2 research outputs found

    Micro-credit Facility for Graduates of Vocational and Technical Institutions as a Panacea to Unemployment in Nigeria

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    Over the time, lack of adequate start-up finance has been identified as one of the most significant barriers to young people seeking to create their own businesses. Infact, it has been observed that the bulk of the problem being encountered by young entrepreneurs is the impaired access to micro credit that can promote establishment of new enterprises and supporting existing ones. Due to their lack of resources, credibility, credit history or collateral, young people are often seen as particularly risky potential clients and therefore face difficulties in accessing finance. The methodological approach adopted in writing this paper was content analysis and after reviewing the prevailing situation, the author observed that vocational and entrepreneurial training alone has not led to and cannot lead to establishment of own business after graduation because it is not only the lack of investable skills and entrepreneurial spirit that is preventing graduates of vocational schools from starting own business after graduation but also unavailability or difficult to access start-up capital. It is therefore suggested that micro lending should be incorporated into vocational education program in order to provide easy to access micro credits for these graduates through micro finance banks for microenterprise development. This will not only ensure that qualified youths with requisite qualification (investable skills and entrepreneurial spirits) have access to such micro credits but also prevent usage of such money for consumption purposes that will lead to no long term benefits. Keywords: Micro-credit Facility, Unemployment, Vocational Institutions Graduate

    Economic Analysis of Snail Meat Consumption InIbarapa Central Local Government Area of Oyo State

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    The study investigates consumption of snail meat in Ibarapa Central Local Government Area of Oyo State using both descriptive statistics and OLS multiple regression techniques. Questions that were addressed by the study include: first, what is the rate of consumption of the snail meat in the study area?  Secondly, what are the determinants of amount spent on the consumption of snail meat ? For the above purpose, cross sectional data were collected from 80 households of the study area through the use of structured questionnaires and oral interview and analyzed to reveal the functional relationship between the consumption of snail meat and some socio-economic characteristics of the respondents.Results indicated that most of the respondents were female, married, between 30 and 39 years and have formal education. Also it was found that most respondents earned between N5, 000 and N9, 999 as income monthly. Quantity (number of snails) of snail meat consumed was found to be high but rate or frequency (number of times) of consumption was low (seasonally). The study found no significant relationship between gender, marital status, age, education and income and consumption level (quantity) of snail meat consumed. However, significant relationship was found between rate (frequency) of snail meat consumption and age, educational level and income.The findings also revealed that apart from income, occupation, price of substitutes and education which were the major determinants of snail meat consumption, the nutritional benefit and taste of snail meat were also important factors that determined its consumption by respondents. It was also found out that majority of snail meat eaters sourced it through traditional hunting while only few people bought it from snail rearers. It is therefore recommended that, more people (especially youths) should go into snail production, since it is easy and cheap to rear because this will not only generate employment opportunities but also ensure all year round availability of the product and thereby make it more affordable for the low income earners. Also Agricultural extension workers in the area should intensify awareness about nutritional and medicinal benefits of snail meat and the need for the people of the area to embrace its consumption. Keywords: Snail meat, Regression, Consumptio