613 research outputs found

    Absence of Translational Symmetry Breaking in Nonmagnetic Insulator Phase on Two-Dimensional Lattice with Geometrical Frustration

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    The ground-state properties of the two-dimensional Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor hoppings at half filling are studied by the path-integral-renormalization-group method. The nonmagnetic-insulator phase sandwiched by the the paramagnetic-metal phase and the antiferromagnetic-insulator phase shows evidence against translational symmetry breaking of the dimerized state, plaquette singlet state, staggered flux state, and charge ordered state. These results support that the genuine Mott insulator which cannot be adiabatically continued to the band insulator is realized generically by Umklapp scattering through the effects of geometrical frustration and quantum fluctuation in the two-dimensional system.Comment: 4 pages and 7 figure

    Completely localized gravity with higher curvature terms

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    In the intersecting braneworld models, higher curvature corrections to the Einstein action are necessary to provide a non-trivial geometry (brane tension) at the brane junctions. By introducing such terms in a Gauss-Bonnet form, we give an effective description of localized gravity on the singular delta-function branes. There exists a non-vanishing brane tension at the four-dimensional brane intersection of two 4-branes. Importantly, we give explicit expressions of the graviton propagator and show that the Randall-Sundrum single-brane model with a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk correctly gives a massless graviton on the brane as for the RS model. We explore some crucial features of completely localized gravity in the solitonic braneworld solutions obtained with a choice (\xi=1) of solutions. The no-go theorem known for Einstein's theory may not apply to the \xi=1 solution. As complementary discussions, we provide an effective description of the power-law corrections to Newtonian gravity on the branes or at the common intersection thereof.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, Revised/Published Versio

    First-Principles Computation of YVO3; Combining Path-Integral Renormalization Group with Density-Functional Approach

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    We investigate the electronic structure of the transition-metal oxide YVO3 by a hybrid first-principles scheme. The density-functional theory with the local-density-approximation by using the local muffin-tin orbital basis is applied to derive the whole band structure. The electron degrees of freedom far from the Fermi level are eliminated by a downfolding procedure leaving only the V 3d t2g Wannier band as the low-energy degrees of freedom, for which a low-energy effective model is constructed. This low-energy effective Hamiltonian is solved exactly by the path-integral renormalization group method. It is shown that the ground state has the G-type spin and the C-type orbital ordering in agreement with experimental indications. The indirect charge gap is estimated to be around 0.7 eV, which prominently improves the previous estimates by other conventional methods

    Nonmagnetic Insulating States near the Mott Transitions on Lattices with Geometrical Frustration and Implications for κ\kappa-(ET)2_2Cu2(CN)3_2(CN)_3

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    We study phase diagrams of the Hubbard model on anisotropic triangular lattices, which also represents a model for κ\kappa-type BEDT-TTF compounds. In contrast with mean-field predictions, path-integral renormalization group calculations show a universal presence of nonmagnetic insulator sandwitched by antiferromagnetic insulator and paramagnetic metals. The nonmagnetic phase does not show a simple translational symmetry breakings such as flux phases, implying a genuine Mott insulator. We discuss possible relevance on the nonmagnetic insulating phase found in κ\kappa-(ET)2_2Cu2(CN)3_2(CN)_3.Comment: 4pages including 7 figure

    Transcriptional Robustness Complements Nonsense-Mediated Decay in Humans

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    In eukaryotes, gene expression is a complex, multi-step process involving transcription, splicing, translation, and post-translational modifications. At each individual step, errors can occur that lead to nonfunctional and potentially toxic proteins. Therefore, eukaryotes have evolved a wide array of solutions to minimize the risk of error.This work was supported by NIH grant R01 GM088344 to COW. The funder had no role in the preparation of the article.Cellular and Molecular Biolog

    Ground State Properties and Optical Conductivity of the Transition Metal Oxide Sr2VO4{\rm Sr_{2}VO_{4}}

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    Combining first-principles calculations with a technique for many-body problems, we investigate properties of the transition metal oxide Sr2VO4{\rm Sr_{2}VO_{4}} from the microscopic point of view. By using the local density approximation (LDA), the high-energy band structure is obtained, while screened Coulomb interactions are derived from the constrained LDA and the GW method. The renormalization of the kinetic energy is determined from the GW method. By these downfolding procedures, an effective Hamiltonian at low energies is derived. Applying the path integral renormalization group method to this Hamiltonian, we obtain ground state properties such as the magnetic and orbital orders. Obtained results are consistent with experiments within available data. We find that Sr2VO4{\rm Sr_{2}VO_{4}} is close to the metal-insulator transition. Furthermore, because of the coexistence and competition of ferromagnetic and antiferromgnetic exchange interactions in this system, an antiferromagnetic and orbital-ordered state with a nontrivial and large unit cell structure is predicted in the ground state. The calculated optical conductivity shows characteristic shoulder structure in agreement with the experimental results. This suggests an orbital selective reduction of the Mott gap.Comment: 38pages, 22figure

    rac-Ethyl 6-hy­droxy-6-methyl-3-oxo-4-phenyl-1,3,4,5,6,7-hexa­hydro­benzo[c][1,2]oxazole-5-carboxyl­ate

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    In the title compound, C17H19NO5, the cyclo­hexene ring is in a half-chair conformation and the isoxazole ring in an envelope conformation with the N atom as the flap. The C atoms in the 4- and 6-positions are of the same absolute configuration, whereas the C atom in the 5-position is of the opposite configuration, i.e. (4S*,5R*,6S*). The methyl fragment of the eth­oxy­carbonyl group at position 5 is disordered over two sets of sites in a 0.60:0.40 ratio. The crystal packing displays inter­molecular N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Ab initio Derivation of Low-energy Model for Iron-Based Superconductors LaFeAsO and LaFePO

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    Effective Hamiltonians for LaFeAsO and LaFePO are derived from the downfolding scheme based on first-principles calculations and provide insights for newly discovered superconductivity in the family of LnFeAsO1−x_{1-x}Fx_x, Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, and Gd. Extended Hubbard Hamiltonians for five maximally localized Wannier orbitals per Fe are constructed dominantly from five-fold degenerate iron-3dd bands. They contain parameters for effective Coulomb and exchange interactions screened by the polarization of other electrons away from the Fermi level. The onsite Coulomb interaction estimated as 2.2-3.3 eV is compared with the transfer integrals between the nearest-neighbor Fe-3dd Wannier orbitals, 0.2-0.3 eV, indicating moderately strong electron correlation. The Hund's rule coupling is found to be 0.3-0.6 eV. The derived model offers a firm basis for further studies on physics of this family of materials. The effective models for As and P compounds turn out to have very similar screened interactions with slightly narrower bandwidth for the As compound.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 77 No.9: Revised version contains corrected table values and discussions of quantitative accuracy of constrained random-phase approximatio

    A rigorous treatment of the perturbation theory for many-electron systems

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    Four point correlation functions for many electrons at finite temperature in periodic lattice are analyzed by the perturbation theory with respect to the coupling constant. The correlation functions are characterized as a limit of finite dimensional Grassmann integrals. A lower bound on the radius of convergence and an upper bound on the perturbation series are obtained. The perturbation series up to second order is numerically implemented along with the volume-independent upper bounds on the sum of the higher order terms in 2 dimensional case.Comment: 61 page

    Gossamer Superconductor, Mott Insulator, and Resonating Valence Bond State in Correlated Electron Systems

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    Gutzwiller variational method is applied to an effective two-dimensional Hubbard model to examine the recently proposed gossamer superconductor by Laughlin. The ground state at half filled electron density is a gossamer superconductor for smaller intra-site Coulomb repulsion U and a Mott insulator for larger U. The gossamer superconducting state is similar to the resonant valence bond superconducting state, except that the chemical potential is approximately pinned at the mid of the two Hubbard bands away from the half filled
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