933 research outputs found

    Epitaxial growth of Cu (001) on Si (001): Mechanisms of orientation development and defect morphology

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    We describe the evolution of microstructure during ultrahigh vacuum ion beam sputter deposition of Cu (001) at room temperature on hydrogen-terminated Si (001). In situ reflection high energy electron diffraction indicates growth of an epitaxial Cu (001) film on Si (001) with the intensity of the Bragg rods sharpening during 5–20 nm of Cu film growth. Post-growth x-ray diffraction indicates the Cu film has a mosaic spread of (001) textures of about ±2° and that a small fraction (0.001–0.01) is of (111) textures. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy shows an abrupt Cu/Si interface with no interfacial silicide, and reveals an evolution in texture with Cu thickness so as to reduce the mosaic spread about (001). Moiré contrast suggests a nearly periodic elastic strain field extending into the Cu and Si at the interface. Other aspects of film growth which are critical to epitaxy are also discussed

    Evolution of structural and magnetic properties in Ta/Ni_81Fe_(19) multilayer thin films

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    The interdiffusion kinetics in short period (12.8 nm) Ta/Ni81Fe19 polycrystalline multilayer films has been investigated and related to the evolution of soft magnetic properties upon thermal annealing in the temperature range 300-600-degrees-C. Small angle x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy were used to estimate the multilayer period. Interdiffusion in the multilayers was directly computed from the decay of the satellites near (000) in a small angle x-ray diffraction spectrum. A kinetic analysis of interdiffusion suggests that grain growth is concurrent with grain boundary diffusion of Ta in Ni81Fe19. The evolution of soft magnetic properties of Ni81Fe19, i.e., lowering of 4piM(s) and increase in coercivity H(c), also lend support to the above analysis

    Orientation filtering by growth-velocity competition in zone-melting recrystallization of silicon on SiO_2

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    We describe a method of controlling the in-plane directions of grains in (100)-textured silicon films produced by zone-melting recrystallization over amorphous SiO2. Grains having in-plane orientation within a narrow range are able to grow through an orientation filter consisting of a pattern of crystallization barriers, while grains having other orientations are occluded. The results of experiments using an orientation filter, and the parameters which optimize filter performance, are reported

    Role of hydrogen in hydrogen-induced layer exfoliation of germanium

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    The role of hydrogen in the exfoliation of Ge is studied using cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and multiple-internal transmission mode Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectroscopy and compared with the mechanism in silicon. A qualitative model for the physical and chemical action of hydrogen in the exfoliation of these materials is presented, in which H-implantation creates damage states that store hydrogen and create nucleation sites for the formation of micro-cracks. These micro-cracks are chemically stabilized by hydrogen passivation, and upon annealing serve as collection points for molecular hydrogen. Upon further heating, the molecular hydrogen trapped in these cracks exerts pressure on the internal surfaces causing the cracks to extend and coalesce. When this process occurs in the presence of a handle substrate that provides rigidity to the thin film, the coalescence of these cracks leads to cooperative thin film exfoliation. In addition to clarifying the mechanism of H-induced exfoliation of single-crystal thin Ge films, the vibrational study helps to identify the states of hydrogen in heavily damaged Ge. Such information has practical importance for the optimization of H-induced layer transfer as a technological tool for materials integration with these materials systems

    InGaAs/InP double heterostructures on InP/Si templates fabricated by wafer bonding and hydrogen-induced exfoliation

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    Hydrogen-induced exfoliation combined with wafer bonding has been used to transfer ~600-nm-thick films of (100) InP to Si substrates. Cross-section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows a transferred crystalline InP layer with no observable defects in the region near the bonded interface and an intimately bonded interface. InP and Si are covalently bonded as inferred by the fact that InP/Si pairs survived both TEM preparation and thermal cycles up to 620 °C necessary for metalorganic chemical vapor deposition growth. The InP transferred layers were used as epitaxial templates for the growth of InP/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP double heterostructures. Photoluminescence measurements of the In0.53Ga0.47As layer show that it is optically active and under tensile strain, due to differences in the thermal expansion between InP and Si. These are promising results in terms of a future integration of Si electronics with optical devices based on InP-lattice-matched materials

    Spectroscopic studies of the mechanism for hydrogen-induced exfoliation of InP

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    The motion and bonding configurations of hydrogen in InP are studied after proton implantation and subsequent annealing, using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. It is demonstrated that, as implanted, hydrogen is distributed predominantly in isolated pointlike configurations with a smaller concentration of extended defects with uncompensated dangling bonds. During annealing, the bonded hydrogen is released from point defects and is recaptured at the peak of the distribution by free internal surfaces in di-hydride configurations. At higher temperatures, immediately preceding exfoliation, rearrangement processes lead to the formation of hydrogen clusters and molecules. Reported results demonstrate that the exfoliation dynamics of hydrogen in InP and Si are markedly different, due to the higher mobility of hydrogen in InP and different implant-defect characteristics, leading to fundamental differences in the chemical mechanism for exfoliation
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