27 research outputs found

    Formation and Primary Heating of The Solar Corona - Theory and Simulation

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    An integrated Magneto-Fluid model, that accords full treatment to the Velocity fields associated with the directed plasma motion, is developed to investigate the dynamics of coronal structures. It is suggested that the interaction of the fluid and the magnetic aspects of plasma may be a crucial element in creating so much diversity in the solar atmosphere. It is shown that the structures which comprise the solar corona can be created by particle (plasma) flows observed near the Sun's surface - the primary heating of these structures is caused by the viscous dissipation of the flow kinetic energy.Comment: 46 pages including 7 pages of figures, Submitted to Phys.Plasma

    Оптимизация твердофазного синтеза полиамидных миметиков нуклеиновых кислот с применением MALDI-TOF-МАСС-спектрометрии

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    The solid-phase synthesis of a tetrameric model sequence of polyamide nucleic acid mimetics (PANAM) incorporating terminal chiral and charged unit was performed. As a result during the synthesis and cleavage from the resin the tendency of PANAM with the N-terminal negatively charged monomer to cyclization with simultaneous N-acyl transfer of carboxyethyl base residue was found. Application of MALDI-TOF mass - spectrometry allowed us to find suitable conditions for obtaining PANAM oligomers without the significant amount of by-products.Осуществлен твердофазный синтез тетрамерной модельной последовательности поли-амидных миметиков нуклеиновых кислот (ПАНКМ) с включением концевого хирального заряженного звена. Выявлена склонность ПАНКМ, содержащих N -концевой отрицательно заряженный мономер на основе L -глутаминовой кислоты, к циклизации с одновременным N -ацильным переносом карбоксиэтильного производного нуклеинового основания в ходе синтеза и отщепления со смолы. Использование MALDI - TOF -масс-спектрометрии в ходе эксперимента позволило найти подходящие условия отщепления олигомеров ПАНКМ, приводящие к существенному снижению количества побочных продуктов


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    The solid-phase synthesis of a tetrameric model sequence of polyamide nucleic acid mimetics (PANAM) incorporating terminal chiral and charged unit was performed. As a result during the synthesis and cleavage from the resin the tendency of PANAM with the N-terminal negatively charged monomer to cyclization with simultaneous N-acyl transfer of carboxyethyl base residue was found. Application of MALDI-TOF mass - spectrometry allowed us to find suitable conditions for obtaining PANAM oligomers without the significant amount of by-products