4 research outputs found

    Mucolytic therapy of acute exacerbations of chronic rhinosinusitis

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    Epidemiologically acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses (PNS) are among the most common pathologies. Sinusitis is one of the most common reasons for seeking doctor's aid in developed countries. Patients with rhinosinusitis account for 15 to 36% of all hospitalized patients in ENT units [1, 2]. Rhinosinusitis accounts for an even greater percentage of all respiratory diseases in outpatient settings

    Rhinitis medicamentosa – preventable disease

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    Aim of the study – analysis of modern ideas about the pathogenesis of rhinitis medicamentosa. The authors consider the factors causing changes in inflammatory nature and leading to rhinitis medicamentosa. The comparative estimation of modern means of pharmacotherapy was made. On the basis of literature and clinical research data, it is concluded that Otrivin has a much more gentle effect and contributes less to the development of rhinitis medicamentosa

    Place of mucolytics in the treatment of acute sinusitis

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    Aim of the study - the analysis of the current understanding of local changes in the mucous membrane of PNS in AS, as well as methods of pharmacotherapy of the disease. The authors consider the main mechanisms of pathogenesis of both acute and chronic sinusitis. One of the reasons underlying the development of infectious inflammation is described in detail: disturbance of drainage function of paranasal sinuses, aeration, mucociliary transport. Analytical evaluation of modern means of rational pharmacotherapy was made. It is concluded that the use of mucolytic drugs improves treatment results

    The problem with treating sinusitis against the background of allergic rhinitis

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    Both allergic rhinitis (AR) and sinusitis are widespread diseases that significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life, lead to significant financial costs and are associated with a huge health burden. When treating any AS, it is necessary to follow three basic principles: address the cause of the disease; eradicate the pathogen; restore drainage of sinuses, aerate and restore CO. The efficacy and speed in the treatment of sinusitis, which arose against the background of allergic inflammation, are comparable to those in the use of oral GCS (Ib level, persuasion scale A). The H1-histamine receptor blocker and competitive histamine antagonist ebastine is one of the most effective and safe latest-generation antihistamine