3,260 research outputs found

    Large-D Expansion from Variational Perturbation Theory

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    We derive recursively the perturbation series for the ground-state energy of the D-dimensional anharmonic oscillator and resum it using variational perturbation theory (VPT). From the exponentially fast converging approximants, we extract the coefficients of the large-D expansion to higher orders. The calculation effort is much smaller than in the standard field-theoretic approach based on the Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation.Comment: Author Information under http://hbar.wustl.edu/~sbrandt and http://www.theo-phys.uni-essen.de/tp/ags/pelster_di

    Low-Energy Effective Action in Non-Perturbative Electrodynamics in Curved Spacetime

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    We study the heat kernel for the Laplace type partial differential operator acting on smooth sections of a complex spin-tensor bundle over a generic nn-dimensional Riemannian manifold. Assuming that the curvature of the U(1) connection (that we call the electromagnetic field) is constant we compute the first two coefficients of the non-perturbative asymptotic expansion of the heat kernel which are of zero and the first order in Riemannian curvature and of arbitrary order in the electromagnetic field. We apply these results to the study of the effective action in non-perturbative electrodynamics in four dimensions and derive a generalization of the Schwinger's result for the creation of scalar and spinor particles in electromagnetic field induced by the gravitational field. We discover a new infrared divergence in the imaginary part of the effective action due to the gravitational corrections, which seems to be a new physical effect.Comment: LaTeX, 42 page

    The Existence of Einstein Static Universes and their Stability in Fourth order Theories of Gravity

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    We investigate whether or not an Einstein Static universe is a solution to the cosmological equations in f(R)f(R) gravity. It is found that only one class of f(R)f(R) theories admits an Einstein Static model, and that this class is neutrally stable with respect to vector and tensor perturbations for all equations of state on all scales. Scalar perturbations are only stable on all scales if the matter fluid equation of state satisfies cs2>5160.21c_s^2>\frac{\sqrt{5}-1}{6}\approx 0.21. This result is remarkably similar to the GR case, where it was found that the Einstein Static model is stable for cs2>1/5c_s^2>{1/5}.Comment: Minor changes, To appear in PR

    Common vacuum conservation amplitude in the theory of the radiation of mirrors in two-dimensional space-time and of charges in four-dimensional space-time

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    The action changes (and thus the vacuum conservation amplitudes) in the proper-time representation are found for an accelerated mirror interacting with scalar and spinor vacuum fields in 1+1 space. They are shown to coincide to within the multiplier e^2 with the action changes of electric and scalar charges accelerated in 3+1 space. This coincidence is attributed to the fact that the Bose and Fermi pairs emitted by a mirror have the same spins 1 and 0 as do the photons and scalar quanta emitted by charges. It is shown that the propagation of virtual pairs in 1+1 space can be described by the causal Green's function \Delta_f(z,\mu) of the wave equation for 3+1 space. This is because the pairs can have any positive mass and their propagation function is represented by an integral of the causal propagation function of a massive particle in 1+1 space over mass which coincides with \Delta_f(z,\mu). In this integral the lower limit \mu is chosen small, but nonzero, to eliminate the infrared divergence. It is shown that the real and imaginary parts of the action change are related by dispersion relations, in which a mass parameter serves as the dispersion variable. They are a consequence of the same relations for \Delta_f(z,\mu). Therefore, the appearance of the real part of the action change is a direct consequence of the causality, according to which real part of \Delta_f(z,\mu) is nonzero only for timelike and zero intervals.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, revte

    Homogeneous Solutions of Quadratic Gravity

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    It is believed that soon after the Planck time, Einstein's general relativity theory should be corrected to an effective quadratic theory. In this work we present the 3+1 decomposition for the zero vorticity case for arbitrary spatially homogenous spaces. We specialize for the particular Bianchi II diagonal case. The 3- curvature can be understood as a generalized potential, and the Bianchi II case is a limiting case where this potential is negligible to the dynamics. The spirit should be analogous, in some sense to the BKL solution. In this sense, a better understanding of the Bianchi II case could shed some light into the general Bianchi case.Comment: talk presented in the 8th Friedmann Seminar, 30 May - 03 June 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazi

    On vacuum-vacuum amplitude and Bogoliubov coefficients

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    Even if the electromagnetic field does not create pairs, virtual pairs lead to the appearance of a phase in vacuum-vacuum amplitude. This makes it necessary to distinguish the in- and out-solutions even when it is commonly assumed that there is only one complete set of solutions as, for example, in the case of a constant magnetic field. Then in- and out-solutions differ only by a phase factor which is in essence the Bogoliubov coefficient. The propagator in terms of in- and out-states takes the same form as the one for pair creating fields. The transition amplitude for an electron to go from an initial in-state to out-state is equal to unity (in diagonal representation). This is in agreement with Pauli principal: if in the field there is an electron with given (conserved) set of quantum numbers, virtual pair cannot appear in this state. So even the phase of transition amplitude remains unaffected by the field. We show how one may redefine the phases of Bogoliubov coefficients in order to express the vacuum-vacuum amplitude through them.Comment: 20pages, no figures, some typos corrected, minor improvement

    Non-commutative Corrections in Spectral Matrix Gravity

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    We study a non-commutative deformation of general relativity based on spectral invariants of a partial differential operator acting on sections of a vector bundle over a smooth manifold. We compute the first non-commutative corrections to Einstein equations in the weak deformation limit and analyze the spectrum of the theory. Related topics are discussed as well.Comment: 32 Pages, LaTex. Some nonessential typos in intermediate calculations in sect. 3 and 4 are corrected. The final results are the sam

    Integral Equations for Heat Kernel in Compound Media

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    By making use of the potentials of the heat conduction equation the integral equations are derived which determine the heat kernel for the Laplace operator a2Δ-a^2\Delta in the case of compound media. In each of the media the parameter a2a^2 acquires a certain constant value. At the interface of the media the conditions are imposed which demand the continuity of the `temperature' and the `heat flows'. The integration in the equations is spread out only over the interface of the media. As a result the dimension of the initial problem is reduced by 1. The perturbation series for the integral equations derived are nothing else as the multiple scattering expansions for the relevant heat kernels. Thus a rigorous derivation of these expansions is given. In the one dimensional case the integral equations at hand are solved explicitly (Abel equations) and the exact expressions for the regarding heat kernels are obtained for diverse matching conditions. Derivation of the asymptotic expansion of the integrated heat kernel for a compound media is considered by making use of the perturbation series for the integral equations obtained. The method proposed is also applicable to the configurations when the same medium is divided, by a smooth compact surface, into internal and external regions, or when only the region inside (or outside) this surface is considered with appropriate boundary conditions.Comment: 26 pages, no figures, no tables, REVTeX4; two items are added into the Reference List; a new section is added, a version that will be published in J. Math. Phy

    Quantization of Two-Dimensional Gravity with Dynamical Torsion

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    We consider two-dimensional gravity with dynamical torsion in the Batalin - Vilkovisky and Batalin - Lavrov - Tyutin formalisms of gauge theories quantization as well as in the background field method.Comment: 12 pages, LaTe