1,431 research outputs found


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    Tulisan ini membahas pemahaman tentang perilaku konsumen, produksi dan pasar yang sangat berhubungan erat dengan kegiatan perekonomian yang ada di Indonesia. Kegiatan ekonomi yaitu kegiatan yang dilakukan manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Didalam kegiatan ekonomi terdapat prilaku konsumen dan produsen yang saling membutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Terjadinya pertemuan tersebut menimbulkan adanya kegiatan permintaan dan penawaran untuk menemukan harga yang disepakati oleh keduanya dan memperoleh barang atau jasa yang dilandasi dengan nilai-nilai Islam

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Biologi Materi Plantae Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Terintegrasi Nilai Islam untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Siswa SMA

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    The development research aims to produce learning materials Plantae such as devices based Guided Inquiry integrated Islamic values to improved understanding of the concept of high school students. Adapted development the procedure development according the Borg and Gall model. The results of the analysis of the learning device shows the value of the average percentage of expert learning device by 98.1%, 86.1% materials experts and teachers of 95.4%. Small groups of test results by 89.8%. The main test was conducted on the experimental class and the control class in high school Annur Bululawang. The results of data analysis using Anacova showed that the understanding of the concept of students in the experimental class is significantly different from the students in the control class. Scores understanding of the concept of students in the experimental class is higher (80.9) than the control group (67.5). The results of this study indicate that the application of Guided Inquiry-based learning device can significantly increase students' understanding of the concept.Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa perangkat pembelajaran materi Plantae berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing terintegrasi nilai Islami dalam peningkatan pemahaman konsep siswa SMA. Prosedur pengembangan mengadaptasi model pengembangan Borg and Gall. Hasil analisis perangkat pembelajaran menunjukkan nilai persentase rata-rata dari ahli perangkat pembelajaran sebesar 98,1%, ahli materi 86,1%, dan guru sebesar 95,4%. Hasil uji kelompok kecil sebesar 89,8%. Uji coba utama dilakukan pada satu kelas eksperimen dan satu kelas kontrol di SMA Annur Bululawang. Hasil analisis data menggunakan anakova menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman konsep siswa di kelas eksperimen berbeda secara signifikan dengan siswa di kelas kontrol. Skor pemahaman konsep siswa pada kelas ekperimen lebih tinggi (80,9) daripada kelas kontrol (67,5). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing secara signifikan mampu meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa

    A temporary connection for an aluminium space frame

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    This thesis examines theoretically and experimentally the behaviour of a temporary end plate connection for an aluminium space frame structure, subjected to static loading conditions. Theoretical weld failure criterions are derived from basic fundamentals for both tensile and shear fillet welds. Direct account of weld penetration is taken by incorporating it into a more exact poposed weld model. Theoretical relationships between weld penetration and weld failure loads, failure planes and failure lengths are derived. Also, the variation in strength between tensile and shear fillet welds is shown to be dependent upon the extent of weld penetration achieved/ The proposed tensile weld failure theory is extended to predict the theoretical failure of the welds in the end plate space frame connection. A finite element analysis is conducted to verify the assumptions made for this theory. Experimental hardness and tensile tests are conducted to substantiate the extent and severity of the heat affected zone in aluminium alloy 6082-T6. Simple transverse and longitudinal fillet welded specimens of the same alloy, are tested to failure. These results together with those of other authors are compared to the theoretical predictions made by the proposed weld failure theories and by those made using Kamtekar's and Kato and Morita's failure equations, the -formula and BS 8118. Experimental tests are also conducted on the temporary space frame connection. The maximum stresses and displacements recorded are checked against results obtained from a finite element analysis of the connection. Failure predictions made by the proposed extended weld failure theory, are compared against the experimental results

    Comparative Study of Meta-heuristics Optimization Algorithm using Benchmark Function

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    Meta-heuristics optimization is becoming a popular tool for solving numerous problems in real-world application due to the ability to overcome many shortcomings in traditional optimization. Despite of the good performance, there is limitation in some algorithms that deteriorates by certain degree of problem type. Therefore it is necessary to compare the performance of these algorithms with certain problem type. This paper compares 7 meta-heuristics optimization with 11 benchmark functions that exhibits certain difficulties and can be assumed as a simulation relevant to the real-world problems. The tested benchmark function has different type of problem such as modality, separability, discontinuity and surface effects with steep-drop global optimum, bowl- and plateau-typed function. Some of the proposed function has the combination of these problems, which might increase the difficulty level of search towards global optimum. The performance comparison includes computation time and convergence of global optimum

    Designing a web-application to support home-based care of childhood CKD stages 3-5: Qualitative study of family and professional preferences

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    Background: There is a lack of online, evidence-based information and resources to support home-based care of childhood CKD stages 3-5. Methods. Qualitative interviews were undertaken with parents, patients and professionals to explore their views on content of the proposed online parent information and support (OPIS) web-application. Data were analysed using Framework Analysis, guided by the concept of Self-efficacy. Results: 32 parents, 26 patients and 12 professionals were interviewed. All groups wanted an application that explains, demonstrates, and enables parental clinical care-giving, with condition-specific, continously available, reliable, accessible material and a closed communication system to enable contact between families living with CKD. Professionals advocated a regularly updated application to empower parents to make informed health-care decisions. To address these requirements, key web-application components were defined as: (i) Clinical care-giving support (information on treatment regimens, video-learning tools, condition-specific cartoons/puzzles, and a question and answer area) and (ii) Psychosocial support for care-giving (social-networking, case studies, managing stress, and enhancing families' health-care experiences). Conclusions: Developing a web-application that meets parents' information and support needs will maximise its utility, thereby augmenting parents' self-efficacy for CKD caregiving, and optimising outcomes. Self-efficacy theory provides a schema for how parents' self-efficacy beliefs about management of their child's CKD could potentially be promoted by OPIS. © 2014 Swallow et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Analisis Lumpur Bahan Dasar Minyak Saraline dan Smooth Fluid pada Temperatur Tinggi dalam Pengujian Laboratorium

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    Fluida pemboran berbahan dasar minyak saat kini tidak menggunakan solar (diesel oil) melainkanmenggunakan bahan dasar minyak sintetis yang merupakan minyak kelapa sawit. saralinemerupakan minyak sintetis yang dikelola oleh Shell sedangkan smooth fluid adalah produk minyaksintetis yang dikelola oleh dalam negeri, Pertamina. Kedua bahan dasar minyak sintetis ini memilikikeunggulan dan kekurangan, diamana dalam studi ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan kedua bahantersebut. Studi ini dilakukan di laboratorium pengeboran dan produksi universitas Trisakti. Penelitianini menggunakan Saraline dan Smooth Fluid sebagai perbandiangan serta oil water ratio 80/20 dan75/25 sebagai bahan dasar dalam lumpur yang dianalisa dalam pengukuran densitas, viskositas,rheologi, filtration loss, mud cake, dan gel strength terhadap temperatur tinggi.Pengukuran sifat sifatfisik antara kedua bahan ini memperoleh hasil perbandingan densitas, viskositas, rheologi, filtrationloss,mud cake, dan gel strength terhadap temperatur tinggi dimana hasil tersebut dapatmembandingkan ketahanan sifat-sifat fisik terhadap temperatur tinggi dengan berbagai oil water ratioyang berbeda. Kenaikan temperatur pada lumpur akan mengurangi setiap sifat fisik yang dimiliki olehlumpur. Oil base Saraline memiliki ketahanan sifat fisik terhadap temperatur tinggi dibandingkandengan oil base Smooth fluid yang hanya memiliki sifat fisik viskositas yang lebih baik

    Application of Domain Keys Identified Mail, Sender Policy Framework, Anti-Spam, and Anti-Virus: The Analysis on Mail Servers

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    Viruses spread through email are often sent by irresponsible parties that aim to infect email users' servers. This background encouraged the author to analyze the application of DKIM, SPF, anti-spam, and anti-virus to avoid spam, viruses, and spoofing activities. The goal is for the server to prevent spam, spoofing, and viruses to ensure the security and convenience of email users and prevent the impact of losses caused by them. The design and analysis of DKIM, SPF, anti-spam, and anti-virus applications use the NDLC methodology. The process includes designing spam, spoofing, and virus filtering systems and performing installation and configuration simulations. The next stage is implementation, during which the previously developed system is tested on the spam filtering system, spoofing, and viruses. The last stage is the monitoring stage, where supervision is conducted on the approach to determine its success level. This study concludes that applying the DKIM protocol can prevent spoofing through private and public key-matching methods for authentication. Meanwhile, the application of the SPF protocol can prevent spoofing by authorizing the IP address of the sending server. Additionally, SpamAssassin, ClamAV and Amavisd-New can prevent spam and viruses from entering by checking email headers, bodies, and attachments

    Rancang Bangun Media Pembelajaran Tajwid Berbasis Multimedia (Studi Kasus : Pondok Pesantren Darut Taqwa Purwodadi Grobogan)

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    Pembelajaran cara membaca alquran dengan cara yang benar (tajwid) merupakan mata pelajaran wajib pada lembaga pendidikan islam maupun pondok pesantren. Selama ini ketergantungan siswa akan guru tajwid yang baik Sangay tinggi karena ilmu tajwid Sangay erat hubungannya dengan bagaimana melafalkan bunyi bacaan al-quran dengan baik.Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia dalam bentuk CD interaktif, yang memuat ilmu tajwid dasar yang disertai dengan contoh pelafalan hukum tajwid yang benar dilengkapi dengan contoh tulisan maupun narasi/suara bacaannya. Sistem multimedia memungkinkan anak didik melihat contoh bacaan dan mendengarkan lafal dari sistem multimedia yang digunakan.Penelitian menunjukkan minat santri untuk mempelajari tajwid lebih meningkat dengan penggunaan media pembelajaraan ini, dan keterbatasan tenaga pengajar juga bisa diatasi.Kemampuan menggunakan komputer sebagai media untuk menjalankan aplikasi ini merupakan kendala yang bisa diatasi dengan pelatihan menggunakan media ini untuk pengguna awal
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