4 research outputs found


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    Objectives. Analysis of the existing methodology for the formation of requirements for information protection systems (GIS) from unauthorized access (NSD) to automated systems (AS) revealed a number of significant flaws, the main of which is the following: despite the fact that the considered method undoubtedly has theoretical significance, the same time, it can not claim practical value. This is due to the fact that in this methodology, the studies were carried out not on a specific standard (widely used certified according to the regulations of the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of Russia) GIS, and the data on threats of unauthorized access given in it do not correspond to reality (morally obsolete), but therefore require a significant upgrade. Accepting the existing methodology as a baseline, the purpose of the article is to develop a private method of forming requirements for GIS from unauthorized access to the AU, which has practical value and allows you to formulate quantitative requirements for a wide class of certified GIS.Method. When writing the article, the methods of system analysis, evolutionary modeling, probability theory and mathematical statistics, mathematical apparatus for modeling dynamic discrete networks (E-networks), and theory of algorithms were used. The methodological basis is a systematic approach.Result. A private methodology has been developed that determines the parameters of the symbolic genetic algorithm (GA) for creating a software package for analysis, evolutionary modeling, and forming quantitative requirements for GIS from un-authorized access to speakers using the Matlab 13 application software to implement GA in the Optimization toolbox programming environment.Conclusion. The proposed private method of forming requirements for GIS from unauthorized access in the AU using GA has a theoretical significance, practical value and allows you to formulate quantitative requirements for a wide class of AS certified in a certain class of security in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory documentation


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    Abstract. Aim Important contemporary trends in the theory and functional practice of secure automated systems at informatisation facilities of internal affairs bodies include an increase in the number of threats realised through remote unauthorised access (network attacks) on confidential in-formation resources, as well as the increasing complexity of implementing mechanisms aimed at providing protection from such attacks. In order to increase the effectiveness of existing and prospective automated security systems at the informatisation facilities of internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to identify and analyse typical network attacks aimed at components and software comprising these systems.Method. The method for solving this problem consists in a comprehensive analysis of the process of implementing network attacks on automated systems when they are used in secure mode in the informatisation facilities of internal affairs bodies.Results. Based on the analysis of information held in the security threat database developed by the Russian Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC), modern features and operations of secure automated systems on the informatisation facilities of bodies of internal affairs and the results of a survey of experts in the field of information protection of allocated in accordance with the classification typology, eight types of dan-gerous attacks on automated systems of the internal affairs bodies are described taking into account their sources, objects, effects and possible consequences of implementation.Conclusion. The presented results are of use in further studies to conduct a quantitative assessment of the danger of typical attacks and for developing a private model of actual attacks for a specific automated system, taking into account their functional features in secure mode operations at the informatisation facility of the internal affairs body


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    Objectives Traditional methods for solving the problem of protecting the information resource of electronic document management systems based on protective basic functions (identification, authentication and verification of users, etc.) of available tools and information security subsystems have a significant drawback - inefficiency when an attacker masters the password of regular users. In order to eliminate it, it is necessary to develop new methods related to managing the weakly vulnerable process of delimiting user access not only to confidential information, but also to the software of the electronic document management system.Method One way to solve this problem is to use the modified “soft administration” method, which consists in automatically generating lists of allowed source files in the authorization matrix by reducing the lists and comparing file integrity functions with a reference list for an existing software package. This allows you to automate the process of developing access control rules and provide management of the weakly vulnerable process of access control to software tools of the electronic document management system.Result A verbal model is developed for automated control of a weakly vulnerable process of differentiating access to software tools of an electronic document management system, and a system of performance indicators for the functioning of a promising subsystem for protecting confidential information characterizing it as a control object is proposed.Conclusion The presented verbal model provides for the possibility of distributed control, in which the security administrator directly controls the specified process using a remote software tool. The formation (change) of the authority establishment matrix for managing a weakly vulnerable process of access control using a promising subsystem for protecting confidential information and the development of a system of indicators to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of its functioning is one of the most important tasks of protecting information from unauthorized access, guaranteeing the implementation of a security policy throughout the entire operation period secure electronic document management system

    Analysis of the architecture and functions of protected automated systems installed at internal affairs facilities

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    Aim. One of the key objectives of the theory and practice of information security is to analyse the functioning of protected automated systems, particularly those operated at computerized facilities of internal affairs bodies. In order to identify potential threats to resources of confidential information, to assess the risk of threat implementation, as well as to form a list of potential threats to automated systems installed at computerized facilities of internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to analyse the composition and architecture of automated systems, identify the features of their protected functioning and determine the vulnerability of software and hardware systems. Methods. A comprehensive analysis of the functioning of protected automated systems during their operation at computerized facilities of internal affairs bodies was conducted. Results. Following an analysis of normative documentation and research publications in the field of protecting information in automated systems, departmental records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, regulations for the protection of information at computerized facilities of internal affairs bodies, the structure and architecture of a protected automated system were defined. Potential threats to the functioning of such a system, including cyber attacks, were identified. On the basis of a survey among experts in the field of information security, the vulnerability (in term of cyber attacks) of the software components of an automated system installed at computerized facilities of internal affairs bodies was analysed. Conclusion. The results can be used in the process of designing and operating information security tools and systems installed at computerized facilities of internal affairs bodies for the purpose of improving their security