3,452 research outputs found

    Representation of spectral functions and thermodynamics

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    In this paper we study the question of effective field assignment to measured or nonperturbatively calculated spectral functions. The straightforward procedure is to approximate it by a sum of independent Breit-Wigner resonances, and assign an independent field to each of these resonances. The problem with this idea is that it introduces new conserved quantities in the free model (the new particle numbers), therefore it changes the symmetry of the system. We avoid this inconsistency by representing each quantum channel with a single effective field, no matter how complicated the spectral function is. Thermodynamical characterization of the system will be computed with this representation method, and its relation to the independent resonance approximation will be discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, revtex

    A computational technique for simulating ionization energy deposition by energetic ions in complex targets

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    An ion transport code was developed for simulating ionization energy deposition by energetic ions in sensitive volumes of complex structures. The code was used to simulate recent microdosimetry measurements performed with silicon-on-insulator (SOI) microdosimeters in Fast Neutron Therapy (FNT)

    A fragment of antithrombin that binds both heparin and thrombin

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    Weyl-Gauging and Conformal Invariance

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    Scale-invariant actions in arbitrary dimensions are investigated in curved space to clarify the relation between scale-, Weyl- and conformal invariance on the classical level. The global Weyl-group is gauged. Then the class of actions is determined for which Weyl-gauging may be replaced by a suitable coupling to the curvature (Ricci gauging). It is shown that this class is exactly the class of actions which are conformally invariant in flat space. The procedure yields a simple algebraic criterion for conformal invariance and produces the improved energy-momentum tensor in conformally invariant theories in a systematic way. It also provides a simple and fundamental connection between Weyl-anomalies and central extensions in two dimensions. In particular, the subset of scale-invariant Lagrangians for fields of arbitrary spin, in any dimension, which are conformally invariant is given. An example of a quadratic action for which scale-invariance does not imply conformal invariance is constructed.Comment: Extended version including discussion of arbitrary spin in any dimensions. References adde

    EvoBot: Towards a Robot-Chemostat for Culturing and Maintaining Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)

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    In this paper we present EvoBot, a RepRap open-source 3D-printer modified to operate like a robot for culturing and maintaining Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs). EvoBot is a modular liquid handling robot that has been adapted to host MFCs in its experimental layer, gather data from the MFCs and react on the set thresholds based on a feedback loop. This type of robot-MFC interaction, based on the feedback loop mechanism, will enable us to study further the adaptability and stability of these systems. To date, EvoBot has automated the nurturing process of MFCs with the aim of controlling liquid delivery, which is akin to a chemostat. The chemostat is a well-known microbiology method for culturing bacterial cells under controlled conditions with continuous nutrient supply. EvoBot is perhaps the first pioneering attempt at functionalizing the 3D printing technology by combining it with the chemostat methods. In this paper, we will explore the experiments that EvoBot has carried out so far and how the platform has been optimised over the past two years

    Etude des oxydes superficiels du fer lors de l\u27 oxydation anodique par la methode de polarisation photoelectrique

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    The nature and the degree of passivation of iron in 1 N Na2S04 was studied using the photoelectric polarization method. The shift in composition of the oxide from the stoichiometric composition Fe304, in the domain of active dissolution, into the y - Fe203 form by oxygen adsorption favors passivity. The sorption of oxygen leads to the decrease of the concentration of 3d electrons in the oxide exerting an inhibitory effect on the dissolution of iron

    Structure formation in the presence of dark energy perturbations

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    We study non-linear structure formation in the presence of dark energy. The influence of dark energy on the growth of large-scale cosmological structures is exerted both through its background effect on the expansion rate, and through its perturbations as well. In order to compute the rate of formation of massive objects we employ the Spherical Collapse formalism, which we generalize to include fluids with pressure. We show that the resulting non-linear evolution equations are identical to the ones obtained in the Pseudo-Newtonian approach to cosmological perturbations, in the regime where an equation of state serves to describe both the background pressure relative to density, and the pressure perturbations relative to the density perturbations as well. We then consider a wide range of constant and time-dependent equations of state (including phantom models) parametrized in a standard way, and study their impact on the non-linear growth of structure. The main effect is the formation of dark energy structure associated with the dark matter halo: non-phantom equations of state induce the formation of a dark energy halo, damping the growth of structures; phantom models, on the other hand, generate dark energy voids, enhancing structure growth. Finally, we employ the Press-Schechter formalism to compute how dark energy affects the number of massive objects as a function of redshift.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures. Matches published version, with caption of Fig. 6 correcte

    Geometrical aspects and connections of the energy-temperature fluctuation relation

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    Recently, we have derived a generalization of the known canonical fluctuation relation kBC=β2k_{B}C=\beta^{2} between heat capacity CC and energy fluctuations, which can account for the existence of macrostates with negative heat capacities C<0C<0. In this work, we presented a panoramic overview of direct implications and connections of this fluctuation theorem with other developments of statistical mechanics, such as the extension of canonical Monte Carlo methods, the geometric formulations of fluctuation theory and the relevance of a geometric extension of the Gibbs canonical ensemble that has been recently proposed in the literature.Comment: Version accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math and The

    Impediments to mixing classical and quantum dynamics

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    The dynamics of systems composed of a classical sector plus a quantum sector is studied. We show that, even in the simplest cases, (i) the existence of a consistent canonical description for such mixed systems is incompatible with very basic requirements related to the time evolution of the two sectors when they are decoupled. (ii) The classical sector cannot inherit quantum fluctuations from the quantum sector. And, (iii) a coupling among the two sectors is incompatible with the requirement of physical positivity of the theory, i.e., there would be positive observables with a non positive expectation value.Comment: RevTex, 21 pages. Title slightly modified and summary section adde

    Geometric factors in the Bohr--Rosenfeld analysis of the measurability of the electromagnetic field

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    The Geometric factors in the field commutators and spring constants of the measurement devices in the famous analysis of the measurability of the electromagnetic field by Bohr and Rosenfeld are calculated using a Fourier--Bessel method for the evaluation of folding integrals, which enables one to obtain the general geometric factors as a Fourier--Bessel series. When the space region over which the factors are defined are spherical, the Fourier--Bessel series terms are given by elementary functions, and using the standard Fourier-integral method of calculating folding integrals, the geometric factors can be evaluated in terms of manageable closed-form expressions.Comment: 21 pages, REVTe