11 research outputs found


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    The mechanism of transamination enzymes, urea, antioxidant protection in blood and liver of cattle afflicted with fascioliasis is studied. It was found that in the liver of infected animals, the most intensive formation of glutamic acid transamination occurs at aspartic acid and asparagine in α-ketoglutarate. Also, these animals have higher blood levels of urea, a higher activity of AST, ALT and catalase and the content of ceruloplasmin and peroxidase activity of SOD decreased.Изучен механизм действия ферментов переаминирования, мочевинообразования, антиоксидантной защиты в крови и печени крупного рогатого скота при фасциолезе. Установлено, что в печени у инвазированных животных наиболее интенсивное образование глутаминовой кислоты происходит при переаминировании аспарагиновой кислоты и аспарагина с α-кетоглутаратом. Также у этих животных отмечено более высокое содержание в крови мочевины, более высокая активность АсАт, АлАт и каталазы, а содержание церулоплазмина и активность пероксидазы и СОД снижались


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    Variability of Dicrocoelium lanceatum size from cattle and wild hoofed animals depending on the host, the intensity of infection and environmental conditions is studied. The greatest degree of polymorphy in D. lanceatum is expressed from farm animals.Изучена вариабельность размеров Dicrocoelium lanceatum от домашних и диких копытных животных в зависимости от хозяина, интенсивности инвазии и экологических условий. Наибольшая полиморфность выражена у дикроцелий от домашних животных


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    Functioning of a number of transamination enzymes and alkaline phosphatase as well as some values of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism on background of protein in cattle blood at fasciolosis are studied. Total blood protein was determined by Loury method, alkaline phosphatase activity – by colorimetric method based on the hydrolysis of n-nitrophenol phosphate. The glutamate transferase activity was estimated by L.J. Olsen method, transaminase activity – by Reitman-Frankel method. Cholesterol levels were measured according to Liebermann–Burchard reaction, the pyruvate content was determined using the diphenylhydrazine method, and lactate – according to reaction withparaoxydiphenyl. The functional status of blood at fasciolosis is marked by the decrease in total protein and pyruvate with the increase of activity of glutamate transferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate and cholesterol.Изучено функционирование ряда ферментов трансаминирования, щелочной фосфатазы, а также некоторые показатели углеводного и липидного обменов на фоне содержания белка в крови крупного рогатого скота при фасциолезе. В сыворотке крови определяли количество общего белка по Лоури и активность щелочной фосфатазы колориметрическим методом на основе гидролиза n-нитрофенолфосфата. Активность глутаматтрансаминазы определяли по методу Олсона, трансаминаз – по методу Рейтмана и Френкеля, содержание холестерола – по реакции Либермана–Бурхарда, пирувата дифенилгидразиновым и лактата – по реакции с параоксидифенилом. Функциональное состояние крови при фасциолезе характеризуется понижением уровня общего белка и пирувата с одновременным увеличением активности глутаматтрансаминазы, щелочной фосфатазы, лактата и холестерола

    To the problem of Dicrocoelium lanceatum size variability

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    Variability of Dicrocoelium lanceatum size from cattle and wild hoofed animals depending on the host, the intensity of infection and environmental conditions is studied. The greatest degree of polymorphy in D. lanceatum is expressed from farm animals

    Metabolic changes of some enzymes in the body of cattle at fasciolosis

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    The mechanism of transamination enzymes, urea, antioxidant protection in blood and liver of cattle afflicted with fascioliasis is studied. It was found that in the liver of infected animals, the most intensive formation of glutamic acid transamination occurs at aspartic acid and asparagine in α-ketoglutarate. Also, these animals have higher blood levels of urea, a higher activity of AST, ALT and catalase and the content of ceruloplasmin and peroxidase activity of SOD decreased


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    Functioning of a number of transamination enzymes and alkaline phosphatase as well as some values of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism on background of protein in cattle blood at fasciolosis are studied. Total blood protein was determined by Loury method, alkaline phosphatase activity – by colorimetric method based on the hydrolysis of n-nitrophenol phosphate. The glutamate transferase activity was estimated by L.J. Olsen method, transaminase activity – by Reitman-Frankel method. Cholesterol levels were measured according to Liebermann–Burchard reaction, the pyruvate content was determined using the diphenylhydrazine method, and lactate – according to reaction withparaoxydiphenyl. The functional status of blood at fasciolosis is marked by the decrease in total protein and pyruvate with the increase of activity of glutamate transferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate and cholesterol

    Sputtering Yields

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