521 research outputs found

    How Sensitive is the CMB to a Single Lens?

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    We study the imprints of a single lens, that breaks statistical isotropy, on the CMB and calculate the signal to noise ratio (S/N) for its detection. We emphasize the role of non-Gaussianities induced by LCDM weak lensing in this calculation and show that typically the S/N is much smaller than expected. In particular we find that the hypothesis that a void (texture) is responsible for the WMAP cold spot can barely (cannot) be tested via weak lensing of the CMB.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCAP, 24 pages, 5 figure

    The ubiquitin E3 ligase ITCH enhances breast tumor progression by inhibiting the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway

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    The Hippo kinase pathway is emerging as a conserved signaling pathway that is essential for organ growth and tumorigenesis. Recently, we reported that the ubiquitin E3 ligase ITCH negatively regulates LATS1, thereby increasing YAP activity, which leads to increased cell proliferation and decreased apoptosis. Here, we investigated the role of ITCH in breast tumorigenesis. In particular, we show that ITCH enhances epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) through boosting YAP oncogenic function. By contrast, a point mutation in the catalytic domain or WW1 domain of ITCH abolished its EMT-mediated effects. Furthermore, while overexpression of ITCH expression in breast cells is associated with increased incidence of mammary tumor formation and progression, its knockdown inhibited breast cancer cell tumorigenicity and metastasis. Importantly, YAP knockdown was able to attenuate ITCH pro-tumorigenic functions. Lastly, we found that ITCH expression is significantly upregulated in invasive and metastatic breast cancer cases and is associated with worse survival. Together, our results reveal that ITCH pro-tumorigenic functions in breast cancer are mediated, at least in part, through inactivation of the Hippo tumor suppressor pathway.We would like to thank all the Aqeilan lab members for fruitful discussion and technical help. This work was supported by grant funds from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF 12-0542) to R.I.A

    Exotic polarizations of D2 branes and oblique vacua of (S)YM2+1_{2+1}

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    We investigate the oblique vacua in the perturbed 2+1 dimensional gauge theory living on D2 branes. The string theory dual of these vacua is expected to correspond to polarizations of the D2 branes into NS5 branes with D4 brane charge. We perturb the gauge theory by adding fermions masses. In the nonsupersymmetric case, we also consider the effect of slight variations of the masses of the scalars. For certain ranges of scalar masses we find oblique vacua. We show that D4 charge is an essential ingredient in understanding D2 -> NS5 polarizations. We find that some of the polarization states which appear as metastable vacua when D4 charge is not considered are in fact unstable. They decay by acquiring D4 charge, tilting and shrinking to zero size.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    NEDD4 E3 ligase inhibits the activity of the Hippo pathway by targeting LATS1 for degradation

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    Proper regulation of cell proliferation, cell apoptosis, and cell death are vital for the development and survival of living organisms. Failure or dysfunction of any of these processes can have devastating effects, including cancer. The Hippo pathway, first discovered in Drosophila, has been found to be a major growth-regulatory signaling pathway that controls these crucial processes and has been implicated in cell-progress regulation and organ size determination. Abnormal regulation of this pathway has been found in several cancer types. However, the mechanisms that regulate the pathway and its core members yet have to be elucidated. One of the main core components of this pathway is LATS1, a serine/threonine kinase. Therefore, understanding how LATS1 activity is regulated is expected to shed light on new mechanisms that regulate the Hippo pathway. In the current work, we identified several potential LATS1 regulators and proved that NEDD4 E3 ubiquitin ligase controls LATS1 stability. We demonstrate that NEDD4 directly interacts with LATS1, leading to ubiquitination and decreased levels of LATS1 and, thus, increased YAP localization in the nucleus, which subsequently increases the transcriptional activity of YAP. As such, we show that NEDD4 acts as an additional regulator of the Hippo pathway on the protein level via interactions between WW domain-containing and PP xY motif-containing proteins. These findings might be applied in the development of new therapeutic approaches through the activation of LATS1

    On semiclassical calculation of three-point functions in AdS_5 \times T^(1,1)

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    Recently there has been progress on the computation of two- and three-point correlation functions with two "heavy" states via semiclassical methods. We extend this analysis to the case of AdS_5 \times T^(1,1), and examine the suggested procedure for the case of several simple string solutions. By making use of AdS/CFT duality, we derive the relevant correlation functions of operators belonging to the dual gauge theory.Comment: 18 pages, added referenc

    Probing partially localized supergravity background of fundamental string ending on Dp-brane

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    We study the dynamics of the probe fundamental string in the field background of the partially localized supergravity solution for the fundamental string ending on Dp-brane. We separately analyze the probe dynamics for its motion along the worldvolume direction and the transverse direction of the source Dp-brane. We compare the dynamics of the probe along the Dp-brane worldvolume direction to the BIon dynamics.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Counting Supertubes

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    The quantum states of the supertube are counted by directly quantizing the linearized Born-Infeld action near the round tube. The result is an entropy S=2π2(QD0QF1J)S = 2\pi \sqrt{2 (Q_{D0}Q_{F1}-J)}, in accord with conjectures in the literature. As a result, supertubes may be the generic D0-F1 bound state. Our approach also shows directly that supertubes are marginal bound states with a discrete spectrum. We also discuss the relation to recent suggestions of Mathur et al involving three-charge black holes.Comment: 15 pages, v2: reference corrected; v3: few corrections and explicit derivation of a relation are added to appendix

    The polarization of F1 strings into D2 branes: "Aut Caesar aut nihil"

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    We give matrix and supergravity descriptions of type IIA F-strings polarizing into cylindrical D2 branes. When a RR four-form field strength F_4 is turned on in a supersymmetric fashion (with 4 supercharges), a complete analysis of the solutions reveals the existence of a moduli space of F1 -> D2 polarizations (Caesar) for some fractional strengths of the perturbation, and of no polarization whatsoever (nihil) for all other strengths of the perturbation. This is a very intriguing phenomenon, whose physical implications we can only speculate about. In the matrix description of the polarization we use the Non-Abelian Born-Infeld action in an extreme regime, where the commutators of the fields are much larger than 1. The validity of the results we obtain, provides a direct confirmation of this action, although is does not confirm or disprove the symmetrized trace prescription.Comment: 14 page

    Volume modulus inflection point inflation and the gravitino mass problem

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    Several models of inflection point inflation with the volume modulus as the inflaton are investigated. Non-perturbative superpotentials containing two gaugino condensation terms or one such term with threshold corrections are considered. It is shown that the gravitino mass may be much smaller than the Hubble scale during inflation if at least one of the non-perturbative terms has a positive exponent. Higher order corrections to the Kahler potential have to be taken into account in such models. Those corrections are used to stabilize the potential in the axion direction in the vicinity of the inflection point. Models with only negative exponents require uplifting and in consequence have the supersymmetry breaking scale higher than the inflation scale. Fine-tuning of parameters and initial conditions is analyzed in some detail for both types of models. It is found that fine-tuning of parameters in models with heavy gravitino is much stronger than in models with light gravitino. It is shown that recently proposed time dependent potentials can provide a solution to the problem of the initial conditions only in models with heavy gravitino. Such potentials can not be used to relax fine tuning of parameters in any model because this would lead to values of the spectral index well outside the experimental bounds.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, comments and references added, version to be publishe

    Effective Action for Membrane Dynamics in DLCQ MM theory on a Two-torus

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    The effective action for the membrane dynamics on the background geometry of the NN-sector DLCQ MM theory compactified on a two-torus is computed via supergravity. We compare it to the effective action obtained from the matrix theory, i.e., the (2+1)-dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills (SYM) theory, including the one-loop perturbative and full non-perturbative instanton effects. Consistent with the DLCQ prescription of MM theory {\em a la} Susskind, we find the precise agreement for the finite NN-sector (off-conformal regime), as well as for the large NN limit (conformal regime), providing us with a concrete example of the correspondence between the matrix theory and the DLCQ MM theory. Non-perturbative instanton effects in the SYM theory conspire to yield the eleven-dimensionally covariant effective action.Comment: 11 pages, latex, no figure