over three years. The analysis of variance showed that the influence of all the studied factors on the change in yield is reliable. The maximum force was exerted by the interaction of the factors “year” and “variety” and amounted to 22.7%. The remaining elements were distributed as follows: sowing time -14.5, year conditions - 12, genotype - 12.7, the interaction of year conditions and sowing date - 7.9, the interaction between sowing time and genotype is 2.1%, the totality of all factors is 6.7%. According to the results of the correlation analysis, the yield in the years of research was in a significant relationship with overwintering (R = 0.52) and with the number of productive shoots (R = 0.53). In turn, the indicators of overwintering and the number of influential nodes correlate with the coefficient R = 0.36, which is also reliable. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the optimal sowing time for the growth and development of soft winter wheat is the second sowing time with a shift of 1–3 days in both directions.Среди различных факторов, ответственных за урожайность озимой пшеницы, первостепенное значение имеет перезимовка, которая во многом зависит от потенциала генотипа, срока посева и метеоусловий. Срок посева является одним из ключевых агротехнических факторов в технологии возделывания озимой пшеницы. Цель исследований – изучение влияния сроков посева на формирование урожайности местных сортов озимой мягкой пшеницы в условиях лесостепи Западной Сибири. Исследования проводили в 2018–2022 гг. на поле СибНИИРС – филиала ИЦиГ СО РАН. В качестве объекта исследования использовались 5 сортов озимой мягкой пшеницы. Посев проводился в три срока (первый – 20 августа, второй – 1 сентября, третий – 10 сентября). Максимальная урожайность за годы исследований наблюдалась при посеве во второй срок. В среднем за 3 года прибавка составила 0,53 и 0,66 т/га по сравнению с первым и третьим сроками посева соответственно. Наибольшая урожайность была отмечена у сорта Краснообская озимая при втором сроке посева – 5,76 т/га в 2022 г. и 5,16 т/га в среднем за 3 года. Результаты дисперсионного анализа показали, что влияние всех исследуемых факторов на изменение урожайности достоверно. Максимальное влияние оказало взаимодействие факторов «год» и» сорт» и составило 22,7%, остальные факторы распределялись следующим образом: срок посева –14,5, условия года – 12, генотип – 12,7, взаимодействие условий года и срока посева – 7,9, взаимодействие срока посева и генотипа – 2,1, совокупность всех факторов – 6,7%. По результатам корреляционного анализа, урожайность в годы исследований находилась в достоверной взаимосвязи с перезимовкой (R = 0,52), а также с количеством продуктивных побегов (R = 0,53). В свою очередь, между собой показатели перезимовки и количество продуктивных побегов коррелируют с коэффициентом R = 0,36, что также является достоверным. На основании исследования можно заключить что оптимальным сроком посева для роста и развития озимой мягкой пшеницы является второй срок посева со сдвигом на 1–3 дня в обе стороны


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    Combinations of alleles of the Vrn-A1, Vrn-B1, Vrn-D1, Ppd-D1, and Ppd-B1 genes were analyzed with allele-specific primers in 48 spring wheat varieties from different breeding centers in Siberia. Six haplotypes were identified for Vrn-1 genes, including two most abundant with two dominant genes Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 against the background of recessive Ppd-D1b genes, which cause sensitivity to photoperiod. Only one variety (Tulun 15) was found to bear the photoperiod-neutral Ppd-D1a allele, combined with the dominant Vrn-A1 and Vrn-B1 alleles. It showed the earliest ripening of all accessions examined. Within each haplotype, a considerable variability was found in growing duration, suggesting a strong influence of the “genetic background” on this trait. Nevertheless, the results can be used for marker-assisted selection of genotypes most appropriate for different growing conditions

    Identification of QTLs for Grain Protein Content in Russian Spring Wheat Varieties

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    Most modern breeding programs aim to develop wheat (T. aestivum L.) varieties with a high grain protein content (GPC) due to its greater milling and cooking quality, and improved grain price. Here, we used a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to map single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with GPC in 93 spring bread wheat varieties developed by eight Russian Breeding Centers. The varieties were evaluated for GPC, grain weight per spike (GWS), and thousand-kernel weight (TKW) at six environments, and genotyped with 9351 polymorphic SNPs and two SNPs associated with the NAM-A1 gene. GPC varied from 9.8 to 20.0%, depending on the genotype and environment. Nearly 52% of the genotypes had a GPC &gt; 14.5%, which is the threshold value for entry into high-class wheat varieties. Broad-sense heritability for GPC was moderate (0.42), which is due to the significant effect of environment and genotype &times; environment interactions. GWAS performed on mean GPC evaluated across six environments identified eleven significant marker-trait associations, of which nine were physically mapped on chromosome 6A. Screening of wheat varieties for allelic variants of the NAM-A1 gene indicated that 60% of the varieties contained the NAM-A1c allele, followed by 33% for NAM-A1d, and 5% for NAM-A1a alleles. Varieties with the NAM-A1d allele showed significantly (p &lt; 0.01) smaller GPC than those with NAM-A1c and NAM-A1a. However, no significant differences between NAM-A1 alleles were observed for both GWS and TKW


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    Shuttle breeding contributes much to the breeding to common wheat varieties resistant to adverse environmental factors by involving new sources of valuable biological and economical features from the world’s gene pool. Annually, 360 to 1000 lines and hybrid populations of spring bread wheat are studied in the Siberian shuttle breeding nursery (SSBN), established according to the shuttle breeding program participated by scientific institutions of West Siberia, Kazakhstan and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre CIMMYT. Stable forms resistant to fungal diseases in West Siberia have been selected. The breeding value of the population created in the shuttle breeding program is shown. The results of evaluation of the collection of spring bread wheat varieties, breeding material and isogenic lines with Sr genes for resistance to Siberian populations of stem rust races under the conditions of the Omsk State Agrarian University experimental field and to the virulent race Ug 99 are presented. We have raised the most competitive hybrid populations of spring bread wheat resistant to a wide range of races of stem and leaf rust, including a virulent race Ug99. They can be used in different regions in case of global dispersal of stem rust