4 research outputs found

    Influence of physical loads of different orientation on indicators of physical working capacity and level of the maximum oxygen consumption at the qualified athletes depending on the period of training process

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    Objective: to assess the impact of physical activity of different orientation and intensity on the physical performance and maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) in qualified athletes, depending on the period of the training process. Materials and methods: 136 male athletes were examined, 116 of them were qualified athletes (age 22.1Β±4.1 years). I group – wrestling (n=30), II – cross-country skiing, biathlon (n=27), III – powerlifting (n=33), IV – volleyball (n=26). V – control (n=20), sports training less than 3 years. Bicycle ergometry (VEM) with the assessment of physical performance on the PWC170 test in the preparatory and competitive periods of training was conducted. STATISTICA 10.0 program was used for statistical processing. Data were presented as: median (Me), lower and upper quartiles (25% and 75%). Results: the highest rates of PWC170 – 1508.0 KGM/min and IPC – 65.37 ml/min/kg in the preparatory period and, respectively, PWC170 – 1560.0 KGM/min and IPC – 68.00 ml/min/kg in the competitive period were achieved by athletes in group II. Athletes in group III had the lowest rates of PWC170 – 1100.0 KGM/min and IPC – 40.60 ml/min/kg in both the preparatory and competitive periods – 1120.0 KGM/min and 42.04 ml/min/kg. Conclusions: high level of physical performance and MOC indicated the effectiveness of the cardiovascular system in athletes of highly dynamic sports, training for endurance (crosscountry skiing, biathlon). In powerlifters with high intensity of static loads, physical performance and MOC remained at a low level. The results can be used to make timely adjustments to the training and competitive process of athletes

    Predictive factors of cardiovascular changes depending on the type and intensity of physical activity in professional athletes

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    Aim. To determine the early predictive factors of cardiovascular changes in professional athletes, depending on the type and intensity of physical activity.Material and methods. A total of 136 male athletes were examined. Of these, 116 were professional athletes (age, 22,07Β±4,1 years) as follows: freestyle wrestling, judo (n=30), cross-country skiing, biathlon (n=27), powerlifting (n=33), volleyball (n=26). Control group included 20 athletes (age, 17,95Β±1,5 years) with a history of training less than 3 years. All participants underwent electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography, cycle ergometry (CE) with assessment of physical performance at a heart rate of 170 bpm (PWC170) and maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). When creating predictive models of early cardiovascular changes, we used logistic regression, stepwise regression and Wald statistics. Differences were considered significant at p<0,05.Results. Predictive models of logistic regression using ROC analysis showed high sensitivity and specificity, a high percentage of correct predictions using data from echocardiography β€” 86,8%, CE β€” 80,9%, ECG and other indicators β€” 83,1%. A stepwise algorithm was used to select prognostic factors determining early cardiovascular changes in young athletes, depending on the stage of sports training, the intensity and type of dynamic and/or static exercise: left ventricular posterior wall thickness (p=0,008), left ventricular mass (p=0,001), stroke volume (p=0,002), end-systolic volume (p=0,001), PWC170 (p=0,025), MOC (p=0,003), recovery time of heart rate (HR) (p=0,029) and blood pressure (p=0,032) after submaximal exercise on a cycle ergometer, body mass index (p=0,029), heart rate (p=0,034), office systolic blood pressure (p=0,009), intraventricular (bundle) block (p=0,046), left ventricular repolarization abnormalities (p=0,010), mild cardiac connective tissue anomalies (p=0,035).Conclusion. The early prognostic factors established by the logistic regression affect the characteristics and risk of cardiovascular changes in each group of young athletes. This demonstrates the need to develop individual medical support programs, further monitoring, evaluation, correction and prevention of identified disorders, taking into account the type of sports, intensity and exercise


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    Aim. To investigate on the electrocardiographic specifics of sportsmen at various stages of training and competition processes according to the sport type, intensity and training load type.Material and methods. Totally, 136 male sportsmen assessed. Qualified sportsmen 116 persons (groups of improvement and mastery, age 22,07Β±4,10 y.o., in-sport time 5-15 years) were selected to the groups: I β€” wrestling (n=30), II β€” ski racing, biathlon (n=27), III β€” powerlifting (n=33), IV β€” volleyball (n=26). Group V β€” the controls (n=20), age 17,95Β±1,55 y.o., in-sport less than 3 years. Study methods were electrocardiography (ECG), Holter monitoring of ECG, echocardiography (EchoCG), veloergometry (VEM).Results. During the preparation period of training-competition process, ECG changes, including cardiac rhythm disorders (CRD), were found in 93 of 136, that is 86 (63,2%) of quality sportsmen and 7 (5,1%) of controls (p=0,00001); during competition period β€” in 104 (76,5%) and 8 (5,9%) (p=0,00001), respectively. The prevalence of ECG changes in quality sportsmen at preparation tranings was 116 cases, in competition period β€” 165 (p<0,05). During the competition period, there was not just an increase of total number of CRD sportsmen, but sinus bradicardia cases number (p=0,0321), His bundle branches blocks (p=0,0455), repolarization disorders (p=0,0034) and other changes, including concomitant. In 15 sportsmen there were first time discovered CRD required more detailed investigation (serious bradicardia, ventricular extrasystoly (VE), two-bundle blocks, WPW phenomenon, serious repolarization disorders).Conclusion. With the increase of mastery, there is increased rate of ECG changes and CRD cases, that demands additional dynamic electrocardiographic control during the process of intensive training at competition period


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    Aim. To assess the influence of dynamic and static exercises on the parameters of intracardiac hemodynamics and physical endurance in higher-level sportsmen.Material and methods. Totally, 136 sportsmen studied all males. Higher- level (qualified) sportsmen (groups of sports perfection and higher sports mastery) β€” 116 persons (mean age 22,07Β±4,10 y.; sports experience 5-15 years) depending on the type of activity were selected into groups as following: I (n=30) β€” wrestling, judo, II (n=27) β€” ski racing, biathlon, III (n=33) β€” powerlifting, IV (n=26)β€”volleyball. Group V (n=20) β€” controls (age 17,95Β±1,55 y.), with the experience not higher than 3 years. Investigation methods: electrocardiography, echocardiography (EchoCG), veloergometry. Results. By the data of ECG the parameters of intracardiac hemodynamics in sportsmen of all groups were in the normal range. There were significant differences found for the geometry of the heart between control group and higher-level sportsmen, and the controls had lower morphostructural parameters. In highly dynamic kinds of sports (ski racing, biathlon) the morphostructural changes are related to the increase of volumetric parameters of the left ventricle. Intensive static and low dynamic load in power kinds of sports (powerlifting) lead to the increase of myocardial mass, caused by thickness of the left ventricle walls. The highest values of the level of physical endurance and maximum oxygen consumption were in biathlon and ski racing sportsmen who train endurance. Conclusion. Study of the influence of dynamic and static physical exertion on the parameters of intracardiac hemodynamic, morphostructure of the heart and physical endurance is of definitive importance for the evaluation of cardiovascular adaptation potential in higher-level sportsmen. Depending on the type and intensity of the exertion adaptation mechanisms have their specifics. The obtained data can be used for on-time correction of the training regimens and for management of training-competition process in sportsmen of various kinds. That means, EchoCG and veloergometry must be included into the list of obligatory diagnostic methods that fulfill systemic dynamic control of cardiovascular system parameters in the highest achievement sportsmen, that has special significance for revealing of the signs of desadaptation and overtraining in longtime sports involvement