319 research outputs found

    Multi-objective Optimizations of a Novel Cryo-cooled DC Gun Based Ultra Fast Electron Diffraction Beamline

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    We present the results of multi-objective genetic algorithm optimizations of a potential single shot ultra fast electron diffraction beamline utilizing a 225 kV dc gun with a novel cryocooled photocathode system and buncher cavity. Optimizations of the transverse projected emittance as a function of bunch charge are presented and discussed in terms of the scaling laws derived in the charge saturation limit. Additionally, optimization of the transverse coherence length as a function of final rms bunch length at sample location have been performed for three different sample radii: 50, 100, 200 microns, for two final bunch charges: 100k and 1000k electrons. Analysis of the solutions is discussed, as are the effects of disorder induced heating. In particular, a coherence length per rms spot size of 0.27 nm/micron was obtained for a final bunch charge of 100k electrons and final rms bunch length of approximately 100 fs. For a final charge of 1000k electrons the cryogun produces a coherence length per rms spot size of 0.1 nm/micron for an rms bunch length of 100-200 fs and final spot size of 50 micron. These results demonstrate the viability of using genetic algorithms in the design and operation of ultrafast electron diffraction beamlines

    Cold electron beams from cryo-cooled, alkali antimonide photocathodes

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    In this letter we report on the generation of cold electron beams using a Cs3Sb photocathode grown by co-deposition of Sb and Cs. By cooling the photocathode to 90 K we demonstrate a significant reduction in the mean transverse energy validating the long standing speculation that the lattice temperature contribution limits the mean transverse energy or thermal emittance near the photoemission threshold, opening new frontiers in generating ultra-bright beams. At 90 K, we achieve a record low thermal emittance of 0.2 μ\mum (rms) per mm of laser spot diameter from an ultrafast (sub-picosecond) photocathode with quantum efficiency greater than 7×10−57\times 10^{-5} using a visible laser wavelength of 690 nm

    Nonlinear double Compton scattering in the full quantum regime

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    A detailed analysis of the process of two photon emission by an electron scattered from a high-intensity laser pulse is presented. The calculations are performed in the framework of strong-field QED and include exactly the presence of the laser field, described as a plane wave. We investigate the full quantum regime of interaction, where photon recoil plays an essential role in the emission process, and substantially alters the emitted photon spectra as compared to those in previously-studied regimes. We provide a semiclassical explanation for such differences, based on the possibility of assigning a trajectory to the electron in the laser field before and after each quantum photon emission. Our numerical results indicate the feasibility of investigating experimentally the full quantum regime of nonlinear double Compton scattering with already available plasma-based electron accelerator and laser technology.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Committing a Crime while Intoxicated: The Basis of Liability and Legal Regulation

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    Alcohol and drugs have been known for a long time, and their purpose has changed in the course of history. Being part of the global culture, they have come down to us. With the development of mankind, drugs were limited. This article attempts to analyzes the concept and types of intoxication. The authors also take into consideration the basis of criminal liability for committing a crime while intoxicated, as well as the role of intoxication in criminal law. This research was based on a dialectical approach to the disclosure of legal phenomena and processes using general scientific (systematic and logical methods, analysis and synthesis) and specific scientific methods. In the end, It can be concluded that the state of intoxication can be included in the main corpus delict, used as a qualifying attribute, as well as circumstances aggravating liability. It is indicated that considering intoxication as an aggravating circumstance requires a connection between crime and intoxication

    New phase structure of the Nambu -- Jona - Lasinio model at nonzero chemical potential

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    It is shown that in the Nambu -- Jona - Lasinio model at nonzero chemical potential there are two different massive phases with spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. In one of them particle density is identically zero, in another phase it is not equal to zero. The transition between phases is a phase transition of the second order.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figures

    Formation of the internal structure of solids under severe action

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    On the example of a particular problem, the theory of vacancies, a new form of kinetic equations symmetrically incorporation the internal and free energies has been derived. The dynamical nature of irreversible phenomena at formation and motion of defects (dislocations) has been analyzed by a computer experiment. The obtained particular results are extended into a thermodynamic identity involving the law of conservation of energy at interaction with an environment (the 1st law of thermodynamics) and the law of energy transformation into internal degree of freedom (relaxation). The identity is compared with the analogous Jarzynski identity. The approach is illustrated by simulation of processes during severe plastic deformation, the Rybin kinetic equation for this case has been derived.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Simulation of the transit-time optical stochastic cooling process in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring

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    In preparation for a demonstration of optical stochastic cooling in the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) we have developed a particle tracking simulation to study the relevant beam dynamics. Optical radiation emitted in the pickup undulator gives a momentum kick to that same particle in the kicker undulator. The optics of the electron bypass from pickup to kicker couples betatron amplitude and momentum offset to path length so that the momentum kick reduces emittance and momentum spread. Nearby electrons contribute an incoherent noise. Layout of the bypass line is presented that accommodates optics with a range of transverse and longitudinal cooling parameters. The simulation is used to determine cooling rates and their dependence on bunch and lattice parameters for bypass optics with distinct emittance and momentum acceptance

    Beam-Breakup Instability Theory for Energy Recovery Linacs

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    Here we will derive the general theory of the beam-breakup instability in recirculating linear accelerators, in which the bunches do not have to be at the same RF phase during each recirculation turn. This is important for the description of energy recovery linacs (ERLs) where bunches are recirculated at a decelerating phase of the RF wave and for other recirculator arrangements where different RF phases are of an advantage. Furthermore it can be used for the analysis of phase errors of recirculated bunches. It is shown how the threshold current for a given linac can be computed and a remarkable agreement with tracking data is demonstrated. The general formulas are then analyzed for several analytically solvable cases, which show: (a) Why different higher order modes (HOM) in one cavity do not couple so that the most dangerous modes can be considered individually. (b) How different HOM frequencies have to be in order to consider them separately. (c) That no optics can cause the HOMs of two cavities to cancel. (d) How an optics can avoid the addition of the instabilities of two cavities. (e) How a HOM in a multiple-turn recirculator interferes with itself. Furthermore, a simple method to compute the orbit deviations produced by cavity misalignments has also been introduced. It is shown that the BBU instability always occurs before the orbit excursion becomes very large.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
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