106 research outputs found

    On Gauge Equivalence of Tachyon Solutions in Cubic Neveu-Schwarz String Field Theory

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    Simple analytic solution to cubic Neveu-Schwarz String Field Theory including the GSO(−)GSO(-) sector is presented. This solution is an analog of the Erler-Schnabl solution for bosonic case and one of the authors solution for the pure GSO(+)GSO(+) case. Gauge transformations of the new solution to others known solutions for the NSNS string tachyon condensation are constructed explicitly. This gauge equivalence manifestly supports the early observed fact that these solutions have the same value of the action density.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    Brane-Induced Gravity's Shocks

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    We construct exact gravitational field solutions for a relativistic particle localized on a tensional brane in brane-induced gravity. They are a generalization of gravitational shock waves in 4D de Sitter space. We provide the metrics for both the normal branch and the self-inflating branch DGP braneworlds, and compare them to the 4D Einstein gravity solution and to the case when gravity resides only in the 5D bulk, without any brane-localized curvature terms. At short distances the wave profile looks the same as in four dimensions. The corrections appear only far from the source, where they differ from the long distance corrections in 4D de Sitter space. We also discover a new non-perturbative channel for energy emission into the bulk from the self-inflating branch, when gravity is modified at the de Sitter radius.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4; v4: a sign error corrected; the correction tantamount to swapping normal and self-inflating branch solutions; the only significant change is that the spectacular new instability is on the self-inflating branch in the limit of vanishing brane tension; more details available in hep-th/050203

    10 + 1 to 3 + 1 in an Early Universe with mutually BPS Intersecting Branes

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    We assume that the early universe is homogeneous, anisotropic, and is dominated by the mutually BPS 22'55' intersecting branes of M theory. The spatial directions are all taken to be toroidal. Using analytical and numerical methods, we study the evolution of such an universe. We find that, asymptotically, three spatial directions expand to infinity and the remaining spatial directions reach stabilised values. Any stabilised values can be obtained by a fine tuning of initial brane densities. We give a physical description of the stabilisation mechanism. Also, from the perspective of four dimensional spacetime, the effective four dimensional Newton's constant G_4 is now time varying. Its time dependence will follow from explicit solutions. We find in the present case that, asymptotically, G_4 exhibits characteristic log periodic oscillations.Comment: Latex file, 59 pages, 7 figures. Version 2: A minor correction and a reference added. Version 3: Critical discussion of the main assumptions is added in sections I and VIII; two references added. To appear in Physical Review

    Non-minimally Coupled Cosmological Models with the Higgs-like Potentials and Negative Cosmological Constant

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    We study dynamics of non-minimally coupled scalar field cosmological models with Higgs-like potentials and a negative cosmological constant. In these models the inflationary stage of the Universe evolution changes into a quasi-cyclic stage of the Universe evolution with oscillation behaviour of the Hubble parameter from positive to negative values. Depending on the initial conditions the Hubble parameter can perform either one or several cycles before to become negative forever.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, v4:Section 2 expanded, references added, accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Tachyon Solution in Cubic Neveu-Schwarz String Field Theory

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    A class of exact analytic solutions in the modified cubic fermionic string field theory with the GSO(-) sector is presented. This class contains the GSO(-) tachyon field and reproduces the correct value for the nonBPS D-brane tension.Comment: 17 pages, minor corrections(missing 1/2 is restored

    Nonlocal Gravitational Models and Exact Solutions

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    A nonlocal gravity model with a function f(□−1R)f(\Box^{-1} R), where □\Box is the d'Alembert operator, is considered. The algorithm, allowing to reconstruct f(□−1R)f(\Box^{-1} R), corresponding to the given Hubble parameter and the state parameter of the matter, is proposed. Using this algorithm, we find the functions f(□−1R)f(\Box^{-1} R), corresponding to de Sitter solutions.Comment: 5 pages, v2: refs. added, to appear in the proceedings of the International Workshop "Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries" (SQS'2011), Dubna, Russia, July 18-23, 2011, http://theor.jinr.ru/sqs/2011

    Higher Derivative CP(N) Model and Quantization of the Induced Chern-Simons Term

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    We consider higher derivative CP(N) model in 2+1 dimensions with the Wess-Zumino-Witten term and the topological current density squared term. We quantize the theory by using the auxiliary gauge field formulation in the path integral method and prove that the extended model remains renormalizable in the large N limit. We find that the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory is dynamically induced in the large N effective action at a nontrivial UV fixed point. The quantization of the Chern-Simons term is also discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figure, a minor change in abstract, added Comments on the quantization of the Chern-Simons term whose coefficient is also corrected, and some references are added. Some typos are corrected. Added a new paragraph checking the equivalence between (3) and (5), and a related referenc

    Gauge-invariant gluon mass, infrared Abelian dominance and stability of magnetic vacuum

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    We give an argument for deriving analytically the infrared ``Abelian'' dominance in a gauge invariant way for the Wilson loop average in SU(2) Yang--Mills theory. In other words, we propose a possible mechanism for realizing the dynamical Abelian projection in the SU(2) gauge-invariant manner without breaking color symmetry. This supports validity of the dual superconductivity picture for quark confinement. We also discuss the stability of the vacuum with magnetic condensation as a by-product of this result.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures (4 eps files); version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D; One paragraph is added at each end of sections 3,4 and 5 for comparing the analytical result with the lattice results of my group based on the new formulation, together with the results in the conventional MAG if available. footnote 4 is added, and a reference is added. A number of sentences and phrases are improve

    Descent Relations and Oscillator Level Truncation Method

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    We reexamine the oscillator level truncation method in the bosonic String Field Theory (SFT) by calculation the descent relation =Z_3<V_2|. For the ghost sector we use the fermionic vertices in the standard oscillator basis. We propose two new schemes for calculations. In the first one we assume that the insertion satisfies the overlap equation for the vertices and in the second one we use the direct calculations. In both schemes we get the correct structures of the exponent and pre-exponent of the vertex <V_2|, but we find out different normalization factors Z_3.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, Late

    Large Nongaussianity from Nonlocal Inflation

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    We study the possibility of obtaining large nongaussian signatures in the Cosmic Microwave Background in a general class of single-field nonlocal hill-top inflation models. We estimate the nonlinearity parameter f_{NL} which characterizes nongaussianity in such models and show that large nongaussianity is possible. For the recently proposed p-adic inflation model we find that f_{NL} ~ 120 when the string coupling is order unity. We show that large nongaussianity is also possible in a toy model with an action similar to those which arise in string field theory.Comment: 27 pages, no figures. Added references and some clarifying remark
