101 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Innovation Potential of the Regions of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation

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    The present article analyzes the current approaches to the evaluation of innovation potential of the individual territories of the Russian Federation. The technique of evaluation of the innovation potential on the example of the Central Federal District regions by means of the functional model of evaluation is given consideration to. The algorithm of the innovation potential evaluation proposed by the authors includes six groups of indexes integrating twenty-eight individual indicator


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    There is no information in the literature on neurodegenerative processes in the retina and optic nerve in anterior and middle uveitis. The aim – to conduct a comparative ultrastructural study of the optic nerve, the retina and the choroid with non-infectious anterior and intermeidiate uveitis in the experiment. Material and Methods. The experiment was carried out on 4 rabbits: group 1 – 2 rabbits (without treatment), group 2 – 2 rabbits (got neuroprotective drug). The ultrastructure of the choriocapillaries (CC), retina and optic nerves (ON) were studied after 10 days. Results. In group 1, ON revealed deep destructive processes in nerve fibers, myelin sheath, in glial cells with destruction by their plasmols and focal intercellular edema. In the choroid and retina, hydropic degeneration of CC endothelial cells and retinal cells, especially PRE and intercellular edema in the fotoreceptor cells area were revealed. In group 2 in the ON, the deformation of the myelin sheaths and the phenomena of edema in the axoplasm are found to a lesser extent and in a smaller amount of nerve fibers. In the axoplasm of most nerve fibers, mitochondria and other organelles had normal ultrastructure. Small caliber nerve fibers were found to be the most intact. In the CC layer, endothelial cells with signs of compensation and recovery processes prevailed. Along with this, a part of the CC endothelial cells remained in a state of edema. Conclusions. Anterior and middle non-infectious uveitis, modeled with horse serum, in the early stages causes neurodegenerative changes in the retina and ON, and under using a neuroprotective drug (for 10 days), the phenomena of neurodegeneration are less pronounced.В литературе отсутствуют сведения о нейродегенеративных процессах в сетчатке и зрительном нерве при передних и средних увеитах. Цель – провести сравнительное ультраструктурное исследование ЗН, сетчатой и сосудистой оболочек глаза при неинфекционном переднем и среднем увеите в эксперименте. Материал и методы. Эксперимент проведен на 4 кроликах: 1 група – 2 кролика (без лечения), 2 група – 2 кролика (нейропротектор). Изучалась ультраструктура хориокапилляров (ХК), сетчатки и зрительных нервов (ЗН) кроликов через 10 суток. Результаты. В 1 группе в ЗН выявлены глубокие деструктивные процессы в нервных волокнах, миелиновой оболочке, в глиальных клетках с разрушением их плазмолеммы, а также очаговый межклеточный отек. В сосудистой и сетчатой оболочках выявлены гидропическая дегенерация эндотелиальных клеток ХК и клеток сетчатки, особенно ПЭС, а также межклеточный отек в области ФК. Во 2 группе в ЗН деформация миелиновых облочек и явления отека в аксоплазме встречаются в меньшей мере и в меньшем количестве НВ. В аксоплазме большинства НВ митохондрии и другие органеллы имели нормальную ультраструктуру. Наиболее сохранными оказались НВ мелкого калибра. В слое ХК преобладали ЕК с признаками компенсационно-восстановительных процессов. Наряду с этим часть ЕК ХК оставались в состоянии отека. Выводы. Передний и средний неинфекционный увеит, моделируемый с помощью лошадиной сыворотки, на ранних сроках вызывает нейродегенеративные изменения в сетчатой оболочке и ЗН, а при использовании нейропротектора (на протяжении 10 дней) явления нейродегенерации выражены в меньшей мере.В літературі відсутні відомості про нейродегенеративні процеси в сітківці і зоровому нерві при передніх і середніх увеїтах. Мета – провести порівняльне ультраструктурне дослідження зорових нервів, сітчастої і судинної оболонок ока при неінфекційному передньому і середньому увеїтах в експерименті. Матеріал і методи. Експеримент проведений на 4 кролях: 1 група – 2 кролі (без лікування), 2 група – 2 кролі (використовувався нейропротектор). Вивчали ультраструктуру хоріокапілярів (ХК), сітківки і зорових нервів (ЗН) кролів через 10 діб. Результати. В 1 групі в ЗН виявили глибокі деструктивні процеси в нервових волокнах, мієліновій оболонці, в гліальних клітинах із руйнуванням їх плазмолем, а також вогнищевий міжклітинний набряк. У судинній і сітчастій оболонках виявили гідропічну дегенерацію ендотеліальних клітин ХК і клітин сітківки, особливо ПЕС, а також міжклітинний набряк в ділянці ФК. У 2 групі в ЗН деформація мієлінових облонок, набряк в аксоплазмі трапляються в меншій мірі і в меншій кількості НВ. В аксоплазмі більшості НВ мітохондрії та інші органели мали нормальну ультраструктуру. Найбільш збереженими виявилися НВ дрібного калібру. В шарі ХК переважали ЄК з ознаками компенсаційно-відновних процесів. Поряд з цим частина ЄК ХК залишалися в стані набряку. Висновки. Передній і середній неінфекційний увеїт, який моделювали за допомогою кінської сироватки, викликає нейродегенеративні зміни в сітчастій оболонці і ЗН, а при використанні нейропротектора (протягом 10 днів) явища нейродегенерації були виражені в меншій мірі

    The focus of the Russian corporate business for sustainable development

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    The article considers the current state of implementation of the UN global sustainable development goals in the Russian economy. The main problems faced by Russia in forming a national system of indicators of sustainable development in accordance with global indicators are gaps in data and methodology. At the same time, the sustainable development goals become business guidelines for many companie

    Investigation of Inhibitor Polyphosphate Properties for Rotating Steel Disk Electrode in Potassium Nitrate Solution

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    Inhibition properties of a number of glass-like polyphosphates on 65J steel were investigated using the gravimetry and methods potassium nitrate solution polarization curves in a 0,1M (pH=6,05). The possibilities of optimum experimental conditions were considered as well. Basing on the experimental data the inhibition coefficient and protective effect were found. The inhibiting action of polyphosphates, apparently, is due to the formation of inhomogeneous protecting film on the steel surface

    Social and Pedagogical Support for People with Disabilities in the Framework of the Sociopolis Project

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    В статье представлена технология социально-педагогического сопровождения людей с инвалидностью, реализуемая в рамках проекта "Социополис".The article presents the technology of social and pedagogical support for people with disabilities, implemented within the framework of the Sociopolis project

    A 3D study of the photosphere of HD 99563 - I. Pulsation analysis

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    We have used high-speed spectroscopy of the rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) star HD 99563 to study the pulsation amplitude and phase behaviour of elements in its stratified atmosphere over one 2.91-d rotation cycle. We identify spectral features related to patches in the surface distribution of chemical elements and study the pulsation amplitudes and phases as the patches move across the stellar disc. The variations are consistent with a distorted non-radial dipole pulsation mode. We measure a 1.6 km s−1 rotational variation in the mean radial velocities of Hα and argue that this is the first observation of Hα abundance spots caused by He settling through suppression of convection by the magnetic field on an oblique rotator, in support of a prime theory for the excitation mechanism of roAp star pulsation. We demonstrate that HD 99563 is the second roAp star to show aspect dependence of blue-to-red running wave line profile variations in Nd iii spots

    The 2003-4 multisite photometric campaign for the Beta Cephei and eclipsing star 16 (EN) Lacertae with an Appendix on 2 Andromedae, the variable comparison star

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    A multisite photometric campaign for the Beta Cephei and eclipsing variable 16 Lacertae is reported. 749 h of high-quality differential photoelectric Stromgren, Johnson and Geneva time-series photometry were obtained with ten telescopes during 185 nights. After removing the pulsation contribution, an attempt was made to solve the resulting eclipse light curve by means of the computer program EBOP. Although a unique solution was not obtained, the range of solutions could be constrained by comparing computed positions of the secondary component in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram with evolutionary tracks. For three high-amplitude pulsation modes, the uvy and the Geneva UBG amplitude ratios are derived and compared with the theoretical ones for spherical-harmonic degrees l <= 4. The highest degree, l = 4, is shown to be incompatible with the observations. One mode is found to be radial, one is l = 1, while in the remaining case l = 2 or 3. The present multisite observations are combined with the archival photometry in order to investigate the long-term variation of the amplitudes and phases of the three high-amplitude pulsation modes. The radial mode shows a non-sinusoidal variation on a time-scale of 73 yr. The l = 1 mode is a triplet with unequal frequency spacing, giving rise to two beat-periods, 720.7 d and 29.1 yr. The amplitude and phase of the l = 2 or 3 mode vary on time-scales of 380.5 d and 43 yr. The light variation of 2 And, one of the comparison stars, is discussed in the Appendix.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Asteroseismology of the Beta Cephei star 12 (DD) Lacertae: photometric observations, pulsational frequency analysis and mode identification

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    We report a multisite photometric campaign for the Beta Cephei star 12 Lacertae. 750 hours of high-quality differential photoelectric Stromgren, Johnson and Geneva time-series photometry were obtained with 9 telescopes during 190 nights. Our frequency analysis results in the detection of 23 sinusoidal signals in the light curves. Eleven of those correspond to independent pulsation modes, and the remainder are combination frequencies. We find some slow aperiodic variability such as that seemingly present in several Beta Cephei stars. We perform mode identification from our colour photometry, derive the spherical degree l for the five strongest modes unambiguously and provide constraints on l for the weaker modes. We find a mixture of modes of 0 <= l <= 4. In particular, we prove that the previously suspected rotationally split triplet within the modes of 12 Lac consists of modes of different l; their equal frequency splitting must thus be accidental. One of the periodic signals we detected in the light curves is argued to be a linearly stable mode excited to visible amplitude by nonlinear mode coupling via a 2:1 resonance. We also find a low-frequency signal in the light variations whose physical nature is unclear; it could be a parent or daughter mode resonantly coupled. The remaining combination frequencies are consistent with simple light-curve distortions. The range of excited pulsation frequencies of 12 Lac may be sufficiently large that it cannot be reproduced by standard models. We suspect that the star has a larger metal abundance in the pulsational driving zone, a hypothesis also capable of explaining the presence of Beta Cephei stars in the LMC.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Некоторые особенности депрессивных расстройств при болевом синдроме после оперативного лечения грыж межпозвонковых дисков

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    Checkup of 215 patients with pain syndrome relapse in the late period of the diskectomy. Middle age (45,6 ± 0,6) years. The patients were examined: neurological status, lumbar spine radiography, magnetic resonance imaging procedure. Depression revealed by Zung scale. Revealed depressive disorders occur in 47% patients. Mild and masked depression predominates. Depressive disorders occur mainly in the disk herniation relapse in operated and adjacent segments, by spinal canal stenosis and cicatricial-commissural epiduritis. Post-discharge adjustment in patients with pain syndrome relapse in the late postoperative period must be carry out consider depressive disorders.Обследовано 215 больных с рецидивом болевого синдрома в отдаленном периоде дискэктомии. Средний возраст составил (45,6 ± 0,6) года. Проведены исследования неврологического статуса, рентгенография поясничного отдела позвоночника, магнитно-резонансная томография. Депрессия определялась с помощью тестирования по шкале Цунга. Установлено, что депрессивные расстройства развиваются в 47% случаев. Преобладает легкая и маскированная депрессия. Депрессивные расстройства преимущественно встречаются при рецидивах грыж межпозвонковых дисков в оперированных и смежных с ними позвоночно-двигательных сегментах, стенозе позвоночного канала и рубцово-спаечном эпидурите. Проведение реабилитационных мероприятий у больных с рецидивом болевого синдрома в отдаленном послеоперационном периоде необходимо проводить с учетом депрессивных расстройств